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Eleanor's VF-11 and miracle grow

15 years ago

I bought some VF-11 and wanted to start using it on my plants, but upon reading the directions it said not to use along with any fertilizers. My question is my perlite is fortified with miracle grow food. Is there enough fertilizer to hurt if i start useing the VF-11? I can't seem to find any perlite that is not fortified. My soil that i use to mix my perlite with is just plain soil so it is just the perlite that is in question. Any thoughts on this would help me and my pretty little plants.


Comments (4)

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    15 years ago

    Hmmmm. The guaranteed analysis of the primary macro-nutrients (NPK) in Eleanor's is Analysis: 0.15 - 0.85 - 0.55 This is less than 1% of ANY of the majors. 1/8 of 1% N, 7/8 of 1% P, 1/2 of 1% K. This is EXTREMELY low in fertility. Since I cannot find the rest of the analysis, I'm going to guess the rest of the nutrients are probably nonexistent or nearly so.

    I haven't used this potion (VF-11), but then, you don't need to ride the bus to know what makes the wheels go round & round. Forgive me for being somewhat skeptical or even cynical, but when vague claims are made like: ... and mildew is eliminated because VF-11 changes the pH and creates a condition where mildew can not grow. Once again, isn't it amazing? I wonder why there isn't something specific in the claim. Changes the pH of what? Soil? Cellular pH? Leaf surface pH - for how long? Hmmm
    I also wonder at: VF-11 builds so much strength and health that plant cells 'harden' and 'seal in' the amino acids which aphids feed on. You have merely eliminated their food supply. And you have done it without the use of poisonous systemic or pesticides. Pretty nice...huh? Don't aphids feed on sap. How does this product make the sap unavailable to aphids? Does it somehow make cells so hard that they cannot be penetrated and dry up all the intra-cellular plant water/sap? Should I/we be saying GMAB here? There's more, but you get the drift.

    I wouldn't say that this product has no benefit, as it may very well have some, but I am of the general feeling there is almost surely no panacean value to products like Superthrive or this elixir, and it's a good bet it's not the magic potion some may think it to be. I don't trust advertising that is known to be false and this alone is enough to fuel the skepticism in me.

    One thing additional: The claim that "you cannot overdo", means there could only be extremely minute (almost immeasurable or nonexistent) amounts of any micro-nutrients in it because micro-nutrient overdose produces toxicity at even low levels and over-doing would reveal readily visible symptoms quickly.

    Like I said, I wouldn't argue that it has no value, but I do know that I would invest in a good, known source of micro-nutrients and an appropriate fertilizer before I'd trust plant vitality to a product labeled with insubstantial claims.


  • User
    15 years ago

    Hi LOR,

    Not so much to disagree w Al (Hiya Al), but that the folks most familiar w/ VF-11 are at the Hoya Forum. I do use it tho' not all the time, but I do like it & found it helpful which was not my experience w/ Superthrive.

    I'd post this question at Hoya forum, see what they say, I've never heard of fertilizer fortified perlite. If possible I'd avoid that (tho' I see you said you can't find plain perlite); important that I be the judge of when to fertilize or not.

    Maybe ask local nursery workers abt this?

    In the meantime, maybe try it on a small cutting or a cheapie plant like a piece of Pothos which could be expendable.

    Frankly, I doubt it'll hurt the plant.

  • puglvr1
    15 years ago

    Hi Ann,

    I received a free 8 oz. bottle of this from the company and tried it. After reading all the wonderful results from the hoya forum, I was full of excitement that it would work for my hoyas/houseplants. Unfortunately for me I didn't see any difference with the ones I used it on. Believe me, I wanted it to work so bad. I know that there are many people on the hoya forum that LOVE this product and swears by it...I just wished it would have worked for me. My suggestion is to get the free 8 oz bottle that they are offering on their website("if" they are still doing it?)

    Don't get me wrong, I didn't see any ill effects using this product...I just didn't see the results that others did, since I already had so many different fertilizers in my garage, lol...I decided not to buy any more, just finished up the bottle. But maybe it will work well for you. If you get it, please let us know how it works?

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Linda Chalker-Scott PhD is a professor of horticulture at Washington State University. Her main claim to fame is her history of dispelling of Horticultural Myths. You can read what she has to say about VF-ll HERE. I would also call to your attention that her conclusions/ observations re the product almost exactly parallel the points I made about key points. She wrote her piece in 2010, and I wrote/posted mine no later than 2007 as that is the oldest of my posts I could find on the net. Even the post I provided upthread was posted 13 years ago.

    Everything I read at the VF-11 website, no matter how credible it sounds, says very little about the product and is full of loopholes. If anyone has interest, pick a paragraph or 2 from their website (whatever you think is a good 'selling point'), post it here, and I'll point to the misleading phraseology and obfuscation.
