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burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs
burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs
burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs
burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs
burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs
burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs
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We had two old chairs that were in pretty rough shape. So we found some jute coffee bags and decided they would make a great pair! so once they had some high gloss bm paint on them (3 coats each) then the hypo allergen padding went on the seats, then the jute. We had to use fabric staples as the tacks were not our friend on this project.
  • So now there is a great ecclectic mis - matched pair of chairs that has an urban country feel with a bit of traditional.
  • Oh! and a little foot stool to go!

burlap coffee bag seats on up cycled antique chairs

    We had two old chairs that were in pretty rough shape. So we found some jute coffee bags and decided they would make a great pair! so once they had some high gloss bm paint on them (3 coats each) then the hypo allergen padding went on the seats, then the jute. We had to use fabric staples as the tacks were not our friend on this project.
    • So now there is a great ecclectic mis - matched pair of chairs that has an urban country feel with a bit of traditional.
    • Oh! and a little foot stool to go!

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    We had two old chairs that were in pretty rough shape. So we found some jute coffee bags and decided they would make a great pair! so once they had some high gloss bm paint on them (3 coats each) then the hypo allergen padding went on the seats, then the jute. We had to use fabric staples as the tacks were not our friend on this project.
    • So now there is a great ecclectic mis - matched pair of chairs that has an urban country feel with a bit of traditional.
    • Oh! and a little foot stool to go!

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