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FALL is upon us... "seasonal thread"... PART 4

I thought it was time to start a new FALL thread!

Have fun everyone! Post [photos[( or discuss whatever! :-)

Comments (229)

  • maryc_gwSoCA/USDA10
    5 years ago

    It's so nice to know I'm not alone in accumulating seed packets. I must have at least 50. I just did a quick look and the oldest one found is 2006! Then a bunch from 2010 on up to 2018. Lisa's activity has put me to shame and am trying to do better (as in anything) this fall and next year.

    Flowers - does your Nigella stay true to color? I swear a had a bunch of blues back when I started but all I get now are the whites. But happy to have them.

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Kristine, I'm happy to know you like Benary's zinnias. I have a few packs of those that aren't too old and I think I have the wine color. I remember trying to stay in the pink family, darks to light.

    Mary, I have a feeling we're all seed packet collectors. So far, all my blue nigella have come back blue. I'll have to watch and see if they turn white as they age. I wouldn't mind having some white mixed in. The pink ones would be nice around red or deep pink roses, an idea for next spring. I get so many ideas this time of year, then when springs rolls around, I stand out in the garden and think, uhhhh, now what was it I wanted to do?

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    5 years ago

    Thanks all!

    And wonderful photos everyone!

    My step brother goes in for his heart Cath tomorrow morn...

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    I just checked out the zinnia seeds at Swallowtail. They have a fabulous selection

    I am going to go broke buying all of the seeds that I want. I have never seen so many different types

    At least their prices are fairly reasonable.

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    Jim, prayers for your Brother in law tomorrow .

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago

    Jim, hoping and praying that all goes well....Lisa

  • Vaporvac Z6-OhioRiverValley
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Jim, I'm thinking about your brother. Has he had a cath before? I hope everything reads OK and he's stable. If not there are plenty of options, so please stay positive as you always seem to do.

    Trish YOU ARE my hero for fixing your mower. I think sometimes we're two twins separated at birth with our propensity to fix things and take on ridiculously huge projects. Plus our taste in tea and balustrades seems eerily similar! ; )

    I wish I grew more seeds. I keep mine in the freezer and some WAY older than you guys mention. I used to garden intensely starting seeds ahead, but it got to be too much. That's one reason I decided to go with flowering shrubs such as ROSES. What with dealing with the seedlings going rogue and having to divide, etc. I could barely enjoy it. Now I have a few perennials to fill in while the roses have breaks. I would like a few easy ones and so loved snapdragons and zinnia. I also have to keep landscape fabric down for midge. Hopefully, this will be the last year doing this as I only had a very few on a couple of bushes LATE in the season. I was surprised as it was already fall. Maybe I'll start some away from the roses or with those out in front. You guys are an inspiration!

    Lisa, congrats on Ingrid's graduation. She must be as wonderful a person as her mom to choose such a career path. Nurses are the best and one of the most under-recognized professions until one needs one! You are also an extraordinarily handsome family. I hope your Dad doesn't get into any more hiking "situations" this year, although he looks like he could wrestle a bear! ; )

    Flowers, I mentioned my croquembouche fiasco up above. The funny addendum is fully remembering that story, I decided with years of additional experience, I would make it again for a New Year's Eve party. Of course, even with my care of just putting on a bit to hold it together, the same thing happened, except this time there was more than family to witness it. We still ate it and laugh about it! I think NEXT time I'll add lemon to the mix to keep it soft. One could honestly build a bridge with that stuff.

    Welcome back, Deborah. I hope you have time to pop in more often. Forgive me if I'm forgetting anyone.

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Another unseasonably warmish day. I can hardly stand not being able to work outside. Too slushy. It's not normal to see the ground this time of year. I hope this doesn't mean summer will be 120˚ F.

    Vapor, I went way back several times and never could find any mention of croquembouche. I think I must have missed a good story. I'm blaming it on Houzz. Anyway, as long as you can laugh about it, all is well. A lot of my cooking makes people laugh.

    Thinking of your step brother, Jim. Since you're 3 hours ahead of us, I'm hoping the procedure is over and he's on the mend. Sometimes, I think the worst part is the anticipation.

  • Vaporvac Z6-OhioRiverValley
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    flowers, just hit 'control' "f" and and a space will appear at the bottom of your screen. Type in 'croquembouche' and it will take you directly to any references. You can look up anything this way.

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Wow, thanks, vapor! That's a good thing to know. Does it limit the search to the program that's open, or is it like Google? It's great to have a techy among us.

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago

    No kidding?!?! I’m bookmarking that to an idea book, Vap! That’s awesome! I’ll need to be on my laptop, but it would be wonderful to able to search Houzz again, since the “magnifying glass thingy” has been useless for me lately. Big thank you, Vap!!!

    I wish we would hear something from Jim about his brother! Lisa

  • Vaporvac Z6-OhioRiverValley
    5 years ago

    Lisa and Flowers, I'm hardly a "techie", but I do know my way around keyboard commands as most come from from old programming commands. They are so much faster than other ways. I've yet to figure out how to do it on my phone. :( This only works for searches on the page you are one. However, it's very useful here as I often look up a subject only to find the thread is a zillion posts long. This way, I can find whatever it is I wanted directly.

    Lisa, what are you seeing when you try to search Houzz? It did change a bit, but I have no problem. Perhaps we can troubleshoot if I know what you're experiencing. My worst issues are with my phone not letting me type to correct and edit etc. It's the same problem Jin and others have, but I don't use the Houzz app and still have the issue. I prefer to type on my laptop, but I can't do that in the supermarket or gym and sometimes we just have to comment, don't we!!!???? ; ))

    Hopefully Jim will check in tonight and let us know.

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    Good grief the seed forum moves fast--ha. I'm going way back to answer Lisa and her Dara questions. I really know little about this variety, and it was among many new things I tried last year. I start very early with poppies, and hollyhock seed gets thrown our year round almost. Dara and a bunch of others were tossed by mid April, I believe. Then I forgot all about Dara. The first wave of seedlings may well have been eaten by quail for all I know, but in the middle of summer Dara rather suddenly appeared, and continued to grow and bloom till hard frost. It wasn't a big output of seedlings, but boy, the stuff produces mucho seed. When I think of what Johnny's charges for Dara, I must have gathered a small fortune's worth. I got my seed from Select Seeds which is a little more reasonable. But I won't be buying any this year. It didn't seem like Dara was very cold sensitive, but that's just my guess. I would like to see any photos you might get this season of Dara. The color of the "flowers" was the medium purplish one, not the really dark color, and none in near white, either. I must have tossed any photos I took cause they were probably awful.

    Flowers, it's wet and warmish here, too, with more rain on the way, I guess. The snow's about gone, and the hideous mess is fully revealed. Hopefully, we won't be drummed out of the neighborhood. I've really enjoyed all the zinnia photos (Lisa, Kristine). I can't just throw zinnia seed out and have decent results--I think it's the lousy soil with a bit of non help from the quail. So I have to gaze on your photos enviously. My gardening friend starts dozens and dozens of zinnia seeds. Some are the taller, larger ones, but the ones I like best, and she does beautifully in many colors, are the smaller Profusion series. I also love what I've been seeing on the seed sellers' websites--like Zinderella and the Cupcake zinnias. Last night I was sent the new Johnny's mailing which includes their new 2019 varieties. They had some stunning new snap seeds in single colors. I'll be ordering a few of those. I have not grown orlaya before, but I want to try that one. Do you like yours, Lisa? I had moderate success with anchusa (the annual one, I think) last year, so will be repeating that. Blue Pimpernel was a disaster, and probably needs to be started inside.

    Mary, I'm a seed hoarder, too.

    I'll be leaving in a few minutes for a wonderful orchestra, and choir groups' concert, held in a beautiful downtown church. Thursday, Jemma will be singing in the Capitol Rotunda like last year, and I'll be going this time. Lots of lovely Christmas music!

    Jim, I hope your step brother's procedure went well. Thinking of you and your family. Diane

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    I like the Zinderella series

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    Kristine, that's gorgeous. So you must grow Zinderella? It reminds me of some of the double echinacea, but with a richer, more beautiful coloring.

    The concert was wonderful. In addition to singing in several groups, Jemma accompanied one group in a Hanukkah song with the accordion. She plays a little for the fun of it, and the instrument is from the 1940s. She's still hopping around, and had to use her crutches tonight since the scooter would have looked a bit looney with her long dress. I would have loved to have seen that, though.

    The latest issue of Garden Gate features lots of new for 2019 plants, but I didn't see anything I was just nuts about. Diane

  • titian1 10b Sydney
    5 years ago

    vaporvac, were you a computer programmer? Way back, in the early 70's I was one. Fortran and PL/I. Perhaps we were separated at birth, though it would need to have been by several decades too!

    Diane, Jemma's concert sounds lovely. Such a wonderful Xmassy thing to do. I had dinner at a local Italian restaurant this evening with a couple of friends. It was such a lovely evening, and the seafood pasta was delicious. I don't know if I said that 'Tiny, Beautiful Things' is a collection of Agony Aunt columns - but the most extraordinary pieces of advice you're ever likely to come across, and beautifully written.

    Jim, I hope your stepbrother's surgery has gone well.

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    Diane, that is a picture from Swallowtail. I am putting together my order. I just thought that it was intetesting

    Christmas in retail, yikkes!!

    Long long days. I am trying to remain calm and kind. This is go time and it will all just be a memory so trying to go with the flow and get lots of sleep

    Just think, in 3 days the days will start getting longer. Yippee!

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    My step brother has two major blocked areas... 90+ % blocked..They put a stent into one of the blocked areas...They will stent the other blocked area in about 4 weeks... Hes coming home today!

  • Vaporvac Z6-OhioRiverValley
    5 years ago

    Jim, I'm thrilled they were able to diagnose and stent at least one of the areas. It's great he was able to get ahead of this and can now turn his mind towards recovery and the adventure of a new beginning and lifestyle!

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Jim, I’m so relieved to hear he had a successful surgery, and that they will be able to take care of the second blockage. Thank goodness for modern medicine!

    Those Zinderella zinnias look amazing! I did grow the peach colored ones last summer, but was less than impressed. Only a few actually looked like the pictures. The rest were just small, plain zinnias. I read on the annuals forum that someone else had this same experience. Unfortunately, I don’t remember where I purchased mine from. Maybe I bought from a cheap/lesser quality source? I was very disappointed with them, but hopefully they are improving them. I think I fell for them again, and purchased more for this summer, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m pretty excited to try the ones that are lime green with antique rose highlights. I forget the official name for them. Hopefully, Floret will have them on January 2nd. (As if I need more seeds to add to my hoard!)

    Diane, your evening sounds like it was great fun! Yours too, Trish. I love going out to eat. I don’t do so very often, but when I do, watch out! My family always says, “Where do you put it all?” I always end up overeating, and have a tummy ache afterwards. I’ll never learn, because anything I don’t have to cook myself tastes infinitely better to me. Get it while the get’ins good! That’s my motto:)

    Diane, I love my Orlaya! I bought just one plant from Annie’s 2? years ago, and now I’m pulling up the extras by the handfuls. They are quite cold hardy, and not picky about anything other than not liking heat. Once it gets warm, they’re done. I don’t bother saving seeds, because they’re SO reliable. The airy blooms and feathery foliage are wonderful in bouquets. Depending on location, they grow from 1-3 1/2F tall. The only thing that self sows more is the Chinese Forget-Me-Nots. They bloom and reseed at least 4 cycles/year for me. They have been my best reseeding annuals ever. They do like only morning sun here, so that keeps them from popping up everywhere. Orlaya likes both, but does best with a little relief from the afternoon sun, especially as the late spring gets warmer.

    I’m a little nervous about my snapdragon seeds. I know lots of people grow them from seed, but this is my first time. I'm always starting seeds outdoors, but I’m not as good at starting them indoors. We have such a long growing season that there’s usually no need. The only reason I didn’t just leave the cells of snaps outside, is because recommends one week at 39F and then bringing into warmer temps for germination. There’s no way I can provide those cold temps for a week straight. We’re not even getting that cold at night here! If anyone doesn’t know about Tom Clothier’s site, it’s a fabulous resource for starting all seeds. Just go to and go to the type of seed you’re interested in. There’s a separate section for annuals and perennials, and an entire section devoted to Penstemons. It’s just basic temperature needs, but will also tell you if the seed needs darkness, or some special treatment. It’s my “go to” for all seed planting. I don’t follow it to the letter, but it gives me some clue as to what ideal germination temps are. I consider it invaluable, because there’s not a bunch of “fluff” to read through. It’s just a simple alphabetical list that I can quickly check for ideal temps. It’s amazing how many seeds are included there. I haven’t “searched and not found” one there yet.

    Oh shoot! I just realized I missed 10 AM coffee time at my moms! I had a timer set, and when it went off I dismissed it, thinking I’d just wrap this post up, and leave. I then promptly forgot all about the time, and kept adding more and more to my post. I have a very poor sense of time, and I’m very easily distracted. I have to set timers and alarms for everything. Sometimes so many are going off that I can’t remember what they’re for! Well, it’s too late now. Shame on me, but my family is very understanding about my difficulties. There’s always tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. I try to make it once a week, usually on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday. It’s an open invitation gathering, so it’s not necessary to let anyone know if I’m coming or not.

    Well, I might as well see if there’s anything worth taking a picture of today, now that I have plenty of time:)

    One of my favorites has a few blooms, Princess Charlene de Monaco. The outer petals are a little blemished, but still very welcome in mid December.

    ‘October Moon’ by Paul Bardon

    For you, Diane, my earliest Orlaya blooms. These are blooming very short, but they sprouted right under the drip line, thus the early blooms.

    I wish you all could smell this Bourbon rose today. The scent is amazing!

    For Vap; Yvonne Rabier is blooming! She’s darling, but I know she wants out of her small pot.


  • Vaporvac Z6-OhioRiverValley
    5 years ago

    Yippee! I've been waiting to see pics of your little Yvonne. Mine did really well this year and even put on a bit of growth. Still, I don't think you'll have many worries about her getting too big. She has such pretty foliage as well, but I find it difficult to get good pictures of her. While threatening to ball in our torrential rains, I've been successful talking her out of it thus far! : )

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    Good news, Jim! I hope his next procedure goes just as well. How are you doing, by the way? Are you ready for Christmas? It's coming up so fast. Love the thought of slightly longer days. I hoping to fling compost in the next day or two.

    Kristine, I can't believe what you do! Where do you get the energy? I admire your wonderful work ethic, which I don't have. Hope your own Christmas plans are coming along smoothly. I'll probably order from Swallowtail, too, plus Johnny's and Select Seeds. They'll be small orders, but they stealthily seem to grow bigger. I think someone is adding to my orders when I'm not looking.

    Trish your dinner out sounds tasty. I love seafood pasta. I've been enjoying our annual gingerbread cookies. It's a family recipe, and some years ago my daughter took over the baking and decorating of those cookies. I find the older I get, the more relieved I am to have her take over all the Christmas traditions we have. That sounds so awful..... How did you get into early computer programming, by the way? That is something to be admired. I did check more than once on Tiny Beautiful Things, plus Strayed's earlier book that Reese Witherspoon adapted into a movie which she starred in. It was about hiking the Pacific Trail. I'm interested in both the books. I'm still plodding through Lady Helena Investigates.

    Hope the remains of the day go well for everyone. Diane

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    Jim, so glad that your Brother in law is going to be feeling better soon

    What a blessing modern medicine is.

    I have never had much luck with seeds except zinnias

    I usually just buy starts, at least I get something for sure.

    I doubt I will get the Zinderella . I just stick to what does well for me in lots of colors.

    I pretty much got everything done really early because I knew I was going to be pretty pooped. But this is the last crazy week

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    I'm so anxious for spring I can hardly stand it. Normally, I can't see my garden in winter. Out of sight, out of mind, sort of, but with no snow, I want to get out there and do something.

    What a lovely evening, Diane. College musicals are usually so good, you just know some of those young musicians will go on to make a name for themselves in the music field. If Jemma is anything like you, I bet she could have pulled off the scooter and it would have been a lot of fun. She sounds like one who overcomes obstacles with grace and a smile.

    Trish, you are full of surprises. Computer programming?? I thought you were a doctor or a nurse. You are a woman of many talents, including mechanical skills.

    Thanks for the update on your brother, Jim. Isn't it truly amazing what drs. can do these days! I hope he's feeling better every day. I'm sure he'll be happy to get home.

    Thanks, Lisa, for the seed starting site. I bookmarked it to read thoroughly later. I'm going to concentrate on starting my dahlias early this year and actually getting them planted outside. I have such a small area in my mud room for doing things like this. Then, there's Daisy, who likes to rearrange what I've done. I definitely understand about your timers. My family tells me that I have absolutely no sense of time. It's true, I admit it. I love the open invitation to coffee at your mom's. Is it just family, or friends and neighbors, too? What a gracious mom you have.

    I can't wait for my Princess Charlene to look like yours. I have such high hopes for her. If she's happy here, I'll probably get more. I think her soft color would blend nicely with Augusta L. What do you think? Not enough contrast? I don't know where I'll put Augusta. She will have a place of honor, even if I have to start a new bed right in the middle of the lawn.

    I'm taking a break while my pfeffernusse is in the fridge. Time to roll it out. As soon as it's baked, it goes right in the mail to my kids before I can eat it all.

  • titian1 10b Sydney
    5 years ago

    flowers, I had to look up pfeffernusse. A delightful word, but I can't see it coming in handy in Scrabble. I hope you get an early Spring. Sometimes I'm envious of you ones in colder climates. I'd quite like a break. But the feeling wouldn't last long.

    Lisa, I hardly ever go out to eat either. Being single doesn't really lend itself. So last night was a real treat. We sat out on a tiny little deck, where it was cooler. I decided to mow shortly before, and despite a cold shower I was still dripping - literally. The humidity is high at the moment. There was a laneway in front of us, with the occasional young couple strolling past. We tried to pretend it was a canal in Venice!

    I feel quite virtuous. I went into the garden at 7.30am (awake since 2.30 so it didn't feel early) intending to mow the bottom two levels, but got sidetracked by a couple of roses that needed pruning so that the mower will go under more easily. Two and half hours later here I am! I did a bit of weeding (mostly on all fours under roses) as well. Where did the time go? And the mowing is still not done. Mind you I'm pretty slow these days.

    Diane, when I was at Uni I worked at a large retail store - filing. Boy was that boring. They asked me if I'd like a job in the Market Research department. After 6 months, someone thought I might be getting bored, so they sent me off to IBM to learn programming. I loved the mathematical type programming, but not so much the ordinary business stuff.

    Those zinnias are pretty, Kristine. I hope your week goes well. Like Diane, I'm in awe of your energy.

    vaporvac, you didn't say - were you a computer programmer?

  • titian1 10b Sydney
    5 years ago

    Lisa, I forgot to say how much I like the look of your October Moon. Also the Orlaya - so pretty. I wish I could smell your Bourbon too. That's the thing I'll miss most about Mme IP. What a fragrance!

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    5 years ago

    My step brother is doing good today! The artery they stented Monday was near 100% blocked! The second artery is 90+% blocked but they can't stent it for 4 more weeks...But he's doing real good! Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers, & concerns!

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Thank goodness they did that one first, Jim! I’m glad he’s doing well today. He should feel like a new man after he recovers from the second one. Thanks for letting us know.

    I think of you Vap, every time I look at little Yvonne Rabier. She is a cutie!

    Trish, I don’t go out to eat often either, for the same reason. It’s not really something I’d do by myself, plus it’s so expensive. Thanks for liking my blooms. It’s nice to have a few before I start pruning everything down. I’m dreading the big job. I wish my roses would stay just a certain size, but keep blooming. I do realize that’s an impossible wish.

    Flowers, we have basically the same thing as your Pfeffernuesse, but we call them Pepernoten. Ours are unfrosted and I’ve never made them. Are yours kind of chewy? The ones we get from “The Dutch Baker” are. “The Dutch Baker” is someone who travels around in a converted motor home that is loaded with drawers and shelves of foods imported from Holland. She(at this time it’s a she, we’ve had different ones over the years) goes from house to house and you shop from her motor home or van. I don’t give them enough business to come to my house, but I can put in my order with my aunt, or be there when she is scheduled to come. Usually she comes once a month.

    The 10 AM coffee time has gone on for as long as I can remember. It’s when the men always came in from the farm work for a cup of coffee and a snack. Every time I’ve been in Holland, they did the same thing. My mom takes two days a week and my Aunt takes 3. When I lived on the dairy, my day was Tuesday. Wednesday is the day that pretty much anyone can show up, while the other days are usually just very close family. My aunt has Wednesday’s and that can be a big crowd. The other days it’s usually about 6 people. It keeps us all close and updated with each other’s daily lives. As my parents and aunt get older, I try to make it as often as I can.

    My Augusta Louise is potted, but she’s near my PCDM’s. Moonlight Romantica is between them, giving a break in color. I can always move her, since she’s potted for now. It’s hard to imagine what she’s going to look like, since she’s so variable. I’m just thankful I don’t have to worry about gophers getting her in her pot. Can you imagine how sad that would be? I just found a place yesterday where I couldn’t even see the gopher cage anymore, because the rascal had mounded soil all around the cage and climbed inside. He must have had a great time eating all the bulbs in the cage before climbing out again. It seems like I can’t win if they’re determined enough. I am just furious with those little beasts! I’m still planting my Plectranthus neochilus around the yard, and so far, they’ve stayed away from the area that is well planted. I’d better snap off some more pieces and plant some in that area. My poor single original plant has been used to make about 10 new starts already. It needs time to recover, but it’s very tough.

    I’m glad to hear that someone else has no sense of time, either! I’m just awful about getting absorbed in something and then I’m shocked that an hour has gone by. This forum is one of those things that I often get absorbed in. Right now, I’m posting as a way to put off getting to work in the yard. I’m all set to plant some more winter annual seeds, but the news said it could get up to 80F tomorrow! I have a feeling that might not be so good for seeds like larkspur and bells of Ireland that needed to be in my freezer before sowing. Maybe I’ll direct sow a few, and do the rest right after Christmas. That’s getting awfully late for these parts, though. I have so much to do that I don’t know where to begin. I wish I had a helper! Wouldn’t it be nice to make a list of all the “drudge work” and save the fun stuff for yourself? Ok, I’ve rattled on and procrastinated long enough. It’s time to get something done.

    Oh, one more thing; Think these paperwhites will be blooming in time for Christmas? I’m cutting it awfully close.... Lisa

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Lisa, I bet the Dutch version of those little nuggets are different from the German ones. Pfeffernusse is hard like biscotti, but chewy sounds good, too. Not too sweet and perfect with tea or coffee, they're little 1/2" pieces. A Dutch Baker that comes to the house would have me weighing 300 lbs. in about a week. But, how wonderful for the times you need something and can't or don't want to bake. That reminded me of the Helm's Bakery trucks that used to come around and also the Watkins Spice trucks. It was such a big treat to get something. Mother used to say Watkin's made the best vanilla. Now, Walmart sells it.

    You are probably so used to your family's coffee time that you may not realize how extra special that is. What a difference it would make in our crazy, upside down society if every family spent time like that and actually got to know one another. We lived in a dairy farming community most of my growing up years in CA. All the farms are gone now, but my generation still think of it as a dairy community. Oh, my goodness, would I love to grow roses where those dairies used to be!

    Your paper whites look right on cue. Your whole house will be perfumed when they bloom.

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    Oh, boy, did I get behind. Why does this happen to me?

    Lisa, thanks for the info and photo of your orlaya. I can only dream about the kind of results you got with one plant. I love all your photos, including Princesse Charlene. I don't recall seeing any orlaya plants for sale locally, so I'm stuck with tossing seed. I didn't have such great results with white ammi. I think I often accidentally pull up seedlings of unfamiliar plants, always thinking they are weeds. Do you do that? I need to get out of that habit. I love your tidbits on Dutch customs--especially the Dutch baker that comes around regularly. If flowers says she'd be 300 pounds, then I'd hit 400 for sure. There are many wonderful Dutch people around here that came to the US post WWll. They became highly successful farmers and dairymen. My mom's neighbor was a favorite of mine (Herke and Ita Stamm). I led 4-H groups with some of the daughters of the first generation Dutch. We need to talk. I'd love to know more about your Dutch background. I have a cousin who has lived in Amsterdam most of his adult life; he's married to a Dutch woman, and has a Dutch family.

    Flowers, you really brought back the Watkins memories for me. My mother supported the Watkins and Fuller Brush men. Watkins spices were the best, and we've kept the beautiful Watkins cinnamon tin my mom had. We pour our cinnamon into it, so we can still use the tin. Time and again, I've told myself I need to order some of the Watkins spices online, and now you say Walmart has them? I wonder if they are the same quality as the old time spices. I loved reading about your pfeffernusse. Do you do some baking for yourself? We just finished off the first round of gingerbread people--some were to give away, and the remainder, I hogged, leaving a few cookies for the rest of the family. Terrible behavior, especially after I ate five of my birthday desserts in three days. And now today, son in law brought home a big tin of peppermint bark a vendor gave him. I've already had two pieces.....I was happy to see that Leonardo da Vinci rose is sold by Hortico because I want a grafted plant, and I prefer bare roots, too. I would like to order from Northland, but I don't want to deal with small band size plants. I flung compost today, and used it all up, and there's lots more to be done, so it looks like a call on the farm store is in order for more bags of the stuff.

    Trish, I wish you could come eat with us. I made caprese salad for dinner, and there's lots left. Diane

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    In memory of David Austin. My favorite DA rose, Evelyn.

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago

    Just wow, Diane!

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Diane, now that I think about it, the Watkins products at Walmart are only the extracts, not the dry spices. Amazon has a big selection of both the spices and extracts. I think it's the same company from the '50s. Mother used to buy their black pepper, too. My dad covered everything in black pepper, so we went through it.

    Your Evelyn is the best of the best. I just know the Austin sons must have a spectacular rose to carry their father's name. If he's been ill for a long time, and they knew his death was expected, they could have it ready to introduce this year. Would they do that? Would that be in poor taste?

    No, I don't do much baking except for special occasions or if the kids are going to be here. It's not safe to have it around. Do you bake a lot? Or, your daughter? I know your son-in-law cooks, but does he also bake? I'd hide those hot peppers of his if he's making dessert. I can't get my mind off that Dutch Bakery truck. We never get anything like that around here.

    I can see why the larger roses are desired over bands by a lot of people. Own roots usually catch up by the 2nd year, but who wants to wait if you don't have to. I've been gravitating toward the larger potted roses. If I want a rose bad enough, I'll take it any way it's sold. I have to say, though, that the bands from RU and Northland grow like beanstalks, so they're not behind for long.

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    Thanks, Lisa. Wow to you, too.

    Thank you, flowers. I think I'll try Amazon for some Watkins' things. A number of years back, I went to the Watkins website--it was Canadian, and was going to order then, but didn't. We used all of their products from dry spices to extracts. And mom gave me some of their products for my baking. I used to bake everything; then a few years ago, I started letting my daughter take over the baking, and it's just fine. I still do a little and will make a pumpkin pie for Christmas Eve. (I missed Thanksgiving; still wasn't feeling to well). I like to throw a small tea party in early June to show a few friends my roses and celebrate gardening friend's birthday. I bake then, but years ago, I went nuts for baking. Son in law doesn't bake, except for a rare batch of oatmeal cookies, which are excellent. If he set his mind to it, he could be an excellent baker, but he doesn't even eat much baked stuff.

    Normally, I would buy locally, and get 5 gallon roses from Edwards, but they have never sold Leo. Planting 5 gal is a real pain, and I can barely lift the huge pots into the big holes, with the huge and often blooming roses, but it's an instant rose garden, and Edwards is very reasonable. Their roses run from $22.95--29.95 for the latest Austins. Speaking of which, I was sad to see David Austin leave us, and I was wondering who does their hybridizing now. Diane

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Nice tribute to DA Nanadoll!

    Again, thanks for all concerns with my step brother...He's waiting to hear back from doctor on when he will get the other stent in...

    Well we got all our Christmas shopping done yesterday... Thank! lol

    Sadly my wifes two children to a previous marriage are having a rough year so we bought extra gifts for there 3 children so they can have a good Christmas...

    We have had very little snow since our 11 inches awhile back in Nov.....So that's a good thing... But it still rains and rains often...

    I hope everyone is doing good!

    BY THE YOU WANT ME TO START A WINTER THREAD ON DEC @21st or does somebody else want to do it?????... Please let me know...

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    Diane, another glorious rose

    No wonder people are wild about Evelyn, what a fabulous rose, but you seem to have the magic touch.

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago

    I’d say I’d take the winter thread, but I’m too inconsistent. I’d be a very poor hostess, but I do think Jim deserves a break with everything he has going on. It’s so sweet of you Jim to help those kids have a good Christmas! Lisa

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Did everyone else get their David Austin catalog, yesterday? What a fat, lovely, book of a thing! Lisa

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    Lisa, I didn't get my catalog, blast it. Do you order from Austin? They've had a pretty poor record of getting their catalogs to me over the years.....Lisa, I also think Jim needs a break, and I know you would do a great job starting the winter thread. You're not inconsistent! We love all your photos, too.

    Jim, you've done a wonderful job on the seasonal threads for a long time, and I am certainly not trying to replace you! You're pretty irreplaceable, in fact. I think you have embodied the spirit of Christmas in helping those of your wife's family who are having a hard time.

    Kristine, thank you so much. There is no rose quite like Evelyn. For me, she's the epitome of David Austin rosiness. I know you're so busy, but would you consider taking on the seasonal thread? You always have neat photos, and are a good and loyal post-er.

    Flowers, how is your Daisy doing? I've been reading of her health problems on another thread. She's such a beauty, and must have such a sweet disposition. I empathize with you and know the hard time you're going through. It's the price we pay for having such precious creatures in our lives. They are worth it. Diane

  • lavenderlacezone8
    5 years ago

    Hi to EVERYBODY!!!

    Life has gotten in the way of me catching up with my beloved rose friends but just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and to let you all know that I think of you often!

  • summersrhythm_z6a
    5 years ago

    Merry Christmas everyone! Ho ho ho! :-)

  • Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
    5 years ago

    I just got my new David Austin catalog as well and one of the things I noticed if you will look at the heights now given they are much more realistic. There are sure a lot attempt ations in that catalog aren't there?

  • Lisa Adams
    5 years ago

    Hi Lavender! It’s been a while since I’ve seen anything from you. Merry Christmas, and great to hear from you.

    Diane, I did order Boscobel from them last year. It’s sure worth requesting a catalogue, if you don’t get one. Mine just arrived yesterday, so maybe some are still on their way? It’s 172 pages without the index, and loaded with gorgeous pictures. I just wish I could get my hands on the DA florist roses, as plants. I know they aren’t meant for home gardeners, but I’d sure like to give it a try. They are absolutely incredible. I’ll see if I can get a picture of a page without disturbing my little lap friend:)

    ‘Charity’ is so unique with her little green pip. Either this one or the next are my favorite.

    This one, ‘Edith’ might be my favorite. Those antique gold centers are so beautiful!

    Here’s one more picture. I love the ruffles in ‘Beatrice’.

    I don’t know why I’m drooling over the couple pages of roses that we CAN’T order for the garden. They’re just irresistible to me. I think ‘Edith’ could be one of the DA roses my niece, Jenna, used in her wedding last year. It sure looks like it. Jenna used lots of warm colors, while Sarena,(the recent pictures I posted) used more subtle colors. They both used lots of gorgeous DA roses, but very different from each other.

    I hope everyone gets their DA catalog soon. I think it’s the best edition they’ve ever sent me, but I haven’t been getting them for all that many years. I’m impressed by nice selection of non-DA roses, as well. This “Index By Color”, at the end of the catalog is a nice feature, although it doesn’t include all the DA roses they offer. Evelyn and Bishops Castle aren’t in this index. It’s a great way to see color graduation, and I appreciate that they mixed in non-DA roses. It would be a great tool for designing a bed. Too bad it’s too late any new designs around here. I mostly just winged it, and they are where they are......


  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    5 years ago

    Hi Lavender! Have a Merry Christmas! Hope to hear from you again soon!

    Wonderful photos Lisa!

    Think about it'm ok with doing the winter thread but if anyone else wants to step up please do

  • titian1 10b Sydney
    5 years ago

    Jim, it would be great if you would do it, as long as it isn't an imposition.

    lavenderlace, so nice to see your post. Happy Xmas to you and family and pup (but not armadillos), and ditto to everyone else on this thread.

    Lisa, that catalogue looks a feast for the eyes. I love 'Edith' - good name for those old-fashioned colours too.

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Diane, I bet you could call Edwards and ask them to get a Leo for you. Yes! getting those big potted roses planted at the right level, etc., is a pain. That's one reason I love bands. They're so easy. Northland suggests you plant the whole thing, pot and all, water it in, then lift it out leaving a perfect hole for the un-potted plant to slide right into. That way, you know if you're getting it at the right level. But, I've even messed that up.

    Daisy is no better and no worse. So nice of you to ask. Good days and bad. She's just a little bag of bones, now, but still has energy - from where, I don't know. We had a long talk and she promised to let me know when it's time to let her go. I will not let her suffer just so I can hold her one more day. i hope you never have to go through this with Clancy and Finn. How are those two rascals, by the way? Do you still have that pic of the two of them, cozy in their window hammock? Sweetest thing ever.

    Jim, years ago, when our son was newly married, and daughter a college student, I suggested we exchange small gifts under $3. And, I believe they also had to either be funny or hand made, or something like that. That was one of our best Christmases ever! We laughed ourselves silly. No big expectations, just enjoying each other. To this day, we keep the adult gifts down to small, inexpensive things.

    Lavender! How wonderful to see you here. Merry Christmas! I think of you often as well and miss you, too. I hope this means you'll be dropping in more often.

    Lisa, I have to agree that Edith is one of those roses that you'd go to almost any length to get your hands on. Beautiful coloring. I've never had their catalog, but they will be sought after more than ever this year. My garden was made by just winging it, too. I wish I had had a plan.

    Jim, if you're willing, and if it would be enjoyable rather than a burden, I vote you host again.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    5 years ago

    Here's the new Winter Thread:

    Thank you everyone for being a part of these seasonal threads! Awesome! :-)

  • nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
    5 years ago

    And a huge thank you, to you, too, Jim. And may your Christmas be a wonderful one, as I know it will, given your acts of kindness to your family. I wish we all could send you some roses for Christmas.

    Flowers, in the past, I have asked Edwards to special order roses for me. I remember asking the head of roses and perennials, a very knowledgeable woman, to order two Ebb Tides back in 2006 or 2007, the year it came out. She hadn't even heard of Ebb Tide, but she ordered a bunch, and they all sold out. I may ask her again after Christmas if she could order Leo, but it may be too late by then--they will be having a holiday closer soon.....My much loved kitty, Peanutbutter, had the very same condition as your Daisy, years ago. She was nearly 17 at the time. I vowed to never own a pet again, so Clancy and Finn are my family's pets, technically. It provides a small level of distance emotionally. I still have Pbutter's ashes in a special tin. I know that sounds awful, but she was like a daughter to me.

    I went to the Capitol Rotunda Boise Hi music concert last night, and I'll send a few pics to the new thread. It was the fourth performance these kids have put on in less than a month, including the huge Madrigal dinner. The rotunda was beautifully decorated, a stunning setting. More on the new thread. I hope everyone's holiday season is going smoothly--now back to the peppermint bark. Diane

  • flowersaremusic z5 Eastern WA
    5 years ago

    Diane, after I went to bed last night, actually this morning, I remembered about Peanutbutter. Finn and Clancy may be family pets, but I know you are attached to those little guys. I'd love to see that photo of them in their hammock if it's not too hard to find. Cats are pure entertainment every day. I am looking forward to the pics of the Rotunda musical on the next thread.

    Jim, I agree that you are a wonderful and thoughtful host. And, may all your kindnesses come back to you. How is your mother doing? With your step brother's improvement, I hope she is less stressed and showing signs of improvement, herself.