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Garden Bed Width and Yield

From reading gardening books and over the web, it appears most of the folks recommend garden beds to be 4' wide. Only few sources recommend wider beds.

I think to achieve better yield, wider beds are needed. It also depends on what vegetable/plants people grow. If it is for crops, like corn, wheat, sunflower etc., the beds can be as wide as you can manage. There is no need to access the plants other than watering and final picking.

But for ready access, such as beans etc., a normal width is needed. Even in this situation, I'll still try to build beds as wide as I can manage. My tomato beds are about 6'-7' wide, to hold two rows of tomato cages. I can pick up tomatoes easily from both sides of the beds.

The less path, the more room to grow. Also, most of the plants do not like to receive the FULL sun from the ground to the top, but want the feet shaded. The tomato plants in the middle of my beds are doing the best, with the ones on the east side doing the worst.

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