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Need ideas/advice for a built-in seat in shower stall

Lynn Nevins
7 years ago

My mom is re-doing her bathroom and getting rid of the full size bathtub and putting in its place a shower stall. It will take up the same footprint as the tub so it will be a 'long' shower stall. It will have a glass wall, one part which will be 'fixed' glass and another with a glass door that opens out into the bathroom.
We are considering ideas for a 'seat' in the shower, the obvious options being a built in tile seat or else a bamboo seat affixed to the tile, and which can fold up.
I like the idea of bamboo as it adds a 'nature' element and if it could fold up, that's also good for others using the shower who don't want to use the seat and want it out of the way. However, I imagine that even with bamboo, over time the wood may start to turn or rot. But I also imagine if need be, we could simply replace it every few years, and that so long as there are stainless steel arms that affix the seat to the tiled wall, that it would not cause any damage to replace the bamboo seat.
I think a built in tile seat would not only be less attractive imho (I like the natural look of bamboo) but also a tile seat would likely get more slippery as you are 'soaping up'....I'd suspect more chance of slipping off a soapy tile seat than a soapy bamboo one.
Then there's the option of a nice high quality plastic type of seat, that would fold up. But likely there aren't as many available to select from as there might be bamboo seats, and any plastic seats may not look as 'rich' or come in colors to match all kinds of tile (the tile in the show will be a light grey color).
So.... any thoughts/comments?
Thanks all very much!!

Comments (11)

  • hcbm
    7 years ago

    If your mom is planning on aging in place or currently has any mobility issues I would consider a seat that is moveable. There are many very attractive teak or plastic benches that would satisfy the natural look, space issue and provide a way for the seat to be adjusted to be in or out of the flow of the water. Remember that replacing the fold up seat may not be simple and may not be in production several years later.

  • Lynn Nevins
    Original Author
    7 years ago

    Thanks. My mom did mention possibly one of those white plastic chairs but not only are they unattractive (which they needn't be...someone just needs to care enough to design them nicer) but...then there's the issue of where to PUT the chair when she's not using it in the shower.

    However, it so happens we were also talking about potentially getting a teak/bamboo bench that's not too 'deep', to potentially put against the currently open side of the bathroom wall. This way folks can sit on the bench while drying if they want, and then the bench could possibly have a lower shelf too, on which to store things. So in this vein, it did occur to me that maybe we could get ONE bench that serves both purposes....goes in the shower when someone wants to sit, and then is put back outside the shower, and against the wall, when done. The only caveat however manageable will it be getting the bench in and out of the shower... fitting through the door angle...and the weight of the bench...

  • hcbm
    7 years ago

    It sounds like your mom may need a bench if she is talking about the medical white seats. If there is room to put in a built in bench, isn't there room to leave a small attractive seat. When not in use it sits in the corner and can hold shampoo or be a place to rest your leg while you shave.

    There are many beautiful benches in plastic and wood. Do a search and you will find many.

    Plantation Teak Deluxe Corner Shower Bench With Shelf · More Info

    This is just one of hundreds of examples you can find.

    If you plan to take it in and out of the shower remember that what you can move and lift may not be what your mom can move.

    As someone who is facing mobility issues I know that what you need changes and a built in bench would work for me now but not in a couple of years.

  • Annette Holbrook(z7a)
    7 years ago

    My guest room shower has a folding teak bench attached to the back wall. It has been very nice to have and still looks nice after 5+ years.

    On my new shower I'm looking at doing this again. I rarely use the bench in my own shower but do appreciate it on those rare occasions I do.

    Personally I'd prefer a non permanent bench. Something I could change out if I want to have a different design. My issue is that I'm planning on a river rock floor in my shower so a bench may not sit flat.

  • PRO
    Joseph Corlett, LLC
    7 years ago

    You don't go into a shower to sit. Ladies may need a toe hold for leg shaving but that's about it.

  • roarah
    7 years ago

    Oh but Jospeh I love to place my rump on my stump while holding my high water pressure hand wand and clean my feet at the end of the day before bed! Also, my stump works well for a leg up while shaving too.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    If you are talking mobility issues, install backing for grab bars while you have the opportunity. If there is a movable bench involved, you also need a nonmovable support bar. With a movable chair or bench, I would be concerned that someone might accidentally knock it out of position with a slip or trip and not be able to steady himself.

  • Lynn Nevins
    Original Author
    7 years ago

    Thanks everyone. And love the 'stump' idea. Certainly adds that 'nature' element!

  • elpaso1
    7 years ago

    I converted a tub area to a shower for my mom and did a corner tile bench. Shower has a handheld shower head on a flexible/ expandable hose. Bench is in corner along long wall on opposite wall from shower head

  • cpartist
    7 years ago

    Make sure to make the shower curbless.