ideas for converting sun porch
tile wall in #3, overall #4, solar tube in #1.
A retaining wall plus a bit of paving creates a destination in the middle of a large lawn.
I like everything but the stools in this kitchen.
Notice the trim around the opening from living room to kitchen. Not wainscotting. Tall baseboard with standard quarter round at floor. Add battens then a rail similar to what would top wainscotting. Wrap around and extend on the long wall in the kitchen, then into the dining room and around the other opening. On living room side extend on long wall, around opening to dining room then between windows. Line the top of the decorative feature with the window sills.
on thick wall side of hallway. See other idea with charging station and mirror above. Put shallow cupboard below for TP, kleenex, soap, toothpaste, etc. Could only do one door because it has to fit between studs since it's a load bearing wall.
Nifty idea, if you have enough depth. My 7.5" might work for our cats.
On the thick wall side of the hallway, 7.5" deep recess with shelves. Bottom shelf: run electric from inside the small bedroom to an outlet for a charging station. Instead of bulletin board put a mirror and maybe a shelf for decorations, or hooks on the side walls for keys.
kitchen and hallways to replace carpet and poorly laid vinyl plank flooring.
I like the use of color in small amounts bringing life to the neutral walls and floor. Not a lot of repainting when you're ready for a change, not so much color that it discourages buyers. At our age we always have to consider resale value should our children need to sell the house on short notice.
The cabinet color would be good in a sun room renovation.
Hmm, clean up the shop area we use for garden supplies? Put a door in the side of the shed, carve out about 5' and build something like this. Would still have room in majority of shed for mowers and trailer.
Notice the boot storage. Might be able to do that in the garage near the door where we already store the boots.
the granite counter top looks more practical than wood.
could do similar on one wall in shed and still have room for the mowers.
for the sun porch, if we ever get to remodel it.
45 sq ft, no window but a usable vanity.
If only I could make the chicken coop look this nice and could afford large troughs for vege beds
I like the gravel base around fire pit, safe and stable for chairs.
above sink and dining room double set of windows are possibilities.
our kitchen color choices, change knobs and faucet that's all to make it more craftsman. We already have the right cabinets.
Notice the cool color palate of #3 & 4.
If I could remove the non-usable fireplace, this would be a great idea to replace it.
This shade idea might work in our windy location. It appears to be supporter by the house and metal poles. Not sur if the sides are tied to metal rods or just hung taught.
for under the walnut tree, a second one under the maple tree would be extra special
hmm - could I make something similar from our scraps?
Notice the gate entrance is lower than the grass.
This is an idea for a 2nd home on our 3 acres for when the main house becomes too much for us. Daughter & granddaughter can move out of the basement, then rent it out, if she chooses.
consider for bedrooms, basement sewing room. Hadn't thought of painting it the same as the wall. Dad & Cindy always want stained wood.
Old milk delivery door, closed up on outside, glass door and display space for antique milk bottles.
I have no supplies for something like this, but I sure like it.
change baseboards to something like this photo
No place for it in current home, but if I ever get another place with stairs, I'd want to do something like this.
I'd like to do a board , or a couple of smaller ones to display photos, etc within a theme. Perhaps a vacation trip or one for each child.
a dry path to scattered vegetable beds
When you are working with a sloped or narrow lot, splitting up the deck into multiple levels can make the best use of the space.
deck path to the shade tree
I could enjoy this bathroom, especiall if it is in the location I see out the window.
If I ever move to a cabin sized place, I'l like to have those multihued washed boards on one wall, but not behind the stove.
Wish I could use these colors in the basement, but I got out voted.
Look on the left at the cow shaped shelving. A fun idea that can make a dull space bright and cheery.
What a fun hallway
The backsplash behind the hood - vertical mixed greens.