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Share Gardens / Trees Images with GPS / Google Earth

16 years ago

For those of you who know a tad bit of HTML, consider sharing some of your favorite gardens, trees in parks, etc., with Google Earth and GPS coordinates. Gotta have Google Earth (free) intalled to see the location. Google Earth won't show you the image - mainly the location. So you can post a text link along with an image.

Just for a test, this link below will take you to where the Bigfoot Trap is located by Applegate Lake in Oregon. It initiates in Google Earth smoother if you already open Google Earth - but it will initiate the sequence even if you don't.

Bigfoot Trap

If you copy the link location, or place your cursor over the link, you'll see the link code below in your browser. Without the tags, it should look like this...,-123.137231&output=kml

The coordinates are obvious > 42.056569,-123.137231

If you manually search on Google Earth, you would put a space after the comma. But for the hyperlink code, there is not space after the code. You can take this snippet of code and swap GPS coordinates for any tree, garden, park, etc., that you want to let people find the location of.

Anyhow, this would be primarily for those folks who know how to make that into a tag. Unless other folks copy that snippet and pasted it into their browser window - that should work too. You can also do Google Maps with this one here...,-123.137231

Bigfoot Trap

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