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Local Furniture Stores in Wilmington

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Featured Reviews for Local Furniture Stores in Wilmington

CYGNET Interior Design
Local Furniture Stores in Wilmington
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 16, 2018
“Pam has been EXTREMELY helpful in designing our new coastal living room. Pam engineered the project from soup-to-nuts. She visited with us at our home, took measurements and notes and specked out a creative and functional room design plan. She provided terrific suggestions regarding our selection of furniture, accessories, fabrics and textures, etc... (which I might add was spot-on). No detail was left unattended. Her taste is impeccable. Pam is a consummate professional and I am sooo glad we crossed paths - thanks Pam for everything!”
Rittenhouse Home
Local Furniture Stores in Wilmington
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMay 5, 2015
“Rittenhouse home is the most professional Interior Design Service I have ever worked with. The Designer has impeccable taste and her showroom is merely a glimpse into her talented designs. I highly recommend her to design any space”
Studio 882 Furniture + Design
Local Furniture Stores in Wilmington
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 30, 2014
“A gem of a design showroom in a surprising setting -- nestled among antiques shops in historic Chadds Ford, PA. Excellent product selection (custom furniture, window treatments, rugs) and even better customer service.”
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