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Weekend Music (FNM): Night

last month
last modified: last month

This is going to be my last thread for Weekend Music (FNM), after which anyone who wants can start new threads.

Theme this weekend is Night, as in the original title "Friday Night Music."

Key words include Night, Tonight, Nighttime, Nightclub, etc.

This (like "Day") is an extremely common word/topic, and so please pace yourself when making posts, to allow others more opportunities to post their favorites. I can think of 60 songs to post, but I will limit myself to three at a time, to see if others will think of the same songs that I have in mind.

Next weekend I will post a list of the previous themes, more or less in order, and you can choose to repeat any of these themes or come up with new ones. I only have three left on my list that I have not yet used.

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