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18 years ago

I have a new Terr i set up in a 10-gallon aquarium. I have the normal layers of gravel, charcoal, soil and sphagnum. I have some pink epsicias and a small palm planted. Thought I might add a frog. But would it survive? What would I feed it? Where would I get one?

thanks for any advice.

Comments (5)

  • back2eight
    18 years ago

    It sounds like you are where I was when I first got started. :) I had a carnivorous plant terrarium set up and I looked at it and thought it would be the perfect environment for a frog. Now here I am today the owner of 15 frogs, and loving it. Which frog you get will be your choice. With a ten gallon, at the most you could put would be two frogs of any species, only one of some of the bigger or more aggressive. You need a temperature and humidity guage. You also need to be very careful about what goes in the tank. If you set this terrarium up without having an animal in mind, you might not have thought to clean off the plants first. Frogs soak up everything through their skin. They don't even drink. They get their water from their skin. That was one thing I didn't realize when I first started looking into frogs. So any plants need to be completely washed off bare-root and repotted so that no chemicals or fertilizers remain.

    Now, I would recommend you join or dendroboard and use the search function to read all you can and answer some basic questions. Then you just need to look at pictures of frogs and read care sheets to see what works for you. A lot of people have tree frogs of different varieties. In a ten gallon I wouldn't put a tree frog or any tree-dwelling species. You need a ground dweller. So you can get a tomato frog or pac man frog or something like that. I have13 poison dart frogs and two tomato frogs. The poison dart frogs are tiny. They are bold, though, and awake during the day instead of at night. As far as I know there is no other frog that is awake during the day. Most of them sleep during the day. You will feed a poison dart frog fruit flies. If you need more information about how to do that and where to get them, just ask. Or read the forums I mentioned above. Mainly for other frogs their diet will be crickets. There are other feeders, but the main thing will be crickets. You can get them from any pet store or bait shop, or order them in bulk online. For one frog you don't need to order in bulk, though. They need a vitamin and calcium supplement which is dusted over the insect before feeding to the frog. Do some research, frogs are fascinating!

  • brendan_of_bonsai
    17 years ago doesn't seem to work for me, but there is a and I'm guessing that that is what you meant.

  • iliketerrariums
    17 years ago

    I have tried frogs in the past and although I have built many different types of set ups I just cant seem to keep a frog, alive anyways, so because of that I will tell you to do your research! Theres nothing worse than to wake up one day and find a dead frog in your set up, they dont tend to give signs of sickness or injury and when they do its usually to late, so that is basically what will happen if you dont have the right info, and most of the time it is the fault of the frog keeper, not the frog,(although the frog pays with its life!) so again, as back2eight mentioned, do your research! =)

  • back2eight
    17 years ago

    yes, that is what I meant. You will get good advice there.

  • alexis
    17 years ago

    I have 2 green tree frogs and one dart frog. Dart frogs can be very particular in what they eat and their set up. I know mine is not a bromeliad fan and ignores them. My frogs tend to like hoya plants, creeping fig, fittonia, jewel orchid, resurrection fern, snake plant (sanservia), silver philodendron, and baby rubber plant. You might want to avoid plants with spines or ones that are poisonous. Crotons might be pretty colored but are poisonous to frogs due to the frog's food eating them and absorbing the poison. Also, be sure to put only one species in the same tank. Some frog species (white's and cuban treefrog are some examples) eat other frog species if the other species is smaller than them.