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time to think of garden crafting

13 years ago


Spring is in the air (inspite that I'm deep in snow yet).. however I've crafting in mind... Which brings me to ask, what sort of crafts do other gardeners engage in? I'm thinking of going out there to gather willow twigs to shape into some kind of wall art..

Comments (8)

  • schoolhouse_gw
    13 years ago

    That's good idea to gather some twigs, esp. since there are so many down in my yard. No willow, but a variety of other woods. Right now it's raining with sleet, maybe 5" of snow overnight. :(

  • ianna
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    you know it's going to be spring soon, when you start experiencing more warm weather than snowy weather. No snow storm on my end = thank goodness.

  • Lilyfinch z9a Murrieta Ca
    13 years ago

    I had purchased a statue at marshalls that had an ugly finish, so I bought a copper refinishing kit to make it look like it has a patina, so that's one project I have to work on. And I bought two birdhouses that I want to paint before putting on my fence. They used to sell these paint transfers in flowers that you would use a sponge to transfer , but I can't find them and I can't paint flowers very well so I might just do them in pastel colors.
    I love the willow art idea! I don't know who posted it but sometime last year one of us cottagers posted their "wattle fence" made of sticks from their yard. It was so creative! Im going to search for the thread and try to bump it up.
    Last year I repainted my faded stepping stones and a couple statues that the sun had bleached out. That kept me busy! I might work on those bird houses today, we just got at least 6 inches of snow last nite so I'm not leaving this house! :)

  • spogarden
    13 years ago

    I am building butterfly's out of stained glass. They are great little light catchers, fun to put them in a potted plant or in the garden. I have made some other bugs too, but I like the butterfly best.

    We are getting a cold spell here and everything is frozen again. There is fresh snow, but not much thank goodness. My sympathies to those of you who mother nature has dumped so much snow on this year.

    I built a wattle fence years ago, it worked well but did not look very pretty, didn't look like the ones in the magazine. It was part of the chicken coop fence, took it down when the chickens were gone. It did give them some nice shade in the summer.

  • mosswitch
    13 years ago

    There is a new magazine, Flea Market Gardens, with some great ideas in it! I bought one yesterday.

  • coppertop367
    13 years ago

    Love that magazine!!

  • Calamity_J
    13 years ago

    I Love making garden Art!!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Jane's Garden Art

  • girlgroupgirl
    13 years ago

    Calamity is a great mosaic artist! I'm familiar with her from the mosaic forum, but I only post there once a year or so.
    My paints finally came from JoAnn's. I don't really live near a craft store (and have not been able to get to one) so I ordered. Now I'm painting up new bird houses. Most of my old ones are now rotting. An old friend gave me a set of old (and previously hideously re-painted) canisters that are plastic lined. Add a hinge to the lid, drill holes, put on a perch and there you go, great birdhouses! The older ones that are falling apart I will try to rescue (I love the paint jobs on some), and I'm working on some new ones.
    I also need to do some more mosaic work. Finally got some cement board and will make new tops for a table or two, and I want to get new front stairs and mosaic the facings of them. Lastly I have a table top that needs to be made. I do not know how to do that, I think a piece of cement board is too small, and not quite sturdy enough! It has a glass top but the top but that won't last long in my back yard. It's a gorgeous vintage set I inherited from a dear friend. I'm hoping to be able to have a covered patio area for it.

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