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Magazines on ponds or water gardening?

12 years ago

Anyone know of any pond or water garden specific magazines?

Comments (7)

  • terrestrial_man
    12 years ago

    Pond Trade Magazine

    This is the only one that seems to have survived. There used to be a Water Gardening magazine years ago but guess it bit the dust!

  • buyorsell888
    12 years ago

    Watergardening Magazine's editors split up and one couple kept Watergardening Magazine and the other published Pond & Garden Magazine but sadly both are now out of business.

  • terrestrial_man
    12 years ago

    Thanks for the update buyorsell888!

    Putting out a zine is a real undertaking and very time demanding depending upon the period of release, be it monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or yearly. Also the industry has never really been THAT strongly based since much of the interest may be either tentative or wavering. I think that the main reason why is that the expense of putting in a water garden and maintaining it is just too much for the level of income and time available for those who really would be interested.

    That is one reason I have always hoped to see some kind of inexpensive preform package that was relatively care-free but not to be. Too many parties wanting to exploit whatever market there is to sell product that may be good but may not be necessary.
    If someone had the time it would not be difficult to set up an online zine geared towards hobbyists interested in low cost ponding. I would suggest making use of Photobucket and creating pages entirely as jpegs. I am sure if anyone had the time to cordinate the site and edit that different submissions could be included.
    Just some thoughts.

  • chemgeekponder
    12 years ago

    Don't know of any magazines, but my library had multiple books on pond gardening.

  • buyorsell888
    12 years ago

    Helen Nash was one of the publishers I mentioned and she has written some excellent books on ponds.

    Watergardening Magazine was in operation for close to a decade, I have all of my back issues but it has been at least five years since they closed down.

  • victoriastiles
    12 years ago

    There are many magazines on gardening. You can easily get information in those magazines regarding gardening and ponds. You can also search online for them. You can get good and latest information web about gardening.

  • Aquility1
    12 years ago

    In response to terrestrial_man, I am an avid pond keeper and my company manufactures autofill systems for all sized ponds. However, I am an avid believer in inexpensive pre-formed ponds and agree with the lack of interest for those that want an inexpensive pond.

    Much of what is hyped on the market is based on lack of knowledge and merely expressed to bolster sales, as you mentioned. If anyone is interested in an inexpensive pond for their garden, please contact me at I can point you in the right direction. While many of our systems are relatively expensive, many of them are designed for larger, more extensive ponds. However, I would like to bring the simple pleasures of pond keeping to all without all of the hype by offering those interested some simple principles. I have always used pre-formed ponds and the key to owning a pond is knowing what to spend money on and what not to, based on the size of the pond in question and needs of the owner.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Innovative Pond and Water Garden Products