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Inspiration for a huge rustic marble floor and beige floor wine cellar remodel in Atlanta with storage racks
Designs by BSB
Designs by BSB
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars41 ReviewsView Profile

Basement Remodel with Wine Cellar

Rustic Wine Cellar, Atlanta

VIEW: Back cellar with wall sconces, T&G cherry ceiling and beams and double depth wine racks on the right wall. This basement remodel included a complete demo of 75% of the already finished basement. An outdated, full-size kitchen was removed and in place a 7,000 bottle+ wine cellar, bar with full-service function (including refrigerator, dw, cooktop, ovens, and 2 warming drawers), 2 dining rooms, updated bathroom and family area with all new furniture and accessories! Photography by Chris Little

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