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UMass Extension InsectXaminer - Gypsy Moths

"One thing you don't have to worry about this spring? Gypsy moth! Thanks to the gypsy moth caterpillar killing fungus, Entomophaga maimaiga, the recent outbreak of this invasive insect has come to an end! Most locations in Massachusetts will not see damaging or even noticeable populations of this insect in 2020. Missing gypsy moth already? Check out Episode 1 of InsectXaminer to reminisce about the 2015-2018 outbreak of this insect!"


A free short video series highlighting the incredible world of insects!

The InsectXaminer short video series hopes to increase the visibility of the beautiful world of insects, even those we consider to be pests in our managed landscapes. InsectXaminer will showcase the complexity of insect life cycles, cataloging as many life stages for each species as possible. The goal of this series is to provide professionals and land managers with footage that is helpful for learning the identification of insects throughout the season, rather than at any single point in their life cycle. Proper identification is key to successful management. If possible and caught on camera, important aspects of their biology and natural enemies will be revealed."