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Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
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The Cuisinart non-stick grilling basket is the ideal tool to help cook fish, seafood, vegetables and other delicate foods that may fall through your grill grate. Fill the basket with your favorite fish filets and sliced vegetables then lock it in place. No more worries about your filet falling apart on the grill when you turn it. Just grab the elongated heat-resistant handle and turn. The professional grade non-stick wires ensure your food won't stick - even if you are grilling the most delicate fish filets or the thinnest sliced vegetables. And since your food won't stick to the wires, clean-up is a breeze!

Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket
3.2K Reviews
Est. Delivery: May. 13 - May. 20 (to )
    Qty: 1

    • Product Description
    • Product Specifications
    • Shipping and Returns
    The Cuisinart non-stick grilling basket is the ideal tool to help cook fish, seafood, vegetables and other delicate foods that may fall through your grill grate. Fill the basket with your favorite fish filets and sliced vegetables then lock it in place. No more worries about your filet falling apart on the grill when you turn it. Just grab the elongated heat-resistant handle and turn. The professional grade non-stick wires ensure your food won't stick - even if you are grilling the most delicate fish filets or the thinnest sliced vegetables. And since your food won't stick to the wires, clean-up is a breeze!

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    At Houzz we want you to shop for Cuisinart Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket part # CNTB-422 with confidence. You can read real customer reviews for this or any other product and even ask questions and get answers from us or straight from the brand. When you buy Cuisinart Simply Grilling Non-stick Grilling Basket or any product product online from us, you become part of the Houzz family and can expect exceptional customer service every step of the way. If you have questions about Cuisinart part # CNTB-422 or any other product for sale, our customer service team is eager to help.