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another new week

14 years ago

Well, I stopped in and started a new post this morning and obviously did not click the submit button so it's not here!

I just wanted to say hello and to mention that I posted a couple new pictures. However, I was messing with photobucket and trying to get them all the right direction and ended up putting them over on the Discussion side instead of on the Gallery! What can I say? It's just been one of those days! You'll know what I mean when you look at my post over there!

Hope the rest of you had a smoother day than I did, and that your weekend was great.


Comments (10)

  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    Good Evening,

    Belle, want to let you know I received my books and thank you for sending them. What a nice surprise. Now I must know how you have my address. I went through my books and I don't have anything your wanting. Most of my books are Christmas, flowers or landscapes.

    Luvs, you've been busy and I enjoyed your birds and halloween blocks. I really like the way you painted the little ghosts, bats and spiders.

    I've had computer problems again so it was nice DS came down tonight and got me up and running again. These new computers can be a real pain. I deal with them everyday at work so I refuse to do much with them after work.

    Last evening when I was almost ready to go home my key board and mouse can crashing down in my lap. I called a cabinet maker this morning and he is going to get that fixed. Seems like things are not what they could be lately. I will say my prayers and hope they are answered and maybe things will change.LOL

    Great seeing all the new projects this evening and again Thanks to Belle for sending the books my way.


  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Hey guys....Where to begin? ha I pulled something in my back Sat so been in slow mode this week. Had to put DH's car in the shop so I've been the taxi service. Didn't get home last night until almost 11. A lot of stuff going on here at home has me running. DH asked me last night if I can go ahead and put up the Christmas tree and get all the Christmas boxes out of his garage so he can start parking in the garage before the snows really hit so I will be working on that today. Have never put up my tree before Thanksgiving before. Oh well. Still trying to slowly get boxes put back into the attic. Hopefully won't hurt my back more trying to get that done.
    Ran by the TS on my way back from taking DH to work yesterday. Found a cute cracker jar for $1 and a 3 jar set for $3 that I will probably use to put candy in for one of my 12 days of Christmas gifts. Oh and the cutest long legged Santa to possibly wrap around a jar or bottle or something. Found one painting mag for .25 cents, but was in such a rush I didn't really even look at it until later. Only has one thing in it that I like, but for .25 cents ya can't go wrong. ha
    Luvs~I so hate it when I lose posts. See you've been posting all over the place lately. ha You must be rushed. Will have to go check out your pics later. Almost time for me to hit the shower before the second wave wakes up. ha
    Punk~ glad you weren't injured in the crash! I really need to go thru my books and pass some of them on if I can ever have the time.
    Ok, gotta dash. Hope you all have a great day. Kids get out of school early today and no school tomorrow, but they have scouts and orthodontics appts so don't know if I'll get to paint. =(
    What is everyone eating for Thanksgiving this year? We are having pretty much the same as every other year....Turkey, Ham, Cornbread Dressing, AuGratin Potatoes, Cooked Carrots, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Gravy, Mac n Cheese, Corn, Pear Salads, Rolls, Punch, Chocolate and Pecan Pies, and more. We should be thankful to have such bounty! ha Cya~ Anj

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Good morning, Seems like everyone is busy, busy, busy--or like me and not having much to post about! LOL

    Punk, I'm glad you got your computer fixed, I know how frustrating that can be! I just messed something up on mine--was trying to organize some pictures of ideas I had saved and ended up losing a bunch of the ones I already had saved. I know they are still on my computer somewhere, just have to find out where I accidently sent them! LOL (Can you tell I'm not computer literate?)

    Anj, so good to hear from you. Things are so busy at your house--gives me a mental image of one of those little hamsters spinning on that wheel! LOL If you've already hurt your back, how in the world are you going to move boxes and put up the Christmas tree? You better have the kids form a line and pass the boxes from one to the other to get them where they need to be--like a bucket brigade! LOL

    DIL asked to host Thanksgiving this year so I will just be bringing whatever she assigns to me. She is really into healthy food so other than the turkey, I'm not sure what's on the menu. We always like homemade noodles, so DH asked me to volunteer to bring those--hey, you gotta have some starches, right? Our "traditonal" family meal contained lots of starches--noodles, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, etc. I'm planning on buying a turkey to cook here at home too, like having those good turkey sandwiches and other leftovers the rest of the week!

    You are right about my posts! Posted pics on Discussions, and my post for here ended up on exchanges. I've got to stop posting when I'm in a hurry so I can pay better attention to what I am doing! LOL

    I finished two projects at least, now I need to select one of my many waiting patterns and get busy on the next thing. I really enjoy the painting part, but have such a hard time deciding what to paint and what surface to paint it on! Decisions, decisions! LOL

    We are all truly blessed with so much, but if you read PF's post this morning, you know she is hurting over the problem her GS is having. Let's all keep them in our thoughts and prayers too.


  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    Good Evening,

    What a week. Can't get PF off my mind and wondering how Anj is feeling. Life is tough and some how we manange to get through.

    Anj, first of all, how are you feeling? Sounds like you made off quite well at the TS. I didn't crash, I just went all over the road but stayed on it.LOL Now! Your TG Dinner sounds wonderful. Still not sure what I'm going to do. Will probably cook a dinner here but we may go out. DD said if we want to go to her home she will make pizza and laughed hard.

    Where's that Belle at? Did DGS have another game tonight?

    Bebe if you come here to read this please let us know how DGS's appointment went. I'm still sick over this so know how much all of you are hurting.

    Luvs, I love homemade noodles. How do you make yours? I have my GM noodle cutter so it's always fun to make noodles with the girls in the family. I can relate to healthy eating. DD is very thin and works out every day. I've gained 35lbs this year so I'm no longer thin.

    I haven't been able to spend as much time here as I'd like but thanks for always being here for us. Hope all of you are well and thinga start looking up.


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Punk, homemade noodles were a staple where I grew up in the midwest, we had them often cooked either in beef broth or poultry broth. DH absolutely loves them, and doesn't think the holiday is complete without them! For four of us, I just beat up two eggs with a fork, sprinkle in a little salt & pepper, then stir in flour until it will form a fairly firm "ball". Turn that out on a floured surface and roll until the dough is about 1/4 inch thick. Cut them into strips and leave to dry a bit. To cook, bring broth to a boil and drop the noodles in a few at a time and stir with a fork to separate. Turn the heat down to a simmer, put a lid on the pot and cook about 20-30 minutes until cooked through.

    I got a couple pieces cut out today, but they are big santa faces that I've painted before. I gave my first one away, so want to make one for a friend and for myself as well. They are pretty simple so should be a quick project. I have several patterns picked out that I would like to paint--just trying to figure out what surface to paint them on!

    I tease Anj allot because she is always so busy, but I do worry about her doing so much--don't know where she finds the energy. I sure miss her being able to stop by for a quick morning "chat"--she had me spoiled the last couple years.

    Oh, before I forget--Punk, please check your email, I sent my address.



  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    I just sent you an email so hopefully you will get it. I don't check my email much so a heads up here is always a great idea. Let me know if you get my reply. I will get them in the mail Monday or Tuesday. I have early meetings on Mondays so if I can't get them to the PO before I'll have to wait until Tues.

    I make my noodles the same except for every egg I use, I add a half an egg shell of milk. I usually freeze mine so I have them when I make soup. They are making me hungry. A friend of mine was telling me this week that she adds sugar and they are more like a sweet treat. She cooks them in milk.


  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Happy 2am!! I went to bed fairly early tonight....even skipped supper, but woke up at 12:30 with my back hurting. Couldn't get comfortable so decided some ibuprofen was in order, but couldn't take it on an empty stomach....toast and honey with some milk. Now I'm awake. Luckily nobody has to be anywhere tomorrow that I know of. Need to straighten up my house and can maybe find some time to paint?? know sometimes I really feel like that hamster in the wheel. ha Thanks for worrying about me. Punk, I have a birth defect that allows my lower spine to slip around so it pinches the nerves running down my legs. Never know what will hurt it. I could just twist wrong. Can't let it slow me down too much. Been dealing with it since I was about 14. I have an inversion table that helps keep it in line, but I do tend to overdo it more than I should and it gets enflamed.
    I'm gonna have to try ya'lls homemade noodles. I'm a pasta person for sure so I know I'd love em!! Thanks for sharing your recipes.
    Luvs~ I miss our chats too. Need to try to get here in the early mornings when I'm waiting to take DD to ball practice. Can't promise that my post would make much sense at that time of the morning though. ha I'm pretty out of it. Like I'm much better at 2am?? ha Guess I'll go play one of those mindless games to try to put myself back to sleep. I'll try to get back here later today. I spent a good deal of time going thru my books and picking out some patterns. Found a couple to match up with the surfaces I wanted to use so hope to get busy.
    Hopefully this isn't too wishy washy. ha Later. ~Anj

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Good morning! I'm debating whether I'm going to stay up or go crawl back into my nice warm bed--only got up because the dogs were telling me they needed to go outside!

    Anj, so sorry your back wouldn't let you sleep. Hope it will start feeling better soon. Not fun to lay there and keep trying to find a position where it won't hurt. Hope you were able to get back to sleep for a few hours at least.

    DH wasn't home last evening, so I pulled out some of my old mags with Christmas patterns and browsed a bit. Funny how I see new things each time I look at them--or maybe my tastes change through the years. Just looking gets me "inspired" and "motivated" to get busy and paint something. I even enjoy seeing and reading the details of some of the ones I probably would never actually paint! LOL I also run across some that I had "planned" to paint and haven't gotten around to yet. I kept a few of those out so I would be reminded.

    Punk, the milk you add to your noodles probably allows you to add more flour and make more from the number of eggs and might make them a little fluffier too. I'll have to try that sometime. My DH even likes to have a few added to homemade potato noodle soup! Talk about starches! LOL Anj, if you've not had them, you will have to give them a try--they really are yummy and very filling. I think we talked one time, and you said you usually make "dumplings" instead of noodles--I like those too.

    Well, the dogs have curled back up to nap, it is sort of overcast and cool this morning, and other than housework I don't have anything I have to do--so I think I will go crawl back into bed for an hour or so. I know, I know, I should just go paint on my projects--but it's sorta chilly and the bed is so waaarmm and I'm feeling sorta laaazzzzy! (Yawn--stretch--yawn, I'll catch you all later!) ;o)


  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    Hello, I hope what you two have isn't contagious.haha I don't want to be an early riser on my days off. I spent most of the day organizing my Halloween decorations and bringing Christmas over to the house. It's nice to have a large shop but should of built it right beside the house and to top it off, I put most upstairs over there.LOL

    Anj, your back must be hard to deal with at times. I know my has gotten to the point it hurts most days and I have a hard time getting comfortable to go to sleep at night. I've never had it looked at but don't remember having any issues until the past few years.

    Luvs, I'll bet your right on with making the noodles fluffier. I hadn't made fast noodles until about 10 years ago. We use to let ours dry 2 days it seemed like. I rarely use boughten noodles in my chicken noodly soup. However, DH has just started eating rice so I use it more since it cooks so fast.

    Sounds like I better figure out what I want to paint next. My life seems to busy to even think about it. I clean and then I can't stand it and make a mess I guess. I must be getting slower.LOL

    It was good to hear from both of you. Luvs, did you get my email? I'll close and go check out the Holidays before heading to bed.


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Hi Punk, yes, I got your email and replied. I've accepted you in my contacts now so shouldn't have any problems in the future with my spam blocker.

    There's a craft show going on today that I would like to go to, but DS is bringing GD over at 11:00 and the show doesn't start until 10:00. I might call and tell him I will pick her up since the show is close to where they live. She could go with me--or I could go, then swing by and pick her up--decisions, decisions! LOL

    Not allot going on to talk about, so I'll check the other forum and get busy with some vacuuming.

    I'll check back in tonight.


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