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White Blend Rose ID (White Radiance???)

14 years ago



Type: Bush.

Size: Up to 6.56´(2.00 mt) tall and 3.28´(1.00 mt) wide.

Stems: tic, strong, rigid. The new stems have a characteristic redish colouring.

Habit: Tall and dense bush, very very thorny.



Color: Dark green, dull (not glossy).

Size: Big.


Features of the bud: Small light pink buds. As the buds open you can see its conic centre light pink blended that never opens completely (according to this description I was said this rose could be ´White Radiance´, but it is scentless).

Diameter: 4.72" x 4.72" (12 cm x 12 cm). No simetry.

Flower: Big, no simetry. Very similar in appearance to varieties like "Red Radiante" or "Pink Radiante", but has no scent.

¿How does it bloom?: Solitary and in posies of up to 3-4 flowers in Autumn and up to 8-9 in spring (see pictures).

¿How many times does it flower?: Taking into account that the rose grows in a neighboring old garden I do not have the exact information, but it has a really abundant and long lasting blooming in spring and during the fall season.

Number of petals and shape: 36 petals.

Stamen Yes/ No: It is impossible to apreciate them because the flower never opens completely.

olor: White blend. Light pink centre.

Lenght of the flower: High.

Fragance: None to mild fragance.

Resistance: It seems to be a very vigorous and healthy cultivar.

THANKS for your time! Mariano.
{{gwi:317326}}White blend rose ID

Comments (3)

  • wesley_butterflies
    14 years ago

    Guess what just occured to me: This one is adapting to it's suroundings and has been doing it for a while It's heavy and massive thorns are a sure sign of its adaptation sucsess. The thorns are a roses defence system The pinkish to red canes are also a second sign of adapting the loss of fragerance is a third sign. I think your rose(s) are *sporting (becoming something else) They'll always be a rose in family as long as there roots are alive. As you do live near the tropics south of the equater and there age of adapting to your unique conditions your showing us all something we have never seen befor simply beacuse they don't need to adapt any furthure up here in northern regions

    The folks in OZ may want to know this info as they too live in a very different enviroment from both you and I

    Theroy of evelution at work: All species are allowed to do only two things: adapt or die the only way for a rose to die is to loose it's root there root has been alive for slightly over 3.5 milion years

  • nanito
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    Hi Westley Butterflies!

    Do you still remember this rose we have been trying to ID since 2009?. Still with no ID! :(

    My warmest greetings from Buenos Aires!

  • nanito
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Dear Westley Butterflies and esteemed members,

    After more than 5 years, I am pretty sure that the pink blend rose is the white sport of âÂÂMadame Caroline TestoutâÂÂ, HT âÂÂAdmiral Duweyâ (1899). Although I have just received some pictures from the Sangerhausen, they were enough for me to identify my unknown rose as this old âÂÂMadame Caroline Testoutâ white sport.

    I would possibly discard some other related roses, such as âÂÂFrau Dr. Krügerâ since it has golden-yellow undertones, borne mostly solitary and occasional repeat later in the season. My rose does not have golden-yellow undertones, usually blooms in clusters and has a profuse fall bloom. HT âÂÂGrossherzogin Victoria Melittaâ has white or white blend flowers with a yellow center and a strong fragrance, while the unknown rose has not any yellow coloring and none to mild fragrance. âÂÂMme Gustave Metzâ could have been another possibility but it is too pink, at least in my humble opinion. Furthermore, it has a long pointed form while the unknown rose is more globular. âÂÂLa Favouriteâ was also a globular HP, related with âÂÂMme. Caroline Testoutâ and its descendants, with globular form and it is a good fall bloomer (like my rose), but it has a deep rose color that turns soft pink as the rose ages.

    Having said that, I am quite sure that the found rose from that old garden in BA is HT âÂÂAdmiral Duweyâ (John H. Taylor, 1899), although some more pictures would help me to confirm this properly. Any contribution would be highly appreciated.

    Greetings from Buenos Aires!