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Quitting Soda

7 years ago

I was surprised when reading through Shee's post to note how few people drink soda. Well maybe not THAT surprised as I've often given up soda for long stretches of time.. but I took special note of it because I have recently given up soda again.

I am back working in the office after a few months of working at home-- that was my real test as when I was last in the office, I had a routine to pick up a cup of ice and two cans of diet pepsi at lunch each day. Luckily, we changed buildings and I think that helped to break my routine.

I was never much of a water drinker but I do like the flavored waters that have no sugar. Not the carbonated ones.. plain infused water. They're hard to find but I am now fully stocked with Hint water. I also like iced tea-- but only brewed iced tea.

I think one of the advantages of quitting soda is also cutting wayyyyy back on the artificial sweeteners. I am not completely off them. I will drink crystal light on occasion but it is much more rare.

How did you quit? Are you a purist who never drank soda? I never drank it until my mid to late teens-- it was never in my parent's house. I started on Tab of all things (yuck!) Never got the taste for regular sugared sodas.

Comments (52)

  • OutsidePlaying
    7 years ago

    I stopped drinking coke a long time ago, mid-80's iirc. I first started drinking only things like ginger ale and 7-up or sprite. Did that for about a year and then just quit all. It was really easy because I didn't drink many to begin with. I still have coffee (half-caff) in the morning and maybe a glass of unsweet iced tea on occasion or a latte as a treat. Big water drinker just to stay hydrated with all the running and exercise I do.

  • bpath
    7 years ago

    I didn't like sodas as a kid either, because they were too sweet, sticky. But then Tab came along, and I liked it. For years I had at least one Tab or other diet cola every day. My kids remember me always needing to have a can in the car. But at some point, it just stopped. I don't know how it happened, I just didn't need it anymore.

    I still have a diet soda at our very occasional fast-food stops, and for everyday I like plain water, not flavored. And on a road trip I like a diet soda in the car, but I think it's for the sparkle to keep me alert, and I have just one.

  • deegw
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I drink regular soda but I think of it like dessert. It might have one per week. Sometimes I crave a Dr Pepper and something salty.

    I used to drink sweet tea and kicked that habit by gradually diluting it with unsweetened tea. Now I exclusively drink unsweet. I think diluted diet soda would probably be gross.

    My husband drank diet soda for years until I bought him a soda stream. Now he just drinks plain soda water. What he really liked was the fizz and bubbles, not the taste.

  • maire_cate
    7 years ago

    I'm an iced tea drinker, brewed at home with de-caf Tetley teabags, sweetened with Sweet 'n Low or rat poison as DH calls it. I keep caffeine-free pepsi at home and may have one once or twice a month. If we're dining out and I suspect that the restaurant does not have a good iced tea then I'll order a pepsi or coke.

    I would like to cut out my use of artificial sweeteners which I use in coffee and tea so I've been reducing the amount very slowly.

  • User
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    My name is Lukki Irish and I am shamelessly addicted to water, the colder the better and it's the only thing I drink. As with most addictions, several years ago it replaced a serious problem with Orange Fanta Soda. I had 8 12 can boxes stacked up in the pantry when I quit cold turkey in January 2007 or 08. I let them sit there for years before finally asking my Son In Law to take them for his buddies. I was really surprised to see how easy the change was considering how quickly I'd go through all those boxes, but once I made the decision, I never looked back. I also never realized how much money we spent on soda until we didn't spend it anymore. And not having to deal with those huge bags of empty cans was/is a plus too.

    IMO, there is nothing that tastes better than a nice cold glass of water. I use to drink it with ice, but had a bad habit of chewing it, so I stopped keeping ice in the house. Now, I drink my water plain and am good as long as it's at least chilled, I just cannot stand to drink warm or hot anything.

    I tell people who struggle to have a water addiction not to think of it as just water and to make the drink look as pretty as possible. Use a tall glass that's either clear or maybe a light ocean blue, fill it with ice and sparkling water and then let it sit a minute so there's condensation on the glass. Get creative and add some citrus or strawberries if you'd like but if you're thirsty and the eye sees it as pretty, that's half the battle. I mean really, don't these look yummy?

  • eld6161
    7 years ago

    It's not so much soda, but the diet soda. Artificial sweeteners can be addicting for some people. I think it also contributes to weight gain, for various reasons.

    Soda is one of those things that have no nutritional value, just enjoyment value. I see no problem with it in moderation.

    Just stay away from the artificial sweeteners!

    I will drink soda as a treat, on occasion.

  • LynnNM
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Although I've always been an avid water drinker, I did used to drink Diet Cokes as well. Perhaps one every other day. And then, about 10 years ago, i was watching some movie on TV with my DH. It was the night before Thanksgiving and I was sipping my Diet Coke when, all of the sudden, my tongue and throat started to swell up. I was having an allergic reaction to the aspartame/ aspartamine ( the artificial sweetener in the Diet Coke)! And this is after I had been drinking Diet Cokes for years! All I can say is that if it wasn't for my husband that night, I would have died right there and then but, being a family practice doc, he knew what to do and had the meds to take care of it right away. And it did. But it scared me so much! DH told me later that this kind of sudden allergic reaction to aspartame is actually a lot more common than people realize.

    I quit all soda for awhile after that. It took a long time for me to get used to the taste of regular Coke again, but I eventually did. Two things, though, now keep me from drinking soft drinks on a regular basis: (1) the high sugar content is just not good for me, and (2) I just can't trust servers in restaurants, etc. not to make an honest mistake and serve me a Diet Coke instead. That actually happened to me twice after that. I can't put my life in danger like that again. If I do have a craving for a Coke, like I did on the plane flying back from Tucson on Sunday, I have to request the entire can so that I can see what I'm drinking.

    So, I pretty much drink water all the time now, or coffee and tea, and wine with dinner.

    Edited to add: the funny thing is that as I was having that initial allergic reaction, while DH was rushing around trying to save my life with meds to counteract the reaction, I distinctly remember that MY thought was that this, darn it, might ruin my Thanksgiving the next day, if I was going to end up in the hospital instead. It's funny what you can be thinking at really critical times in your life (LOL)!

  • sas95
    7 years ago

    I never drank soda. It was never allowed in our house when I was growing up, and I never developed the taste for it. I'm thankful for that. I drink either water or seltzer. Sometimes flavored seltzer. Never anything with artificial sweeteners.

  • czarinalex
    7 years ago

    I do like drinking carbonated beverages. I used to drink diet no caffeine coke exclusively. Cut way back a few years ago. I know the artificial sweeteners aren't good for me. I do still have the smallest bottles in the pantry. Every now and again, i get a craving for one. I mostly drink flavored seltzers. I was never much of a water drinker. I do have to watch my caffeine intake in the afternoon/evenings. Too much and I have trouble sleeping, so that limits my ice tea drinking.

  • LucyStar1
    7 years ago

    I have been drinking regular Classic Coke and plain seltzer water (50% Coke, 50% seltzer water). That assuages my guilt somewhat.

  • tinam61
    7 years ago

    I've never been much of sodas. I like the taste of Mt. Dew (not diet), but not worth the sugar and the caffeine. I rarely drink caffeine. I drink lots of water, usually just plain but sometimes with a slice of lime. I make a pitcher of tea daily, mainly for my husband (who works from home) but I usually drink a glass with dinner. It's decaf.

  • User
    7 years ago

    My vice is Diet Coke. I've quit in the past but inevitably come back to it eventually. I do try to limit myself, though. I don't drink one after the other, as I do know they aren't exactly good for one's health. When I've quit, I've gone cold turkey at times and have also slowly weaned myself off them at other times. I feel better when I'm drinking water, but I just don't like to do it ... makes me have to pee all the time. It must be my English genes, but over the past few years I've become very attached to hot tea. That can be very dehydrating, though, so I do try to force myself to drink more water. In fact, this is a good reminder for me to get up right now and go fill my glass.

  • dedtired
    7 years ago

    I confess to drinking Diet Coke at lunch nearly every day. I like the crisp taste and the caffeine jolt. I used to drink DC with no caffeine at night but have switched to Sparking Ice, which, judging from the list of ingredients, is just another chemical stew. Plain water doesn't do it for me, I miss the carbonation. Seltzer water has a bitter taste, as does San Pellegrino and other sparkling water.

  • aok27502
    7 years ago

    We weren't allowed sodas growing up. There was always Coke in the house, but it was Dad's and we couldn't have it without permission. I did develop a taste for soda as an adult, and had a pretty good Mt Dew habit for a long time.

    Somewhere along the line, I gave it up for Lent, and really didn't miss it that much. I still have a Pepsi once a week or so, but otherwise drink water or brew tea. I make the tea vaguely sweet, as DH prefers it unsweet. Never did diet drinks or artificial sweeteners.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    I wasn't allowed soda growing up, either. It was expensive and my mother felt that water was just fine. We always kept a jug of ice water in the refrigerator. So I never developed the taste for soda and when I did have it, found it way too sweet.

    I love ice cold water! I prefer it with ice, and yes, I DO chew on the ice cubes and my dentist says it has not caused me any harm yet (I'm 73!).

    The only soda I enjoy occasionally in the summer is ginger beer. It's not easy to find and it's pricey (Whole Foods does carry it). I love the rich ginger taste but then I love anything ginger. I buy a carton in July and it lasts me a month.

  • tishtoshnm Zone 6/NM
    7 years ago

    I grew up liking soda. There were limits on how much we could drink but there were also ways around that.

    As an adult, there are times when an ice cold soda tastes fantastic, like on a hot afternoon when toiling outside in the garden. Sometimes when I am tired and have a lot of work to do, a soda here and there helps me do what has to be done. There are also lots of times when the soda just does not taste all that good. I have never drunk diet. I had tried and tried but but I never got over the aftertaste.

    Now, we treat sodas as a treat. The kids have it on the weekends, just one a day, starting Friday evening. Sometimes it is diet and sometimes regular (except for the diabetic who always has diet). Kroger stores also have a very good real sugar soda. It is a bit more expensive because it comes in an 8 pack but that is also a way of us limiting the consumption by not purchasing more.

    I am halfway through a Whole-30 diet challenge that involves no sugar at all for 30 days and I have to say that there have only been a few times I wished for a soda, so hopefully I will be able to keep consumption down. Soda is also getting more expensive to where I am not that keen on taking that much money out of the grocery budget (although a really good ginger beer every couple of months would be worth the price).

  • Fun2BHere
    7 years ago

    I never drank anything but water until I started working insane hours and needed a caffeine jolt. I don't like coffee or tea so I would drink Diet Coke. I still like the taste of Diet Coke, but I rarely drink it these days.

  • MtnRdRedux
    7 years ago

    I never drank soda, my family were water drinkers before it was fashionable. We have literally never purchased soda in our home; but I have let the kids try it when we are out. Two of them hate it and one of them loves it!

    I never developed a taste for coffee.

    We are very big iced tea drinkers. Not just tea, but tisanes. We pretty much have home brewed iced tea in our fridge year round. We cold brew it.

  • deegw
    7 years ago

    Anglo, all our grocery stores (including Target) carry ginger beer. It is in the mixer aisle. My drink of choice lately has been a Moscow Mule so I have tried lots of ginger beers :)

  • Oakley
    7 years ago

    Are you talking about pop? I'd feel silly calling it soda. My parents rarely kept it in the house but when I did drink a pop it was always a Crush flavor.

    I suppose I'm addicted to diet A&W Rootbeer. I keep it in the house in small plastic bottles, but I only drink one a day, and even then I don't drink the whole thing.

    Water in the summer is great, but not in the winter with a meal. For example, when I eat Taco's, water won't cut it. lol Some foods just call out for a flavored drink while eating.

    For me I drink water, coffee, and 1 pop a day. I used to love iced tea but it has too much caffeine for me. I can drink ten cups of coffee and sleep like a baby. One cup of tea keeps me up.

    Oh yes, since our tiny town got a Sonic a few months ago, I've had several chocolate milkshakes. :)

  • legomom23
    7 years ago

    Diet Coke here, although I will drink a Diet Pepsi if that's all I can get. I drink one a day - in the morning. I don't drink coffee. I like the fizz. I should switch back to regular Coke and see if I can cut it with something. It's an awful habit. I know it's all chemicals and terrible for me, but I still go back. I have quit for months at a time, and then I'll have one a week, then slowly work myself back into 1 a day.

    When I was successful quitting, I drank unsweetened tea or Pallegrino with a splash of cranberry juice and lime. I don't keep any soda in the house, but McDonald's has the best anyway:)

  • Olychick
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I agree Oakley, have never called it soda, always pop. Since so many people have moved to the NW from other parts of the country, I think many more folks call it soda around here now. But since I don't drink it, I seldom say either of the words.

    I used to love Pepsi but didn't drink it too often. Always tried to cut calories by drinking Tab and Fresca; even writing those words initiates a gag reflex in me....blech!

    Now I love bubbly water, plain or with added unsweetened flavors, usually a small amount of fruit juice. I love Spindrift brand bubbly water. Esp the blackberry and lemon flavors. From 0 (lemon) calories to 10 or 15 for the other kinds, it's my go to treat drink. Keeps me from wanting a glass of wine, when I don't want alcohol or the calories.

  • User
    7 years ago

    Oakley, where are you from originally? I thought you weren't that far from me, but here we would never, ever call it "pop." Soda even seems to be a relatively new addition to our lexicon, as it's almost always just been "a Coke." "I want a Coke" can mean that I want a Pepsi or even a Dr. Pepper. For some reason, it's long been a relatively generic term. ;-)

  • tinam61
    7 years ago

    Same here Ida, it's all called coke. No soda or pop.

    Oakley, tea comes decaf also.

  • Iowacommute
    7 years ago

    My dad always bought pop so we always drank it. I still drink it but find I really go in spurts with it. Right now I'm in one where I have one pop a day, eh and I think I'm ready for it to end.

    I did go cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant. I have never liked coffee or tea, and I even limited myself to a tiny piece of chocolate about once a week. That coninured through nursing and a couple of months after so abolsutely no caffeine for about 2 1/2 years.

    I guess having a baby is the extreme for quitting carbonated beverages, but I've done it other times like when I start a round of P90X. I'm working so hard I don't want to ruin it with empty calories.

  • always1stepbehind
    7 years ago

    I don't like diet soda. I don't like the weird after taste. I don't drink soda often but when I do I like it icy cold. Coke, Pepsi, Mtn, Dew, Dr. Pepper. Barqs (sp?) root beer. I do keep ginger ale or seven up on hand for when my stomachs feeling funky though.

  • Funkyart
    Original Author
    7 years ago

    Everything I drink must be icy cold.. in fact, I won't drink without ice cubes. Well, wouldn't. When I started drinking the bottles of Hint water, I gave up on the ice. I keep a bottle at my desk. It starts out cold.. but by the end of the day, not so much.

    Fizzy water is, for me, a gateway to soda. I drink diet pepsi because it is less sweet.. and I prefer the fountain sodas which are even more carbonated water than syrup. I also drank fresca and diet ginger ale.. but the diet pepsi was about the fizz.

    I was doing really well until I created this post lol.. now that I am reading all the responses.. I want a diet pepsi. :(

    I am not really sure why tea bothers your sleep more than coffee, Oakley.. as coffee has more caffeine.

    Iced tea has never upset my sleep.. but I am doing much better with sleep since I stopped coffee after noon most days.

    I never liked sweet tea. I am just not a sugar lover.. I like pastries.. and pie.. but things that are dripping with sugar? Not my choice usually.

    Thanks for sharing all your experiences!

  • Sueb20
    7 years ago

    I like Diet Coke and used to drink more, but I've weaned myself except for a "treat" once in a while. I never actually buy it at the grocery store. Fountain soda upsets my stomach and I don't really like coke in a bottle, so I only will drink Diet Coke from a can. Kinda limits when and where I can get it, so that helps cut down. I might pick up a can at a convenience store when I'm driving, or at CVS when I just have a craving.

    I drink hot tea in the morning, then water all day. Love iced tea in the summer, unsweetened.

  • joaniepoanie
    7 years ago

    I never developed a taste for coffee. For years and years I drank Diet Pepsi all day. When working I would fill an insulated liter water bottle in the morning with ice to the top, then Diet it wasn't a full liter of just Pepsi. I would nurse that all day at work. It was my morning jolt instead of coffee. By afternoon it was more like cola flavored water. Then I would come home and drink caffeine free in the evening.

    I guess about two years ago when I retired I decided it was time to get off the soda. I now drink home brewed ice tea with a little Stevia and lemon. I make a half gallon pitcher. I do not drink it full strength. I fill a glass with half ice, then fill 3/4 with water, then top it off with a splash of ice tea. More like tea flavored water.

    I still drink Diet Pepsi but only when we go out to it's a treat now. Now if I could just do the same with ice cream!

  • writersblock (9b/10a)
    7 years ago

    I used to drink diet coke but I was never crazy about the taste of any diet soda, so when the fruit-flavored, unsweetened seltzers came out, I switched to those. But then several years ago when there was a study showing a possible correlation between fizzy drinks and pancreatic cancer, I figured, "What the heck," and switched to just plain water. Nowadays I do get a craving for ginger beer when I have a high fever, but otherwise that stuff just doesn't appeal to me.

  • User
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Ah yes. Coca-Cola. I considered not posing this because it's rather horrific. Oh well.

    We never drank much soda growing up. We'd have a glass once in a while on the weekends if we had pizza or were at a birthday party. We basically drank water. I do like water.

    I've struggled with Coke on and off throughout my adult life. It started to become a regular thing when I worked in a restaurant while I was attending school. Fountain soda is wonderful and I actually prefer Pepsi if I'm drinking one.

    A few years later my job was near my grandparents house and I would go visit them during my lunch and they always offered me cans of Coke which I gladly accepted. I started buying soda at home and it quickly became a multiple can a day habit. My average was usually five.

    I discovered I much prefer my soda in a can. I love the carbonation. I always say the first three sips are the best. DH would open a Coke for me and pretend he was going to drink it because of this. :) I like the fizzy burn. I can't stand flat soda and won't drink it. I also like it cold. If I'm going to open a 2 liter I don't really care for it past day two. I'm one of those people that would order a Coke with my breakfast eggs in a restaurant. I would especially always want one after eating. The junkier the food the more the craving was. If I chose to resist, the craving would leave after about 15-20 min.

    Then there was a time where I was literally drinking 2 liters of soda, myself, a day. That was not a typo. 2 liters. Myself. It got to the point where I can say that I would have preferred to just drink soda and not eat. Obviously you can't do that and I didn't. I've always been pretty much a water or Coke person. I do like Dr. Pepper but never got into buying it. Oh yeah, when I was drinking gallons of the stuff I would actually get highly irritated at DH if he would drink any. (He's a water and coffee drinker.) I certainly didn't want to run out. Not even kidding. I was ridiculous. Never had any sleep issues from all the caffeine.

    I am aware of how much havoc it does to your body. I do stop for long periods of time and I can say that if I pick one back up it doesn't even taste good at first. I've been soda free again for five months. I find it's best for me to go cold turkey. It's never been that I couldn't stop but that I didn't want to at that time. It still was rough saying goodbye to all that sugar, caffeine, and their pretty red logo.

    These days I drink 60-80oz. of mostly pure water a day. I also like Schwepps orange or black cherry seltzer water and grape and black cherry Zevia! (Stevia flavored carbonated water in an overpriced can.) If I am going to eat a slice of pizza a carbonated flavored water does the trick for soda.

    Ha, and now I really could drink a Coke. :)

  • littlebug zone 5 Missouri
    7 years ago

    I used to drink at least two 12 ounce bottles of Diet Coke every day. I finally quit cold turkey about 1.5 years ago. I also cut waaay back on artificial sweeteners. In the first 6 months I lost 20 pounds.

    But even today, I crave Diet Coke. Like someone else said, in a can is best. Or, I used to put my 12 ounce bottle in the freezer for 15 minutes to make a few ice crispies inside the bottle. Heavenly.

  • Funkyart
    Original Author
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Shee ha.. not sure I was ever up to 2 liters but there was a time I was drinking 1 liter a day. Ice cold. With ice. I also like soda after a meal. I also like the burny fizz. I think that's why I think the carbonated water would lead me back to the diet pepsi.

    This isn't the first time I've quit soda. I used to quit every spring.. and then I didn't. I drank it year round. Fresca at times in the summer, diet ginger ale in the winter and pepsi all through the year.

    I am not up to 60oz of water yet. I probably drink 60-80 oz of water and coffee combined, I need to do better-- but for now I celebrating dropping the soda.

  • MtnRdRedux
    7 years ago

    I forgot about Fresca, I do like that taste but TBH carbonation kind of hurts my tongue, if that isn't too weird!

    Republic of Tea has some good iced teas we make in the summer.

  • Iowacommute
    7 years ago

    My MIL would go through a 12 pack of Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper a day before she had her heart problems.

  • Funkyart
    Original Author
    7 years ago

    I use Republic of Teas for my iced tea.. and also a loose tea called Midsummer Night's Dream that has fruit in it. I like Blackberry Sage and Ginger Peach from RoT.

    I've always been an iced tea drinker.. just not exclusively.

  • neetsiepie
    7 years ago

    My mom used to buy RC cola when we were kids and I remember drinking that when we had Italian sub sandwiches on Saturdays, and maybe some with pizza. I didn't really like Coke, but when Diet Coke came out I got hooked on it.

    Later I discovered Diet Pepsi and that was it-I was addicted. I would only drink it ice cold over ice-lots and lots of ice. I would drink a couple a day-I was that hooked on it. Then I couldn't tolerate the caffeine so I switched to caffeine free DP. But then they changed the formulation and I didn't like it much any more. I started drinking grape soda-oh boy did I drink grape soda. And I found that you could buy it as a fountain drink. Then I just stopped drinking it. I bought myself a really cute water bottle-and at work we got a new filtered faucet and I started drinking water.

    I LOVE Costco brand water-it's got minerals added for flavor and I love it so much-when it's refrigerated it's almost as good as a cold beer on a hot day, but it's got such a good flavor that I can actually drink it at room temperature.

    Since I cut out pop I have dropped 25 lbs. On occasion I will have a diet soda-diet coke if that is all that is available, or I keep some caffeine free diet Pepsi in the fridge as an occasional treat. But it's just not nearly as quenching any more. I find myself drinking a lot more of the water. In fact, I just bought another case of Costco water today. Even my DH is finding he likes it. Our tap water is actually very good-but our pipes are old so we don't get good flavor, but I happily drink it from fountains or restaurants.

    I absolutely cannot drink tea-any flavor or blend. I've tried some herbal teas that don't contain tea leaves at all, but I don't care for them. Coffee, on the other hand, is necessary for me. But since I like cold drinks, I stick more to water now.

    By the way-I read that Pop is the most often used term in the PNW, followed by soda.

  • Oakley
    7 years ago

    Ida, I may have gotten the term from my parents who moved here from VA. after they married. I rarely hear either word in a conversation so I may have to take a poll among my friends. lol

    Shee, I don't think you're alone in drinking that much pop, I know people who used to and may still do, drink can after can a day. I cannot drink pop from a can. My eye's water and it's just too strong. Always in a glass with ice cubes.

    In the past I couldn't tolerate anything sugar free, the after taste did it for me. But when I tried diet A&W, which doesn't have caffeine, I can't tell the difference between it and regular A&W.

    Do you all remember the old A&W drive-in's where they sold their Rootbeer in frosty cold mugs? Now that was a treat!

  • diane_nj 6b/7a
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    We were a quart of Pepsi a day family growing up. I still drink regular Pepsi (I like the smaller cans), diet root beer, diet Dr. Pepper, and a couple of the local stores now carry diet Vernor's (yay!). I dislike diet colas with a passion, they all have a nasty bitter aftertaste to me, no matter what sweetener is used. I don't find the aftertaste as noticeable with the diet root beers or ginger ales.

    I don't drink as much as I used to, my bubbles now come from flavored seltzers (or champagne, but that's a whole 'nother story). The Polar brand has flavors that I like, Pink Grapefruit, Black Cherry, Blackberry, Blueberry, and some "tropical" blends.

  • tinam61
    7 years ago

    Such an interesting thread. Shee, that is alot of coke and it is kind of scary when you do actually look at what is IN a coke. Whoever mentioned diluting tea with water, I may get my hubby to try that. He drinks alot of water, but I sometimes think he might be drinking too much tea. Yes, artificial sweetners do have an awful after-taste and they are not good for you either. I've never been into the fizz, or bubbles (although I did used to like Fresca!). There are some flavored waters I like. I didn't acquire a taste for coffee either (we don't even make it in our home unless it's for guests!), but I can get into a good flavored iced coffee. I'm not one that needs a "kick" of caffeine, and it is hard on my stomach. This thread had me thinking, I don't even think we have any "coke" (soda, pop LOL) in the house, unless there is a sprite somewhere, I do like to have that on hand in case of tummy issues.

    I was looking at a magazine yesterday that had some fruit juice summer drinks that looked tasty. I do like the chick-fil-a frosted strawberry lemonade and would love to find a low cal, healthier version.

  • jakabedy
    7 years ago

    I don't care for the taste of colas (Coke, Pepsi) or those quasi-colas (Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb). I think I probably had one sip sometime as a child and never tried them again. I do like the lemon-lime sodas (Sprite, 7-up -- as a kid I remember getting Teem a lot), but don't like them enough to actually buy them to keep at home. I did go through a Sunkist phase for a couple of years, but then kicked the habit. DH will bring me back a couple of boxes of Grapico when he goes back to Alabama for business -- can't get that delicious nectar out west. I don't care for the taste of artificially sweetened drinks, so I've never had to struggle to get "off" of them. I just drink the sweetened version or nothing.

    I don't drink juices, or even coffee. My regular drink is unsweetened iced tea (brewed). Other than that, I drink water -- ice cold water.

  • cattyles
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I love water. I am never without water. I like it cool but not cold, no ice. If I am at home I drink tap water. Every once in a while I brew up some good old sweet tea but I have never liked cokes or any sweetened carbonated beverage. I drink fully caffeinated coffee with a small glug of half n half until lunch time. Sometimes at night before I go to sleep I fantasize about my first cup of coffee in the morning. :-)

    ETA- I never bought cokes for home and definitely never had it in the house while my son was growing up but he picked up the habit at school and at his friends' houses. He struggled with his weight until he gave it up. Since cutting out cokes and fast food, he has lost a little over 100lbs.

  • robo (z6a)
    7 years ago

    I love the taste of cold diet coke. I like regular, too.

    I have really tried to cut down on diet coke since reading about artificial sweeteners' potential to alter gut bacteria leading to obesity. I probably drank 300mL diet coke or pepsi a day on average. Now I might drink one a month or every two months. I use coffee and tea for my caffeine (right now just tea). For a treat I go with lime or lemon in sparkling water.

  • jojoco
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I would probably have a diet soda habit if it weren't for caffeine ( which I have avoided for about 20 years ) and for the carbonation. The fizz has always burned my throat. Occasionally I will sacrifice it for a Fresca, ( hi mtn!) but not often. I always assumed carbonation hurt everybody's throat but people just dealt with it. I was surprised to learn otherwise. None of my four kids drink soda either.

  • texanjana
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    My mom didn't buy soda when I was growing up, and I didn't buy it for my kids either. A coke was a rare treat when eating out at a restaurant. Two of my kids don't like soda, and one does. I drank Tab in college, but never developed what I would call a soda habit. I will drink a diet Dr. Pepper on occasion, but don't buy it or keep it in the house because DH will drink it, and I really think it is unhealthy. I don't know if it's related, but my mother drinks a huge amount of diet coke and she has terrible osteoporosis and has broken both of her hips. I drink coffee in the morning, then water. I do love unsweetened iced tea, too.

  • Bluebell66
    7 years ago

    As kids, my family only ever had soda if we were camping, which was a couple of times each summer. We could each choose two or three small bottles of Faygo to last the trip. Faygo had the best flavors! My parents were always mindful of the added sugar even back in the 70’s. Now, 40 years or so later, I mostly drink water and very rarely drink any sort of soda. If I do drink soda it's a diet root beer or Diet Coke.

  • Melissa Kroger
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I am a Diet Coke addict. I drink several a day, always ice cold in the can. Growing up, we never had soda in the house. If I was thirsty my choices were tap water, milk or orange juice. For birthdays we could have one glass of strawberry pop and it was a huge treat! I started drinking Diet Coke in my early twenties and only gave it up during each of my three pregnancies. I don't drink it often when I'm out of the house, I don't like fountain drinks so rarely order it. When we travel abroad I never drink it at all, so maybe I need to move to Europe lol. DH would never drink a soda- he thinks it's pure poison. He drinks huge amounts of water, The kids were never allowed to have any at all. My two grown sons only drink water or juice and harass me about my habit. My 18yo daughter will occasionally have a sprite in a restaurant, but drinks tons of water. I know I need to stop drinking it, but so far I've been unsuccessful.

  • deegw
    7 years ago

    texanjana, my MIL drank a ton of soda for years and now has terrible osteoporosis. Until the Dr got it under control her vertebrae would randomly, painfully break for no reason at all.

    I have read that there are connections between soda and osteoporsis but they aren't clear. She really does not have any other risk factors besides her diet.

  • User
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Drank Double Cola as a kid. That was a treat on weekend nights only.

    In my 20s I drank Tab. Nasty tasting stuff as I recall.

    Dh has been drinking diet Pepsi, Barq's Root Beer and Vernor's Ginger Ale. Ironically, he told me today when his current stash is gone he's not buying more. Good for him!

    I drink lots of water in the warm months. Not so much when it's cold ... not that we have much cold weather anymore.

    Btw, I'm originally from northern Indiana where soda is called pop. Got a lot of kidding about that when I moved south. Quickly learned to call everything Coke.

    Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke: