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At the Farm...

14 years ago

I just HAD to copy Michelle and get outside to find the beauty of November in Ontario. It does lift the spirit to find beauty in the muted colors and the details.

So here are a few long distance views to start.

The swamp


The pond


Our barn






And then close-up views.





Colorful Weeds




Hydrangea Limelight


Aquilegia seedlings already!


Looks like Christmas with the red and green of this hellebore.


Zillions of baby hellebores this year.




More grasses (I love them as you can tell...)




Shade grass


Blooming Hellebore!


Crocus Rose


Another Euphorbia


The parsley withstands lots of frost so is still useful.


I'm partial to photos of clematis seeds.


Ornamental grass again!


Euonymus europeus


I hope this Amsonia spreads next year in Reed's garden.


A jolt of reality. This is a cotinus caged for winter. There are many caged shrubs about here.


We have two tamarack trees and they have sweet little "pinecones".


Two new spireas have nice colour.


Check out the colour on this cornus 'Arctic Sun'!


It's a gloomy day, but not windy or cold so all is well! Hope you enjoyed your virtual walk.


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