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Identify this... plant.

So I know this is the veggie forum, but lots of us with veggie gardens see the majority of weeds, and also grow herbs. I'll be posting this in any weed and herb forums I see here also, but any input is really appreciated...

So yeah, I planted strawberries last year. I was thrilled, I got a late summer crop. But I left them in shallow pots in canadian winter weather and they died. This spring I saw this little plant, swear it was a strawberry plant, though it was in the pot just next to the one with the strawberries in it, not actually in the exact same pot. But I thought probably a strawberry fell into the pot and germinated. I mean the leaves look just like strawberry plants so I was fairly confident about it being strawberry.

Then it grew a stem... I mean I thought strawberries didn't grow a central stem... and a little yellow flower. What is it? Anyone know?

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