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Storing tomatoes in the refrigerator

I read something today on my favorite foodie website that contradicts everything I've believed about storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, and I want to share it with you all. J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, author of the Food Lab, former editor at Cook's Illustrated and director of the website, tested different methods for storing tomatoes and came to the conclusion that it depends on how ripe they are to start with and how long you want to store them. Store-bought tomatoes have already been refrigerated before they were fully ripened, so they will be no worse if you refrigerate them again. Fully vine-ripened tomatoes can be refrigerated and will taste just as good as never refrigerated tomatoes if you let them come to room temperature before serving. Only unripened tomatoes need to be kept out of the refrigerator. If you want to store ripe tomatoes for more than a day or two, it's best to store them in the refrigerator. He concludes:

Store underripe tomatoes on the counter until they are fully ripe, then eat them or refrigerate them. It's worth noting that most moisture and volatiles are lost through the scar on the stem-end of the tomato. You can combat this loss by either storing the tomatoes upside down or placing a small piece of clear tape over each stem-end.

You can read about his experiments here.

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