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Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window
Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window
Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window
Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window
Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window
Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window
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Extravagantly hand carved vintage triple arch MIRROR and columns, intriguing wall decor, huge wall floor mirror, and full of old world energy the arched mirror imparts a free spirited wily nature that mixes different cultures and design styles. A vagabond mix of color and texture, rustic vintage and cutting edge modern, simple yet extravagant, the design speaks to your soul.
The vintage beauty of old world carved doors, the romance and charm of rustic wood architecture with subtle hues of color seeping through, a vintage home looks and feels classic. Look at these floral, paisley carved reclaimed wood arches, hand carved and intricately detailed and you'll feel the fluid feminine energy or the earthy masculine energy in the brass studded antique doors sitting across the office desk.

59x59x4 inches overall dimension

Consigned Vintage Triple Arch Mirror, Natural Reclaimed Wood Carved Window

    Extravagantly hand carved vintage triple arch MIRROR and columns, intriguing wall decor, huge wall floor mirror, and full of old world energy the arched mirror imparts a free spirited wily nature that mixes different cultures and design styles. A vagabond mix of color and texture, rustic vintage and cutting edge modern, simple yet extravagant, the design speaks to your soul.
    The vintage beauty of old world carved doors, the romance and charm of rustic wood architecture with subtle hues of color seeping through, a vintage home looks and feels classic. Look at these floral, paisley carved reclaimed wood arches, hand carved and intricately detailed and you'll feel the fluid feminine energy or the earthy masculine energy in the brass studded antique doors sitting across the office desk.

    59x59x4 inches overall dimension

    Product ID
    W 59" / D 4" / H 59" / 5.63 lb.
    Assembly Required

    • Product Description
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    Extravagantly hand carved vintage triple arch MIRROR and columns, intriguing wall decor, huge wall floor mirror, and full of old world energy the arched mirror imparts a free spirited wily nature that mixes different cultures and design styles. A vagabond mix of color and texture, rustic vintage and cutting edge modern, simple yet extravagant, the design speaks to your soul.
    The vintage beauty of old world carved doors, the romance and charm of rustic wood architecture with subtle hues of color seeping through, a vintage home looks and feels classic. Look at these floral, paisley carved reclaimed wood arches, hand carved and intricately detailed and you'll feel the fluid feminine energy or the earthy masculine energy in the brass studded antique doors sitting across the office desk.

    59x59x4 inches overall dimension

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