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I've been a bad boy - plants into Canada from the US

15 years ago

I took advantage of my trip down to Colorado this past week and put in a huge order from Oakhill. Wasn't sure how customs would react, but I was a good citizen and declared everything. Turns out the officer used the same website (Automated Import Reference System) as I did to check whether I needed documentation to get into Canada. In my case, I didn't need any documentation. CITES might be required, but I showed him my receipt from Oakhill and told him these were all commercially propagated and he let me through.

So for any Canucks out there, if you want to bring orchids back with you in your hand carry from the US, just go here and follow the form will tell you exactly what you need.

Here's my haul:

Aerangis fastuosa

Aerangis spiculata

Aerangis mooreana

Aerangis kotschyana

Aerangis luteo-alba var rhodisticwhatever

Angraecum didieri

Angraecum elephantianum

Angraecum leonis

Polyrhiza lindenii

Cymbidium lancifolium

Jumellea arachnantha

Paraphalaenopsis serpentilingua for a friend and a dossinoides for a friend.

Bad news: I've burned my orchid budget for at least the next 4 years (note oakhill plants are really cheap and really nice). Good news: I've taken care of 99% of all the plants on my wish list. Now it's off to research how to care for these guys :)

Comments (12)

  • mehitabel
    15 years ago

    Hey, Calvin. It's great that you were able to get so many of your heart's desires. I'm glad you were able to get them all in legally. Good work!

    As for using up your next four-year's orchid budget... haven't we all? :)

  • quinnfyre
    15 years ago

    I have a soft spot in my heart for Oak Hill, ever since Christmas, when I missed their notice about not shipping due to the weather. I contacted them, told them it was a present for my dad, who lives in the Chicagoland area. They said no problem, and delivered my present via heated florist van, and it arrived just in time for Christmas, no extra charge (beyond shipping costs, that is).

    But I never got anything personally from them, until now. I went to the SEPOS show at Longwood Gardens, saw lots of lovely orchids (including a marvelous display from Andy's Orchids) and came home with these spoils: Chaemangis hariotiana, from Andy's, in bloom (yay!), and from Oak Hill, Aerangis fastuosa, Angraecum distichum, and Angraecum didieri, all mounted. I was considering spiculata, but I realized I didn't know what it looked like, really, or what it wanted, and I wanted an excuse not to spend the money. They also had Aerangis luteo-alba rhodostica, same deal, wanted to be 'good', ha. Good looking plants, though. And I really really wanted Sedirea japonica, because they looked so great and it's on my wish list, but I don't know what they want either, at the moment, so I thought it wiser to let it go for now...

    Glad you got what most of what you wanted! I wish I had more room. As it is, though, I've got to do some fancy reorganization trickery to get everything in the case where they will all be happy, and not just where they will fit. I guess I'll just have to experience more angs vicariously through you : )

  • mrbreeze
    15 years ago

    Excellent lists! I am quite impressed and pleased. I'm also very surprised to hear that Oakhill is selling Aerangis kotschyana. They never have before... I've already killed three of them so I don't know that I would try again, but its always nice to see something 'rare' show up at a place like Oakhill. It is a great place to visit if you're ever in the area.

  • carolinn_on
    15 years ago

    You have been a GOOD boy, Calvin :) You bought a ghost orchid? Wow...keep us informed! You can do it!

    P.S. Nice collection!

  • aachenelf z5 Mpls
    15 years ago

    That is a very nice list of plants, but there aren't any Dends? Why no Dends? Oak Hill has some nice ones. (sniff)

    I'm sure in the very near future, you're going to get tired of doing things the legal way. I can see it now: Calvin speeding across the Great Lakes in the dead of night, guns mounted all over his boat, bringing plants in by the box-load just to feed his addiction and his need for excitement.

    These things never end nicely......


  • whitecat8
    15 years ago

    Calvin, congrats on the haul, and legal, too. So, now we know most of your wish list had Angs on it. Excellent.

    But you think your wish list is 99% checked off? Poor, innocent orchid addict! Today's March 31. Let us know when your list has 11-12 more orchids on it!!!! Often I find'em while researching care for others. Diabolical, I tell you.

    On the other hand, don't tell anyone when you buy the boat....


  • xmpraedicta
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Mehitabel - The good side of things is that I've realized what a ridiculous waste of money so many things are. Starbucks? No way! 4 tall lattes = a new orchid. I'd rather take the orchid, thanks.

    Q - you clearly are much more well behaved than I am. You should try the sedirea though - no need for a tank, and if it can survive in the cold, dry, sun-less canadian winter, I'm sure it'll do fine for you.

    MrB - Hopefully I don't come across as being presumptuous for getting these kinda hard to grow plants - honestly, I do realize how much I need to learn! :) Actually, some of the things I ordered were not listed on the oakhill website; I e-mailed Greg and he sent me a list of things. That was pretty cool of him to do. Still searching for that distincta/splendida though

    Carol - those ghosts are really cute but weird...there are several of them mounted on one stick...seems like they were recently mounted. I've popped them into the tank and will be keeping a close eye on them. If they do well in the next few weeks I'll post an update. Let me know if you're interested in trying one or two :)

    Kev - you terrible enabler. Yes, I definitely did eye the dends. That's for my next order :-) And speeding across the great lakes on a boat? Puh-leeeze...that's soo crude - I'm much more of a jumping-from-a-plane-with-parachute-orchids-in-tow-in-the-dead-of-night kinda guy. PS - my habenaria woke up! what should I do with it?

    WC - You've seen right through my pathetic delusions!'re right...curse the internet, Jay's orchid species website, and this forum and you bunch of lovely evil enablers :D

  • raphael_toronto
    15 years ago

    Calvin, you sneaky devil, you. I've given my cross border orchid trips a break for some time. I too, used to 'jet-set' to different locales and bring back plants (all legally, I must add). The paperwork and politics was a pain but once you know your way around the system, it gets easier. Thanks for sharing.

  • wiscnick
    15 years ago

    Hey Calvin--

    I've bookmarked the website! Great info--I'd already called them and gotten the same info, but it's great to have it in writing!

    I'm hoping to move to BC, with my orchids, in about 6 years...I noticed that there is a 50 plant limit...guess I'll have to make two trips...

    Did you transport bareroot or were they in media--and if so, what kind?


  • quinnfyre
    15 years ago

    Hmmm, more well behaved, or more lacking in funds? You decide, ha.

    Good to know about that Sedirea, though. Anything that doesn't need to go in a tank is a plus in my book, these days. Yesterday was like a puzzle game, trying to fit the newbies in. I didn't entirely succeed. I had to move Phal equestris out of the Ang tank and into the secondary, which was a major project in itself, and I had to remove the Ascocenda cross and a Selaginella from the secondary. Still deciding where to put them now. Bah. So actually, perhaps we should say I'm more space challenged as well.

  • billbruhm
    15 years ago

    I just got back to Nova Scotia from Florida where I purchased several orchids at Home Depot. I was in Jacksonville which suffers from a severe lack of orchid vendors. I too declared my plants at Customs and had them inspected. They were pleased that they were bare root. The officer told me that as long as they were grown in Florida it was no issue to bring the plants back to Canada. I needed no paper work and was through customs in five minutes.

  • Zorayda Espiritu
    7 years ago

    Hi all! Can I really bring Orchids from Continental USA to Canada without a problem? As long as under 50?