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Heartthrob Viola Anyone?

14 years ago

At Variegated Plants Nursery in Ct. last wk., i was wowed by (so purchased of course!) a Heartthrob Viola: saturated green leaves with big deep maroon centers. Anyone had experience with this one?

thanks for your help,


Comments (24)

  • 14 years ago

    Just purchased it about a month ago. I asked the same Question here and it seems not many have had experience.

    I placed it in shade with dappled sun. It has been attacked by slugs repeatedly - even with Sluggo applied. (I think those slimy buggers just laugh at me when they see me coming now.) Despite that, it has continued to grow quite well. I may move it in the next week to a 'sun in the am' area which is not as pestered by slugs.

    Oh, it will let you know if it requires water by nearly laying flat on the ground...

  • 14 years ago

    tiffy, you know i just had a FEELING about slugs when i planted it, so th. you. If it lives for us, won't that be just so COOL? I'm particularly thrilled that the leaves are large for a viola, and the purple splotch is such a deep saturated maroon. My pot was dense w/ roots and stems; I thought of dividing it but decided not. I have it planted next to var. liriope and penstemon husker's red. Reaching for the Sluggo and knocking on my head as we speak!

    Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:194520}}

  • 14 years ago

    That's a nice plant. Does it bloom very well?

  • 14 years ago

    Got deer? Apparently they like it for dessert after dining on the Hostas. I have been fortunate this year to have found a deer deterrent which is presently working (operative word in that sentence being 'presently':O) It would be nice if the zone stated was correct for once!!

    Ech - Hasn't bloomed yet.

  • 14 years ago

    gosh, tiff, i never even CONSIDERED a bloom. does it and what?

  • 14 years ago

    You got me laughing Mindy because when I bought it I never considered a bloom either!!! Bloom is good but good foliage is better. :O)

    I quote from the American Meadows site, "With classic lavender violet flowers, this new beauty adds the drama of a deep burgundy heart-shaped blotch on each leaf. A great new "garden texture" plant among the violets--since after the flowers are gone, this one keeps adding color all season long!"

    Let's put it this way... If I miss the flowers, something tells me I won't miss much. :O)

  • 14 years ago

    i'm with you, tiff!

    p.s. i was trying to remember where you are in can. so i looked at your moniker and.... it's not there!! You know, tiff, listing 'can.' is like listing 'u.s.' I mean, yours IS a rather big country!why don't you put No.of Toronto or something (isn't that where you are?)Then, when i finally get up there to visit gardens, I (and all of us at GW) can remember all your posts about certain plants etc., and be prepared to see them around, instead of "I didn't know you could grow that up here!" type things. Help us look good!

  • 14 years ago

    Actually, I live in Nova Scotia and could throw rocks at you over Georges Bank. LOL!! I have it on my page and thought that was a good place, eh? I understand what you mean though.

  • 13 years ago

    Does anyone have any experiences to report on growing this? I'm wondering how it does in hot summers? Does it hold it variegation through out the seasons?

  • 13 years ago

    I planted two of them this year, one that I ordered and one that a friend gave me later. So far, they are doing fine planted in a bed with some hostas. No slug damage yet. My friend who gave it to me grows it in her partly shady garden and it reseeds nicely for her. She has had it for three or four years. I think the flowers might be blue but mine didn't bloom this spring. I love the foliage!

  • 13 years ago

    I live in zone 8b (South Carolina). I've had it 3 years. Have never seen a flower and it does not appear to reseed in my garden. Foliage holds its color all season...looks great with any of the burgundy heucheras,euphorbias with burgundy stems, and japanese painted ferns. I have it growing in dappled shade with somewhat dry soil. It is growing under a camellia as well, so the soil probably drier than I even realize.

  • 13 years ago

    lion,some info is better than none? mine is on its second year; no S damage yet anyway. open shade,never sees sun,moist spot.no flowers and don't care. have it next to grn and gold varieg liriope and yellow carex.
    LOVE it. must be a good increaser cuz it's not super expensive and it hit the major local nursery this yr i'm happy to say, so i could make a bigger 'swath' of it.

  • 13 years ago

    Nice foliage, don't think I've ever seen it locally for sale. I'm trying to eradicate a NOID viola though that seeds like crazy and chokes out other plants...not sure I'd buy another viola.

  • 13 years ago

    888, remember the "almost always" rule of variegation: variegated plants are usually much less prolific/hardy/etc. than non-variegated versions. I think you'd be safe w/ heartthrob. If not, you'd make aLOT of friends giving away seedlings!

  • 13 years ago

    888, i remembered that heartthrob is a Terra Nova (OR. i think) intro. so i googled it. looks like this answers a lot of questions.

    Here is a link that might be useful: heartthrob viola

  • 13 years ago

    Funny, I saw one for sale yesterday. I never noticed it before reading this thread. I thought about buying it...:) that foliage is spectacular.

  • 13 years ago

    888, you THOUGHT about buying it??????? What exactly IS your problem? I thought you was a SMAHT guy!! :-)

    p.s. what is NOID?

  • 13 years ago

    Mindy - No ID

  • 13 years ago

    hmmmmmmm. i started to formulate some ideas but went outside instead!

  • 13 years ago

    Hey, I'm a smart GIRL :)

    I just got my first horse after forty years of wanting one and can't afford to indulge in plant lust right now...

  • 13 years ago

    aha, so we're both girls. how wonderful about your horse. congrats!

  • 13 years ago

    Spike banned me under my normal forum name of LeeAnne151 years ago so registered under my eBay message board name. Now I don't know how to change it.

    Thank you, I'm very excited.

  • 13 years ago

    i wasn't around w/ spike. why not just register anew? or write to them?

  • 13 years ago

    I suppose I could register anew. Spike was crazy. If he didn't like something you posted and you never knew what would set him off, when you logged on you'd go straight to the Disneyland website....then if you emailed him to ask what you did wrong he'd ban you.