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Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug
Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug
Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug
Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug
Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug
Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug
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Surya has collaborated with the world's largest and most prestigious museum to develop its Smithsonian Collection. The exclusive compilation is comprised of 12 hand-tufted rugs made in India of 100% New Zealand wool. Each piece within this first-class collection was inspired by artifacts found within the Smithsonian's vast archives. The rugs represent a variety of cultures and historical provenances including 19th century studies of ornamental and decorative designs from Egypt, China and the Middle Ages, 18th-19th century French wall coverings, and 19th century American textiles.

Surya Smithsonian SMI-2113 5' x 8' Ivory, Navy Rug

    Surya has collaborated with the world's largest and most prestigious museum to develop its Smithsonian Collection. The exclusive compilation is comprised of 12 hand-tufted rugs made in India of 100% New Zealand wool. Each piece within this first-class collection was inspired by artifacts found within the Smithsonian's vast archives. The rugs represent a variety of cultures and historical provenances including 19th century studies of ornamental and decorative designs from Egypt, China and the Middle Ages, 18th-19th century French wall coverings, and 19th century American textiles.

    Product ID
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    Ivory, Navy
    100% NZ Wool

    • Product Description
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    Surya has collaborated with the world's largest and most prestigious museum to develop its Smithsonian Collection. The exclusive compilation is comprised of 12 hand-tufted rugs made in India of 100% New Zealand wool. Each piece within this first-class collection was inspired by artifacts found within the Smithsonian's vast archives. The rugs represent a variety of cultures and historical provenances including 19th century studies of ornamental and decorative designs from Egypt, China and the Middle Ages, 18th-19th century French wall coverings, and 19th century American textiles.

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