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'Gloire des Rosomanes'

last year

("Ragged Robin")

Comments (9)

  • roseseek
    last year

    The flowers are remarkably well scented and the new growth and flowering parts have a sweet-peppery scent reminiscent of Grandmother's Hat. It flowers all the time and can even out last deer attacks...what's not to like?

  • jerijen
    Original Author
    last year

    NOTHING's not to like! This rose is largely ignored mostly (I think) because it was used as a rootstock. But in reality, all that did was assure that many plants of it survived.

    It's not a rose for someone in a really cold climate, but if you can grow Chinas, you NEED this rose.

    Also, this particular one is one of the best I've ever seen. They did finally kill the mother plant in San Juan Bautista, but I've got it heeeeere . . .

  • roseseek
    last year

    Not to mention the many thousands sold as "Ragged Robin Rose Hedge" in the decades after WWII. It was specifically because of that Ralph Moore introduced and marketed Pink Clouds as a rose hedge and later, J&P with their Simplicity line.

  • jerijen
    Original Author
    last year
    last modified: last year

    HEY! I didn't know they'd done that! Sold it as a hedge. But it really would make a magnificent hedge -- much more eye-catching than Simplicity.

    (Although, I must say, there was a Simplicity hedge years ago, at a house on the lower end of Laurel Canyon . . . so spectacular, I damned near drove off the road the first time I saw it.)

  • roseseek
    last year

    The only Simplicity plants I have ever encountered which weren't horribly rusted was the hedge of White Simplicity JD grew at the top of his back hill. They battled the neighbor's line of Italian Cypress and the ever encroaching, immortal vinca major which finally won the three decade battle and outlived him.

  • jerijen
    Original Author
    last year

    Well, that hedge on Laurel Cyn (now long gone . . . bulldozed, with the house, to build apartments_ was the ONLY one I've ever seen. It went all the way around three sides of a square front yard, completely shutting off that space from the noise and traffic of that busy road.

    They had, clearly, planted the bushes something like 6=ins. apart, and there was no space between them. It was magnificent.

    It showed you what COULD be . . . even though no one else ever does it.

    And yes. I've seen it done like that ONCE with 'Iceberg'.

    And "Ragged Robin" would be magnificent, if done right.

  • roseseek
    last year

    I used to pass this one in Encino.

    jerijen thanked roseseek
  • jerijen
    Original Author
    last year

    I wish I had a photo of the double hedge I saw in the Hancock Park area.