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6 Weeks to Fitness: Week #6 FINAL!

9 years ago

I apologize for not being more present in last week's thread-- I will go back and join in soon! Traveling kept me busy, even though we weren't gone for long and didn't go too far! It was fantastic for our family (some good bonding time and I didn't miss laundry and dishes!) but I understand how challenging it can be for those of you who do it frequently. How you fit in exercise on the road when your time isn't your own is not easy and didn't go as I planned. We did go swimming a lot (well, playing in the pool with the kids), so that was something, and we were out all the time walking.

I saw my SIL, who lost a lot of weight through surgery and her own self-discipline. She mentioned to me that everyone told her exercise would help her with energy and feeling better, but she didn't agree. She walks on a treadmill. I suggested she add some sort of weight routine to her workout, and she liked that idea. I think if adds that in, not only will it be good for her physically, but she will start to visually see herself as very strong as her muscles become more apparent. To me, women gaining strength is a beautiful thing!

I understand her dilemma, though . . .she thinks it is HER attitude/body not responding correctly to exercise, but these last several weeks have taught me that exercise works, but it takes time to find the right exercise routine. For me, I love variety, so my combo of interval training, yoga (I have quickly fallen in love with yoga), and ballet has been fantastic. I am expecting my ankle/wrist weights to arrive tomorrow, as well as a new DVD focusing on barre work (some of you mentioned a class you take that uses this).

I can't thank all of you enough for jump-starting this new attitude and behavior for me. I stayed up too late last night but forced myself to get back to my routine instead of sleeping in. I find that I make a split decision every morning when the alarm goes off: just do it (exercise) or go back to sleep. I have been making it a habit not to think too hard and just to do it!

If anyone has thoughts/suggestions about keeping this kind of thread going, let me know. I know there are sites out there dedicated to fitness, so I suppose that is always an option, too.

I am off to read the Week 5 thread . . .hope everyone had a good weekend!

Comments (14)

  • outsideplaying_gw
    9 years ago

    Has it been 6 weeks already? Wow! After running that 10k last Monday, I slacked off a few days from running but I did my planks & weights in the house and stretches. Then it was back to the pavement. Saturday I ran 4 miles and Sunday 3. I haven't started the pilates again yet but my instructor has a Wednesday night class that I may attend starting this week. There are also running groups on Tuesday and Thursday nights and I'm going to check those out and see where they meet and when. DH plays senior softball on those nights so it will be a good excuse for me to do something too. I enjoy watching some of his games but then I just sit and that is the problem. Since the sun is peeking out earlier now, I may start running very early in the mornings 1-2 times a week. It sounds dreadful, but in the hot summer it is the only way to do it. BTW, I have lost about 5 lbs. Not really trying to as I don't really 'need' to lose but it feels good!

  • jlj48
    9 years ago

    Just starting. I hadn't worked out at all because I felt guilty. I felt like if my husband wasn't able to due to his long work hours and commute, then neither should I. But I have gained and my clothes aren't fitting. I just joined "My Fitness Pal", and did a brisk walk jog 2 miles this morning so we will see. I eat better when I'm exercising. Heart disease is rampant in my family and with age 50 rapidly approaching, it kind of feels like impending doom ahead. Trying to change the course laid out ahead of me.

  • amj0517
    9 years ago

    I haven't been posting regularly, but I have been exercising more. Yoga class once a week has been wonderful. It's been fun to have time to dedicate to me. I have also found myself making better food choices. It's been fun! Thanks again, Anele!

  • daisychain01
    9 years ago

    Another one who has just started (see stress thread :)

    I've been doing at least a half a hour a day for about a week now and even that little bit is helping.

    Please do keep this thread going. I need all the motivation I can get.

  • Bethpen
    9 years ago

    I'm sitting here whining about having to fit the gym in at 5:15ish tomorrow morning. :) I'm working some extra hours this month due to some new software freak out at work.

    I will get up and go. DH has offered to make sure DS gets up and ready for school.

    Other than whiney I feel great. Stronger and just better all over. I don't know if I mentioned I abandoned the book I was using, but I'm still challenging myself and having fun. I have one more training session to schedule with Norman.

    I'm grateful for the challenge and happy!

    Beth P.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    Oh please let's keep the weekly count going. I've found it very motivating. Though last week wasn't terrific for me, I'm back into it. I managed to still do the 90 second plank and am getting back into my squats. I walked over an hour yesterday and did my weight lifting today, so I'm back in the groove.

    Part of what helped was, I went outlet shopping, and was trying on bathing suits and there has been a substantial reduction in the cellulite on my it's probably 80% gone. And I've had a number of people remark on my weight loss. I was getting frustrated as I was exercising and eating so much better, but my weight plateaued. But now, at least, I can see an actual physical change. So even if my weight isn't going down, my body is definitely shaping up, which is very encouraging.

    And this is a wonderful reminder of how quickly time goes and if we want to do better tomorrow, well, heck, we should just start today. Otherwise we'll wake up tomorrow and realize that June has become August and nothing has changed.

  • anele_gw
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Outside, you've been doing great! I think it's so neat that you had your goal for your run, stuck to it, made it a family event, and just keep going, going, going!

    Joanie, I understand! Strangely, I had it in my mind (for years) that exercise for the sake of exercise was indulgent. My mom always thought exercise should be natural, but we don't (I don't) live natural lives! I think of my dad, who was thin, but died from (untreated) heart disease at 60. I think of my mom, who, aside from walking, has not done weight-bearing exercise. She is thin and eats great, but I am scared if she falls. It would be life-changing if she broke a bone.

    I now realize that an investment like this in myself is for OTHERS, too-- for my husband, my kids, etc. I am really getting more and more concerned for my husband. He is thin, but his eating habits are awful and he does not exercise. He has signs of cholesterol issues in his EYES and he is only 41. It really has so little to do with appearance. This is about not being dependent on others, and just taking care of what we have to the best of our abilities. If you don't take care of you, how will you be there for your DH? I think it is fantastic that you have taken those first steps to invest in your future and am so glad you are here!!!

    Amj, that warms my heart! Yay!!!

    Daisy, I used to be a teacher. Big hugs to you. I need to go back to work eventually, but the thought of being a teacher now is terrifying. I loved it when I did it . . .it consumed me! Things are constantly changing, and sadly, not for the better. (Though I hope the tide will change.) I am thrilled that you are here and have begun! I find yoga to be fantastic for my brain and feel so good physically while I do it. If you are interested, I will share the DVD I got for beginners.

    Beth, woo hoo! I remember you saying that about the book. How is Norman? Are you going to stop for a bit with him and then go back as needed? Have fun at the gym!

    Annie, that is all so amazing. How the heck did you reduce cellulite?? What do you think did it? I have started the plank challenge, too, though I am not up to 90 by any means. I very much agree that weight changing isn't the point. I think the best measure is the way clothes fit . . .the way you feel in them, and out of them!

    And yes, EXACTLY!!! Time will pass whether or not we do anything, so what will we choose?

    So, what should we do after this? I initially did 6 weeks because 8 seemed too long and 4 too short. A part II for 6 weeks or ???

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    Sure we can do another 6 weeks...6x2! A full dozen weeks would be amazing, but in 2 parts it seems so much more doable.

    I had a lot of cellulite reduction when I was doing Schwartzbein Principle. Then I fell off that and struggled to get back. So I went on a cleanse and that really helped get me going again. I now do the green smoothies for breakfast which give me so much energy it's amazing. The rest of it is eating a lot more veggies and protein and cutting back on the unhealthy carbs. This includes cutting out alcohol. Not that I drank a wine spritzer in the evening...but with my drink, I'd chow down on the cheese and crackers til I was full...and then have dinner...not good!

    For a lot of people, excess carbs means belly fat (think beer belly), but for me, while I do gain some there, it really goes to my hips and thighs.

  • jlj48
    9 years ago

    So glad to hears others posting. YES lets keep this going. It is helping me. Just trying to go one day at a time and honestly, after one exercise sessions, I feel better and have more energy. Now if I can just get the food under control...
    Thank you for starting this Anele :)

  • outsideplaying_gw
    9 years ago

    Amen to keeping it going! We need each other as much as we need to keep exercising! And thank you, Anele, for starting this and keeping us all motivated!

    Annie, that is wonderful that you have seen such great results! (We call it 'cottage cheese' here instead of that dreadful 'cellulite', lol.). I think it's normal to plateau when you're losing weight, so don't worry.

    And bethpen, I'll bet one day soon you're going to notice some inches and pounds disappearing! If you are weight training, watching what and how much you eat, and getting at least 3 days of cardio a week, you should be seeing a difference real soon. I think I read of your struggles on the other thread. No matter, just wanted to keep encouraging you here. Talk to Norman and maybe he will have some suggestions for you to continue on your own.

    Life happens in the middle of things we're doing. The important thing for us all to remember is that we just need to resume our exercise activities, just like we'd pick up and go back to our jobs.

  • anele_gw
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Annie, you're right! 12 weeks sounds a little overwhelming, even though I am hoping this is a permanent change for me! Breaking it up sounds more attainable.

    I looked up the Schwartzbein Principle. I absolutely agree with it. I hadn't heard of it before, but intuitively felt those things to be true and strive for them. I like the fact that stress management is part of it, because I feel sometimes that extra weight IS stress, just sitting there and we hold onto it. I don't know if I will ever get rid of my cellulite. When I was a teen and had amenorrhea from low weight, I still had it. (Genetics, though my mom has none!) But, I also never had any muscle tone (ever) to speak of, so here's to hoping muscles help lift everything!

    I am going to try out your smoothie recipe soon. I have not changed my diet, really, but have been noticing how uncomfortable I feel after certain foods. Not bloated or sick, just that it sort of sits in me.

    Joanie, yay!!!! RE the food, don't worry about it being in control. That can be a scary word, because the opposite is "out of control." Instead, I believe in focusing on adding-- adding foods that make you feel good, not just while you eat them, but for the next several hours.

    Outside, thanks so much. I agree that exercise should be part of daily life. Today I woke up very crampy (period), but I did my workout anyway. I felt good doing it. Sort of feel like I should do more since I feel bad again, but I didn't get my usual, bloated PMS . . .I am hoping it was my regular exercise that did it!

    I used my weights on my wrists for my upper body/interval workout. It was great. The routine was getting boring since I had done it so many times/was used to it, but the weights made it a step more challenging, inc the cardio portion.

    Yesterday I did the Booty Barre (haha) workout. It went by very quickly and I felt some good ol' burning, so I liked it a lot.

    I no longer feel the effects of any workout in my rotation in terms of slightly sore muscles the next day so I'm a little concerned about that . . .

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

  • localeater
    9 years ago

    I have not been been participating in your 6 week event but I have been reading and inspired. When it started I was in quite a funk and didnt feel able to commit for fear of another thing to fail at....
    I did manage to get myself motivated a few weeks in and started increasing my exercise, I even went for a 10 mile bike ride a couple of times.
    So please, do another 6.

  • anele_gw
    Original Author
    9 years ago

    Localeater, yay to you!!!! That is awesome about your bike rides!

    And please, do NOT feel like this is something else to fail. Set the bar as low as you need to. Really. Set it so low that you CAN'T fail.

    So, I will post again tomorrow to set us up for the next 6 weeks, cycle II!

    Thanks, again, everyone, for participating. I accomplished my goals for the first 6 weeks yesterday. Maybe I am not a quitter after all!

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    9 years ago

    I agree to setting the bar low.

    I'm not a runner at all, but I decided to get into it. I worked my way up to running 3 miles every a.m. before work. The way I did it was to set the rule that today I have to go further than yesterday. The further could've been only 50', but it just had to be further. Took quite awhile, but it happened.

    Unfortunately it all went south with the herniated disks in my I'm a walker.

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