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Are you quilting this weekend? March 8-10

11 years ago

I FINALLY finished piecing the plaid blocks (42). I got bored half way through and took a break this week. I am pressing them this afternoon. I will need to make large HSTs for the border but am waiting to see how many I need after I put the center of the quilt together.
I started a midi bag this week but need to buy supplies to make the lining.
Are you quilting this weekend?
Linda OH

Comments (16)

  • vacuumfreak
    11 years ago

    I totally understand getting bored with a quilting project! Nice to finish though :-)

    Not on the weekend, but I am going to another sit and sew tonight.... just pulled a pan of brownies out of the oven and put lemon bars in since we are all supposed to bring snacks. I've started putting the binding on the rail fence that I started back in September and plan to finish at the sit and sew.... I'm at the point where i just want to get it done!

    I'm also going to bring some material that I need help fussy cutting and see if anyone would be able to assist.

    Have to load the machine and projects and homemade-from-scratch treats in the car for the hour long drive!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, quilting or not :-)

  • rosajoe_gw
    11 years ago

    Yep, understand getting tired of a project too, my problem is, if I put it away it may stay away forever.

    Bobby, I wish I lived within an hours drive of any quilting friends! Sounds like you are going to have a really great evening.

    DH is having some health issues so I have been going with him to doc appts. It has given me time to finish the afghan I am knitting for a bday.

    We have beautiful weather and I spent this afternoon repotting some plants and putting out spring flowers for the front walkway.

    The only quilting is the charity quilt.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!

  • msmeow
    11 years ago

    YES, I AM!!!! Finally! :)

    The only thing scheduled this weekend is one of the cats annual trip to the vet. I'm hoping to finish the color wash hunter star top (finally).


  • quiltnhen
    11 years ago

    Got a couple of birthday blocks finished today. Hopefully more tomorrow. Also bought some 30's fabric for the lotto.
    High hopes!

  • fran1523
    11 years ago

    I've been snowed in and spent the last two days making string blocks out of scraps. The sun came out today so I think I am going to get out and about.

  • polardream
    11 years ago

    I didn't think I was going to get to quilt - we were supposed to host our church group here tonight - 25 people! Our weather is predicting 8-14" of snow so we postponed until next weekend. The house is cleaned, I have kabobs marinating in the frig (enough for 25!) and the rest of the weekend (except church tomorrow) to sew! YAHOO. I am working on some charity quilts out of my stash and scraps.

    Stay warm everyone and enjoy!

  • vacuumfreak
    11 years ago

    I had so much fun at the Sit and Sew! The host really helped me with a project that I want to do... we worked on that so much that I didn't even touch the binding on the rail fence, but I feel like I really have some direction now with the new project and she helped me fussy cut the fabric much better than I would have been able to do on my own!

    They even had Sangria, which is my drink of choice.... there were two kinds of stir fry, dumplings, cake, and my brownies and lemon bars which were almost finished by the time I left. It was so much fun talking and laughing and sewing and interacting with everyone!

    Four people said they were really touched by my Facebook comment about the group and they repeated it multiple times... it made me feel good.

    There was a bit of whispering in my ear at the ironing board about who doesn't like who and why... and a few people gave me contradictory advice about my project, but I listened to the host because it was her place and I liked her idea the the best... quilters are really opinionated about things like whether or not to pre-wash fabric and whether to use cornerstones or sashing or both or neither... I think a bit of that is to be expected in any group... but everyone was too polite to mention such things my first time there and they were a little more comfortable with me this time.

    One lady who wasn't there the last time saw me manipulating settings on my machine and said I seemed really comfortable with my machine... I am!

    I brought my work clothes to the sit and sew and changed there and went to work from there since I had to work at midnight... the host packed up my machine while I changed to save time... so sweet!

    I'm still basking in the afterglow of such a wonderful evening and anxiously anticipating the next sit and sew session.

  • vacuumfreak
    11 years ago

    My technology is failing me tonight.... I tried to take a picture of the project and the digital camera won't work.... the red light flashes but it won't come on.... even after changing batteries.... I just threw it across the room in frustration and parts of it landed all over the living it really won't come on! Never liked it anyway :o). And it's not even a year old. I wrote the previous post on the tablet and took a picture with my phone... well the Bump app doesn't work on my tablet and I can't download picture attachments from gmail on the tablet so let's try this again from the phone..... Technology stinks sometimes....

  • vacuumfreak
    11 years ago

    My technology is failing me tonight.... I tried to take a picture of the project and the digital camera won't work.... the red light flashes but it won't come on.... even after changing batteries.... I just threw it across the room in frustration and parts of it landed all over the living it really won't come on! Never liked it anyway :o). And it's not even a year old. I wrote the previous post on the tablet and took a picture with my phone... well the Bump app doesn't work on my tablet and I can't download picture attachments from gmail on the tablet so let's try this again from the phone..... Technology stinks sometimes....


  • quiltnhen
    11 years ago

    Lookin' good and very unique. I love the colors too. Looks like one piece of your techno toys is working.

    Just imagine what quilting was like when all you had was your old clothing or feed sacks.

    I can't even imagine, no spray bottles, no steam iron, lumpy batting and that's not even discussing the dreaded "templates" instead of precision rulers and rotary cutters.

  • calliope
    11 years ago

    Yes, I got into some quilting yesterday. I finished the wool quilt top and sized it up on the bed and decided it was large enough. Pulled out the one large length of wool I wanted to back it in, and it falls just short of being large enough by six inches all the way around. LOL. Just folded the quilt top up and decided to deal with that when I had my head in the right place after a break. I have learnt not to rush forward with quilting projects. I usually regret the results when I do.

    Went back to the sewing room last evening to just do something constructive with my time and started making up wool crazy quilt squares with some of the scraps and that'll be an on-going project to mess with and keep in the background. To be warmer out this week. May hit seventy today, so outside projects are starting to demand my attention. The sewing room has been a pleasant winter diversion, but I'm ready to move on to spring and won't be speding nearly as much time sewing.

  • msmeow
    11 years ago

    Calliope, you could use the crazy blocks in the backing to make it big enough... :)

    Bobby, what a great group of quilters you have found! Your project is looking good - I like the setting a lot!

    Still colorwashing... ;) Almost there - only another 150 or so squares to arrange then I can fuse the top. The sewing should be a breeze after all the time the placement has taken!


  • nannykins
    11 years ago

    Decided to make a set of placemats for my grandson to take home to his mother. I am using the mitered instructions. I have the 4 tops done, next comes the mitering. Wish me luck!

  • chickie1
    11 years ago

    I didn't plan to sew this weekend but looks like I might get to today. We had a baby shower for my nephew and his wife yesterday at my house. I made a baby quilt for them but only the top. Baby not due until middle of April so I have some time to finish it. Today I want to sew my birthday blocks and get them in the mail. However the weather is so wonderful and I have some spring flowers my hubby brought me I may spend some time outside too.
    Happy quilting!

  • loisflan
    11 years ago

    I spent Friday evening quilting my pineapple quilt - still a long way to go. Yesterday I spent about 12 hours on my beach glass quilt. I have about 4 hours of piecing left. I'm not very happy with my color choices. I needed 12 solids in shades of blue, green and purple. Some of my choices were too pale and others too dark (or saturated, as my daughter would say). The pale purples are looking pink and the pale greens are looking yellow. I guess that's what happens when you try to by all your fabrics at one time at your LQS. I should have ordered on-line where I would have had a myriad of color choices. Live and learn. A very costly mistake, in time and money.

  • lindaoh_gw
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    I finished the Midi bag on Saturday. I found fabric for the lining and fusible fleece in my stash and didn't have to go shopping to finish it.
    I like the size of the bag and will use it as a purse when I go to quilt shows.
    Linda OH

    Here is a link that might be useful: Midi bag