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Why do kids like dirt?

When I was a kid I played in the dirt incessantly. Tracked it into the house and was repeatedly scolded with not deterrent affect. As an adult I first rationalized that I played in the dirt because we were "dirt poor" and had nothing else to play with.

Now I have a window looking over a vacant lot and kids ride their expensive bicycles and scooters to the vacant lot to play in the dirt. Shoots my family finances theory. What is it about dirt?

Comments (9)

  • deb29
    22 years ago

    I was here looking for some ideas on how to organize the master gardeners fact sheets and had to post.

    I can't say why most kids like dirt but I know that it can be the way it feels. I think most children learn from example. Digging and planting seems to put a smile on faces. My daughter was so into worms, I always had good soil differnt from dirt. If she was a boy she could of had a frog in her pocket. I never had either of my children in a play pen, swing, walker etc and my mother would have a bird when I allowed them to lye on the floor on a blanket. I guess that's why they are so grounded now. Always had lots of house plants and they got into them but always caught them in time so they never really ate it but I know the old timers use to taste the soil. Could of been something they learned from birth. Now is that an expert? I can't see the point in that. But I guess being dirt cheap make people do some strange things. Mud pies wasn't one of them.

  • sari
    22 years ago

    It's not just dirt, but clay and sand too.

    I liked and still like to play in the dirt, drawing, building castles, digging holes, etc. It's like legos or any kind of building set, the possibilities are endless. It gives you a freedom that you don't find with storebought toys. You can feel like you're GI Joe/Jane down in the trenches, or an indian making a clay pot...

    Once I remember, my dad was cooking hamburgers on the grill. I took a bunch of different types of dirt from our yard, mixed in a little debris and made a perfect looking hamburger patty. My dad thought it was a pretty funny idea, so he grilled it for me. So it came off the grill looking amazingly edible. Unfortunately, as I was running to show it to my mom, I tripped on the steps of the house and made a big mess there in the doorway.

    More recently (~5 years ago) I was taking a geology class and we were stopped at several places along the road. I noticed there were some amazing colors of clay and I started drawing on my navy blue windbreaker. When we stopped in town for lunch no one could believe I'd found all those colors in piedmont clay!

    I'm not sure what my point here was, but people play in dirt because it's fun.

    :) sara

  • saucydog
    22 years ago

    It's the creating your own "game" theory....a bike has one use, but you have to really THINK to make a game out of dirt!

    A few cars, you've got roads. Digging up rocks, you're looking for dinosaurs. Finding worms, wow, we could go fishing if I find a few more!


  • DaisyDot
    22 years ago

    For the same reason you like dirt. :)

    I mean you are a gardener, sure we like the veggies, flowers, and foliage but there is just something about getting your hands in the dirt - creating, destroying you name it.

  • andalee
    22 years ago

    It is endlessly manipulatable. (Kinda like language. lol :o) You can do just about anything with it, and it always responds in some way. That's why sand, clay and water all have similar appeal, I think.

  • Arkansasgardenboy
    22 years ago

    It is what we are made of. It is what we will return to when we die. Kids like dirt because we liked dirt when we were kids. It is a natural thing. It is the way God made us. If more people played in the dirt more often we would have a better world. We need more dirt roads in our lives. We need to be spending more time praying and looking out for the needs and concerns of other people. We need more love for God and for others.

  • duffy
    22 years ago

    Because it tastes so good. ;)

  • sherry3964
    21 years ago

    I dont know I would say its a kid thing..but I love it too
    I have no theory about the kids though..they seem to be a magnet especially when you dress them up to go some where.
    think this may be one of those life mystery
    sherry :)

  • babzclare
    21 years ago

    Because it does so many things! It makes a big cloud in the air when you jump on it dry, it makes a big squishy ploppy splash when it's wet, it feels cool, soft, slimey, slippery,it molds for great imaginary play, it grosses out your enemy when you sling it at them, it supports life(and that's pretty magical if you ask me). I JUST LOVE MUD. and I'm 38!

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