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New dog -- missing old

15 years ago

Our dog died this past fall. He was 5 years old and died of post-surgical complications (long story). My husband and I were heartbroken, as he was our first "child" (we also have 2 human kids).

I started obsessively checking out petfinder and we adopted a shelter dog (a puppy about 9-10 months old) who is similar in temperament and looks to our previous dog. We brought him home about 2 weeks ago. He's a great dog and my son (3) loves him.

I am having a hard time, however, loving this new dog. I really want to, but I think the grief from the loss of my old dog is still there. I can't help but wish my old dog was still here instead. Any thoughts?

Comments (14)

  • weed30 St. Louis
    15 years ago

    Time, time, time.

    I too, wished my old dog was still around. She was just the BEST, and I don't think any other dog will ever measure up. But I have gotten 2 new dogs since my Taco died, and even the totally aggravating and challenging rescue beagle has wormed her way into my heart. I got her in July 2007, and my latest pup in November 2008. This new pup is something else, and while NO dog will ever "replace" Taco, I suspect that both of them will touch my heart in their own way.

    So sorry about the loss of your dog.

  • mazer415
    15 years ago

    You need to remember this dog IS NOT A REPLACEMENt dog and should not be treated as such, Honor this little dogs spirit by getting to know it for who it is and not try and compare it to your other dog. Im sorry you lost your dog, but if that little soul will pick up on your feelings and may develop issues if you cant shake yourself out of the negative feelings. Honor your dogs memory and make new ones with your new charge Good luck

  • pkguy
    15 years ago

    Oh I know exactly what you're feeling. Each and every time one of my older dogs has passed on the next in line or to come into the house just doesn't seem to measure up right away, but they eventually do.
    It actually took a couple of years for my Ben to measure up to Parker who just passed on this past September. he, Ben, was an absolute nightmare of destruction. But he finally matured about 3 years of age and now is awonderful dog too.. And now we have a new pup to keep Ben company and it's like.. oh he'll never measure up to Ben and Parker but he will too in time.

  • ilovedobies
    15 years ago

    I know what you're going through. Last August I had to put my doberman to sleep he had cardio and he was only five. He was my little boy in a fur coat and I loved him so much. I found a great breeder and got our new puppy two weeks after he died. I had a lot of tears back then, days when I was angry and days when I just missed him so much. I loved our new puppy right away but I missed my baby it's only natural. I have my favourite picture of him in my kitchen and at times it makes me cry and other times I think of all the silly things he did and it makes me smile. It takes times give your baby a big hug and a kiss and remember you wanted another dog he didn't come looking for you, he deserves your love.

  • cat_mom
    15 years ago

    You never stop missing them but it's ok to love the new one(s), too. Eventually your new little one will help to fill the hole a bit, and to soften the ache so it's not as sharp. It'll still be there, but (hopefully) at a more manageable level, in time.

  • joepyeweed
    15 years ago

    I know its a bit late now, but when I loose a pet, my next pet is sure not to resemble the last one.

    But I think in time, you will adjust. You are still mourning your old pet. It takes time to get over that...

  • User
    15 years ago

    Loosing a pet is tough. I found getting a look-a-like replacement is never the same and does create difficult feelings. My DIL just lost their collie/terrier mix---after it chose them---just walked in an open door 14 years ago and never left.

    They just got a standard poodle. The temperment is similar, but totally different otherwise.

  • caflowerluver
    15 years ago

    I am so sorry for the loss of your old dog. I waited 2 years before I adopted a new dog. I wanted to be over the grief of losing the last one before I felt I would be able to love a new one. And this one was totally different than the last dog, so there is no comparison. Everyone handles grief in their own way, but I knew I had to wait till I was ready to love again.

  • trinigemini
    15 years ago

    I lost my Candy in Oct....we got Tootsie about seven days later. I had Candy for ten years before I Lost her...she was with me in college and got me through law school and the BAR exam before she left me. She really did...I study too much sometimes and she would just come and sit on my books and make me take a much needed break. Toots is not Candy and I still miss my baby but Toots has her own when she wiggles her butt when its feeding time or when she wants to lay and she grabs ALL of her toys. I think you just have to look at you new baby as her/his own "person", and remember that she hasn't gotten to know you yet either to be your perfect dog...she needs love right now just as you do. You have to let go of your grief, not forget your old dog, just think of the good times and don't dwell on the end. You said your new dog is a good dog...spend time with him and get to know the quirks and personality of your new family member. He can help you get over your grief if you allow him too. When Candy died I went into deep depression....its hard to sleep all day and cry when you have a bundle of love waiting for you and begging for attention.

  • momof2doxies
    15 years ago

    As others have said, just give it some time. I think we all have had that one special dog in our lifetimes(Bessie for me), and no other will ever live up to that one. It doesn't mean that you won't love another dog, you will. Bessie has been gone for 1 1/2 years and I still miss her, but love the newest members of our family.


  • katie wilson
    3 years ago

    I had my dog for 16 years.. I have his paw print tattooed on my wrist, it's been 6 months and I'm still heartbroken.. I ended up adopting a 2 year old dog about a month ago. And not gonna lie, I truly think I feel worse now than I did before I had gotten him.. sometimes when I come home from work I lay in my bed and cry cause I miss my old dog Chico.. Before I adopted him I was conflicted on weather I was ready to adopt this dog or not.. I took the chance cause my heart was just so broken from being without a dog for so long. Idk if I'm just still grieving or what, I just have no connection with this dog, I don't feel a bond, I'm only more upset, the only thing I can truly say is give it some time. I'm sure through time the bond will develop. I still love my new dog, I just don't have this overwhelming loving bond with the dog yet. There are days where I even go into work and cry, I was 4 when I got my passed dog. I'm 20 now, this dog has been with me for over almost a third of my life, so it truly does take time to get over your grief..

  • HU-783963031
    2 years ago

    Can anyone help me my dog died my grief has gone but I've tried to rehome to dogs and both have made me feel like I want to be sick but I like them very much I'm just unsure about who I feel sick could I not be over grief?

  • socks
    2 years ago

    Maybe you need some time before you get another dog. Be sure to read Stax’s poem above which is what a dog would say if it could write.

    May the good memories comfort you. Do something to honor your pet…make a photo album, plant a flowering bush, donate to your local animal shelter, foster a dog before it gets its real new home.