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Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
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Embrace a modern and breezy focal point with our Mamba extendable pendant. A sleek and streamlined drum shade receives an airy update with our pendant light. It is wrapped in clean lines to attain a rich textural appeal that enlivens any corner. Completed with a hanging woven ball, our pendant light remains the perfect complement to any bohemian, coastal-inspired space, or any room that requires a bit of warmth and texture. It includes 5 lights to impart a warm and dappled glow in your entryway, kitchen, dining room, or lounge.

Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant
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    • Product Description
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    Embrace a modern and breezy focal point with our Mamba extendable pendant. A sleek and streamlined drum shade receives an airy update with our pendant light. It is wrapped in clean lines to attain a rich textural appeal that enlivens any corner. Completed with a hanging woven ball, our pendant light remains the perfect complement to any bohemian, coastal-inspired space, or any room that requires a bit of warmth and texture. It includes 5 lights to impart a warm and dappled glow in your entryway, kitchen, dining room, or lounge.

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    At Houzz we want you to shop for Safavieh Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant part # PND4186A with confidence. You can read real customer reviews for this or any other product and even ask questions and get answers from us or straight from the brand. When you buy Safavieh Safavieh Mamba 5 Lt 24" Pendant or any product product online from us, you become part of the Houzz family and can expect exceptional customer service every step of the way. If you have questions about Safavieh part # PND4186A or any other product for sale, our customer service team is eager to help.