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Friday 3/27 - Hope everyone is healthy

4 years ago

We’re starting to learn of more friends of friends testing positive for Covid19. I don’t know that we know anyone first hand that is positive.

Our County is implementing a “Safer at Home” policy starting tonight after a few days of back and forth between the mayors and the county commissioners. The mayor wanted safe at home days ago, the county people disagreed. County can override the City.

It would be so much easier if the Governor would make some statewide rulings.

Like it or not politics is a part of this pandemic.

Comments (36)

  • 4 years ago

    All is well here. So far I don't know anyone who has tested positive - directly or indirectly. Tonight we start our statewide "stay at home" lockdown. Won't be much different than what I've been doing but DH can no longer go to his company nor can the couple of production people who have been completing remaining work in progress. Hopefully this will only continue for two weeks as they do have some work to be completed which would bring in some $ and allow him to continue to pay a few people for part-time hours.

    We have never spent two continuous weeks together. This should be interesting. We spent much of our adult life traveling for business. When that wound down we wondered if we'd still get along. We have but one or both of us at work much of the time. Now no one can escape to the cabin and he can't escape to his office.

    I ordered some shelving from Costco yesterday that remarkably will be here today - a project for us. He will assemble and I will organize some stuff in the basement storage area. It's supposed to be rainy and possibly rain/snow mix this weekend so perfect time to do it.

  • 4 years ago

    I have a friend from book club who tested inconclusive; however, her doctor thinks she does have Covid-19 because of her symptoms, fever, cough, partial collapsed lung. . She was not hospitalized and each day she is feeling better, thankfully. At one point she felt she would not make it. She is 75.

    I have not had contact with another human in 16 days. If I get Covid, it would be from groceries or take out that has been delivered (all take out is pre-packaged meals from a local health food place).

    Today is an exceptionally busy day for me. My goal is to get 10,000 steps in by noon, vacuum three stairs, change sheets, watch the final episode of How To Clean

    Toilets for Dummies and then watch The Blacklist.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    We are feeling fine. Well, except that it is heavy pollen season here and it’s rough to sit or work outside in this beautiful weather and then feel the effects of that.

    The only person remotely ‘close’ to us who has tested positive is the fiancé of my cousin’s daughter. He is a Nurse Practitioner in a hospital in Birmingham, which has the highest number of Covid cases in the state. She is a PA in the same hospital so is home taking care of him until quarantine is over.

    My DD worked a couple of days in the hospital’s flu and fever clinic that was set up. She said it was unbelievable the number of people who came in with unrelated illness who would insist on a Covid test. One had lower back pain. Another had seasonal allergies (did not meet any criteria for a test) and said he was going to sue her because she refused to give him a test. Crazy what the medical staff have to go through.

    Feels like Groundhog Day every day, doesn’t it?

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    My colleague whose sibling tested positive told me earlier this week that he had started experiencing symptoms. We are all working remotely and I haven't had an opportunity to ask if he's been tested. I believe that overall he's doing ok, continuing to isolate at home. I can see when he's logged in and working, so am glad to know he is still functioning ok.

    I'm feeling better, although I again experienced breathing difficulties last night. The air has been very heavy with humidity though, which was likely an exacerbating factor. Today I have a telemedicine appointment to address my eye stye with my doctor. Oh, the fun just never ends!

    I'm reading a biography about Everett Ruess, a young explorer who mysteriously disappeared in the Escalante region of Utah canyon country in the 1930s. I've been fascinated by his story for many years and have read pretty much anything I can get my hands on about him. He was a writer and artist, and this particular book puts forth the theory that he suffered from a bipolar disorder, which actually explains a good deal about the young man. Anyway, it's so interesting and I love reading about many of the remote canyons where my own feet have trod.

    This is one of Everett's watercolors:

    And if I had an extra ten grand just lying around, I would totally spring for these block prints!

    Other than that, just making the best of being at home, which I enjoy anyway, and trying not to worry about my loved ones.

  • 4 years ago

    I am doing just fine. Have been getting groceries by curbside pickup, usually letting what I can sit for 3 days (takes 3 days for the virus to depart plastic bags) before bringing in the house. Of course, can't do that with refrigerator/freezer items. Did place an order with Costco which will be delivered. I am concerned about one of my granddaughters - one of her employees was tested for the virus Wednesday, outcome won't be available until tomorrow.

    Because my car needs to be driven, I am planning on driving to my daughter's Sunday, but not getting out of the car. We will blow kisses to each other and talk at 6' or more apart.

    We will get through this. More people seem to be taking it seriously now. Hopefully, by the summer it will all be over.

  • 4 years ago

    We are good. It's a beautiful spring day here. Curbside pick up of fresh halibut and some other groceries scheduled today; we might go in the convertible for cheap thrills.

  • 4 years ago

    Ida, I am sorry to hear of your continued health challenges.

    Today I went out for an hour bike ride on the greenway. Fell into some muddy ground as I was starting back at the turnaround where construction is taking place. Seems I only hurt my pride, thank goodness, and no damage to the bike.

    This afternoon:

    2 hours virtual student advising

    1 hour virtual meeting

    Ordering takeout for dinner

    DH is looking forward to a weekend out of the office.

  • 4 years ago

    Ida, my daughter has a telemedicine apptmt Tuesday. I wonder how popular they will become "after" this. Hopefully you can address the Stye and the continued breathing issues, you've been a very patient patient.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    DH found out last night that he was exposed to the coronavirus last Wednesday while playing doubles tennis, his last match before his club’s courts were closed. The infected friend is a physician, who is now recovering at home. At the time I tried to convince DH not to play but he assured me he would practice social distancing and hand hygiene (really dumb I think.) So far he has no symptoms, but we know that means absolutely nothing. He will not be going anywhere for the next few days, not that we have been going out except for exercise and to walk the dog. I just did the weekly grocery shopping, which is usually something he does. To say that I am upset with him is an understatement.

  • 4 years ago

    @Ida I too am sorry to hear of your continued health issues. I hope things improve quickly.

    I found out earlier this week that my cousin's adult kid, wife and toddler all tested positive and are quarantined (in Seattle). They are recovering.

    I've seen more people walking by my street than I've every seen. Partly due to being at home, and the fact that I've set up my "work office" in the dining room, complete with a new chair.

  • 4 years ago

    We're on day 7 of self-isolation with no symptoms. Fingers crossed. No one I know has been tested for the virus. I watched the USNS Mercy sail into Long Beach. Our contractor continues to works on projects outside the house.

  • 4 years ago

    We are doing good - the beautiful weather has been wonderful. Although I have not been puttering around outside today as I have the last two days - I have paid for it (allergies). We are used to being together, hubby is self employed and works from home. Today he made some deliveries and is now working at our church (alone). I am going out in a bit for an allergy shot and banking (drive through). I will need to pick up a few groceries in the next few days. Although cases of the virus have risen in our state, our area of the state is still very low. I don't know anyone, even indirectly, with the virus. Looking forward to planting a new rose bush, replacing an azalea and adding some more creeping phlox and candy tuft tomorrow. Hope you are back to normal soon Ida!

  • 4 years ago

    I hope all who have tested positive recover quickly. We haven't been exposed, as far as we know, but we're being pretty careful, although that really doesn't seem to matter.

  • 4 years ago

    So far, so good. I ventured into Whole Foods seniors-only when it opened at 8am. Got pretty much everything I was after. What surprised me was their fully stocked and staffed meat and fish departments. Lots of shelf goods, more than was indicated online. Fresh produce was depleted and I felt fortunate to get my 2-dozen limit of eggs, only the ultra expensive ones, natch.

  • 4 years ago

    We're good. Don't know anyone tested and/or positive. My stye is on the mend as I expected. DH is working from home.

    The Foster Dog and my Cricket are crazy playing driving our poor Betty up the wall. I'm stuck in a hole of self pity, but took a shower and got dressed in real clothes to try and turn it around. Getting on my Pilates reformer will help, but my shoulder is tweaked from seeping with the dogs on the blow-up bed, not that it's been a bad thing! I ran all my errands for the foreseeable future on Wednesday so we're good for a while.

    Weather in So. Call supposed to be nice and warm next week. That will help me significantly. My goal is to continue to network the jobs I'm in the process of, tackle some projects around the house and sew some bags/aprons for our rescue group's next FB auction.

  • 4 years ago

    I am feeling fine. I know of no one who has had covid-19 personally or at a slight distance.

    I'm nervous however as my mentally ill sister has no supplies and I am one of the three caregivers for her and it is my turn to go see her.

    There will be no face to face she will go into her bedroom and I will unpack groceries Etc that I have already cleaned. I will wear a fresh mask and just washed gloves.

    That means I have to go get groceries which will be my first sojern outside is 16 days. There are no delivery services anywhere near where she is!

    I plan on wearing a scarf and washing my hands frequently and constantly.

    I never thought I would be so afraid to go outside but this is essential for her. There is no one else.

    This should be on the what I wish I had done before the covid-19 shutdown and that is I wish I had brought my sister here to stay. I can't even hug her. Breaks my heart.

  • 4 years ago

    Hanging in here. Sun is out. Going to go catch some rays and fresh air now.

  • 4 years ago

    DS is on day 9 of coronavirus. He thinks he may be getting better, but he gets tired very easily.

  • 4 years ago

    We learned today that someone working in my building (in a different department) was hospitalized with the virus. My employer provided testing if we wanted it and they are decontaminating the building over the weekend. I did get tested (a very quick but unpleasant experience) and should get results Monday.

    I really feel for our medical center personnel. It’s 85 degrees and they were working in the parking lot in scrubs, plastic gowns, face masks, and gloves all day.


  • 4 years ago

    The sun came out and it's 58 degrees so I took the Christmas lights off my deck and put my deck furniture out. I also got so sick of the little snow pile outside my office window that I went out and shoveled it out into the yard so it would melt faster. We could still get more snow but hopefully not. MN Governor is sounding like he's going to allow golf courses to open with suitable precautions. Hopefully that will be the case or DH will go out of his mind.

  • 4 years ago

    Suero ...hope your son recovers quickly and fully.

  • 4 years ago

    We have been home for 14 days after returning from Florida., only going for walks and car rides. One of my friends and her husband feels they had the virus 2 weeks ago after spending a weekend in NYC. She said she lost all taste and smell and slept for 12 hours straight and then went back to bed for a nap. He had a respiratory symptoms and a fever but at the time the testing wasn't available here. They both are in their 70's and have recovered nicely. Its been a beautiful day here in MA. We have lived in the same house for 33 years and live in a very walkable area but I I have never seen so many people walking !! As Gooster says it must be because everyone is home. Ida hope you are on the road to recovery and Bonnie sending good vibes to your husband for a hopefully negative test results. My nephew is a police office and told my sister that her neighbor have Corvid19 and was told " to keep it under her hat"..yesterday she left a note telling the mailman and today she had a different mail man. Lots of problems out there, wishing everyone strength and good health.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    All is well with my family. It’s been a beautiful couple of days here, nice and sunny. Every time I start getting antsy, bored and just plain fed up, I remind myself how I would hate to live in a cold place during this epidemic or how much more horrible it would be if there were a food shortage. Today was meant to be my hair appointment, but, cancelled. In the meantime, I really need to make better use of my time of sticking around the house. I do better with time crunches than all the time in the world.

    Suero, I hope your son gets better soon!

  • 4 years ago

    Interesting cran - we haven't had a mail delivery in 3 days - no idea why.

    DH and I are both well, as are our DSs, DIL and DGd. They are all so far away and that's the distressing part. Although even if we were close and someone was ill we couldn't tend each other, I don't know of anyone personally who has tested positive or had what they believe to be Covid19 but that will certainly change.

  • 4 years ago

    We are under a “Stay at Home” Order issued by our mayor. A “family” decided to have a cookout last night in their backyard. There were a total of 10 people at the cookout but only 4 of them actually lived in the house. The police showed up and dispersed the “family,” threatening fines and jail time, both of which are allowed under the Order. I keep putting “family“ in quotes because there is some doubt that the 10 were anything but just friends. The ringleader decided to take to Twitter about how he had been wronged. He was met with strong condemnation from the other citizens who chose to respond. Sounds like we have 10 nominees for the Darwin Awards!

    DSIL has discovered that he was exposed, but it was more than 2 weeks ago. He works in healthcare administration but away from the hospital campus. He consulted with one of the infectious disease specialists at the hospital who told him to keep an eye on his temp, but because it had been 2 weeks with no symptoms, the doc thinks DSIL is in no danger.

  • 4 years ago

    Suero , I’m sorry your son has not been well. Hope he recovers quickly And completely.

    im fine and hope I stay that way since we have increasing numbers all around us. Just heard that people are coming from NY to our area to get treatment since they cant get it there.

    So far my mental health is suffering the most. Bored a lot and my mother is driving me nuts. On the happier side, since there is so little traffic I’ve been going for very long walks each day.

  • 4 years ago

    Suero...positive thoughts being sent for your DS's quick (as quick as it can be) and full recovery. So sorry to hear he has covid.

  • 4 years ago

    I work with people who have tested positive. We haven't shared office space for 7 days now. I'm trying to stay busy and ignore what may be as best as possible.

  • 4 years ago

    3katz, here in Orlando golf courses are about the only recreation/entertainment open. Except for being in the cart players are generally pretty far apart.


  • 4 years ago

    In our area, each golfer is required to have his own cart now.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Near my area in Fl all private and public golf courses are closed down. A few clubs are trying to fight it. They think they are special. So far they are having no luck being special.

  • 4 years ago

    Suero I too hope your son recovers fully and quickly. Sorry he caught this and so very sorry he's not the only one.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    yeonassky, if you haven’t had contact with anyone else in 16 days, and your sister hasn’t either (?), could you bring her back with you now?

    When I read your last sentence, my heart hurt for you....😢

  • 4 years ago

    Thank you cat-mom. Unfortunately she has a doctor's appointment on Monday in her town that she cannot miss. Which means that the count will have to start all over again for her. I have to be very upbeat and positive as she takes everything to heart. That's very hard to do but I must do it.

  • 4 years ago

    I’m sorry