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Inspiration for a mid-sized mediterranean kitchen remodel in Kansas City
Building Pro
Building Pro
Average rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars8 ReviewsView Profile

Cambria Quartz kitchen countertops

Mediterranean Kitchen, Kansas City

Amazing Cambria Quartz kitchen countertop, the Seagroveā„¢, where finding your favorite natural surface is so easy. It is a quartz stone surface, recognized as a superior choice in countertop materials. Beside offering an elegant and clean look, Cambria Quartz has a stunning cosmetic appeal and is one of the hardest materials in nature. Cambria countertops consist of 93% natural quartz stone and require no maintenance, even with heavy use. CambriaĀ® is only available through exclusive dealers (and cannot be found in Home Centers). Building Pro offers customizable options of Cambria Quartz kitchen countertops and spa showers for a care free, NSF certified as safe to use for food preparation surface and ready to convert your kitchen or shower into a Masterpiece you will be proud off to enjoy for long time!

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