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The good, the bad and the ugly of wearing masks

3 years ago

Wearing a mask at the grocery store I have found that I actually talk to myself - as in out loud. Instead of thinking in my head, 'oh this is on sale I'll grab 2' I find myself saying it quietly to myself! Or I'll see someone wearing something odd and say to myself 'wow that's unfortunate', she must not have a mirror'. Should I worry? Not sure if this really qualifies as the good, but I keep myself entertained. On the bad side, I brought home a large bag of grapes without having a taste test at the store as I would pre-mask. They were so sour I tossed them all to the crows. And as cute as some young things look in their masks I just look sad and have not found eye makeup to be any help at all.

Anything you've noticed good, bad or ugly in this new masked world?

Comments (47)

  • Fori
    3 years ago

    Wait...back up...forget the mask for a minute! I didn't know it was a thing to test grapes before buying!

  • Bestyears
    3 years ago

    The worst thing for me is trying to open produce bags without licking your fingers -which of course we can no longer do. I've actually given up using produce bags for many, many things, but sometimes I like to corral all of my potatoes together, or all of my peaches, that kind of thing. Now that they are letting us take our own bags into stores again, maybe I'll have to buy some permanent produce bags.

  • DLM2000-GW
    Original Author
    3 years ago

    Hahaha Fori! My mother always tested one so I always test one! Now that I think about it, smelling peaches is going to be tough now, too!

  • schoolhouse_gwagain
    3 years ago

    I began asking for my produce be put into the small brown paper bags, when I got to the register. But also a couple times I requested one or two to carry with me while I browsed the produce. That was when I was using my own cloth bags. I haven't noticed anybody using their own bags so far in my local grocery stores.

  • schoolhouse_gwagain
    3 years ago

    Yes, and choosing apples - I really have to eye them carefully before picking one up as I don't feel comfortable putting it back into the pile. Maybe I'm being too cautious.

  • hhireno
    3 years ago

    Best, I’ve always (long before CV) wiped the cart handle and kept the wipe to dampen my fingers for opening the produce bag. Could I be touching the one spot on the wipe that touched a germ on the handle? Sure, but I think that chance is very small.

  • Rory (Zone 6b)
    3 years ago

    I find everything disorienting when wearing a mask. I don't go out nearly as much because I hate the feeling. I swear I can't see or hear the same when wearing a mask and I don't notice a lot of things - like cars pulling out of parking spaces or other people around me. I have trouble hearing when I don't wear a mask, in a mask it's like being underwater. I think I rely more on lip-reading than I was aware of.

  • LynnNM
    3 years ago

    Like Bestyears, I too have had such a frustrating time trying to open those plastic produce bags while wearing a mask! I was constantly searching for any damp produce that I could wet my finger on, most of the time to no avail. And then another shopper took pity on me and gave me this great suggestion on how to do it: Wear one of those disposable “rubber” gloves on the hand you use to open the bags. Works every time! DH has been cautioning friends not to wear those gloves thinking that they’ll keep you safer, because touching your face with or without gloves will still transmit the same germs. Some people wearing them think they will keep them safer and then do touch their faces. Not good! But, just wearing the one if you’re going to be shopping for produce can save you a lot of hassle!

  • Fun2BHere
    3 years ago

    I, too, have some difficulty hearing people who are wearing a mask. I have trouble breathing in a mask and trip over things because my downward vision is impaired. When I look down, the mask pushes up into my eyes which sort of defeats the purpose, I think. I spend as little time as possible wearing a mask so I make more, shorter in duration, trips. If we will need to wear masks forever, I'm going to have to have some custom-made to fit my face.

  • llitm
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I remember my mother also tasting produce.

    I was in HD one day in April wearing an N-95 with several items to purchase or investigate so was there for about 30 minutes when I became lightheaded and foggy. Couldn't remember what I was looking for, which aisle the item was on, etc. When I got to the checkout, I asked the associate if she has "issues" with the mask. She concurred that she absolutely has to take it off when she doesn't have a customer or she'll get foggy and a little lightheaded. No more N-95's for me!

    I carry wipes with me throughout all stores and pick up items with the wipe.

    Sure will be nice to get our old lives back!

  • jojoco
    3 years ago

    I find myself clenching my teeth in grocery stores while wearing my mask. I need to remind myself to relax. Don't think I'll be able to, though. CT is still very much masks everywhere.

  • DLM2000-GW
    Original Author
    3 years ago

    I haven't used plastic produce bags in a long time (plastic alternative) but when I did, I would just touch thumb and forefinger to lettuce or some other produce that is wet to be able to open the bags. There's always moisture available in the produce section.

    schoolhouse it's nice that you are thinking of others but I would not worry about looking at an apple and putting it back, I still pick up products and read labels and if there's something I don't like will put it back. I'm cautious and have cleaning routines that I'm comfortable with but no I'm longer scared to death about every little thing I do the way I was 3 months ago.

  • Sueb20
    3 years ago

    I’m laughing because I found myself talking to myself in my mask at the market the other day too!

  • seagrass_gw Cape Cod
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Fori - I read a long discussion on one of these forums (can't remember which one) about tasting grapes before buying. I always taste one, and have asked my husband to do that now since he is the one doing our grocery shopping. I have bought grapes advertised as "seedless" only to get them home and find they have seeds. I've also had the same experience as the OP and had grapes so sour I had to throw them away. There were people in the discussion who thought it was wrong, that it was the equivalent of stealing from the store. But when I pay for grapes and have to throw them away or spit out seeds I have no problem with sampling one grape.

  • Feathers11
    3 years ago

    We are masks everywhere here. The most important thing I do is make eye contact with the store employees. We still express emotions through our eyes--so don't forget to look at the people serving you.

    Early on when we had to wear masks, one of the young checkout girls at my local meat market struck up a conversation and complimented me about something... I don't recall what... but it was very sweet as we looked at one another. She had beautiful eyes, and although I had to strain to hear her words behind the shield, her eyes expressed her communication.

    Since then, I've made every effort to look at those working and thank them with my eyes. With masks, plastic shields, social distancing... our interpersonal communication has been impacted, and our eye contact is really important right now.

  • Denita
    3 years ago

    I so agree with you Feathers11.

    I have been looking at people's eyes because the mask covers the rest (nose, mouth).

    I noticed that you can really tell when someone is smiling - their eyes squint and it makes everything so much better.

  • pricklypearcactus
    3 years ago

    I have to be honest, I don't know how I feel about the idea of someone tasting produce. Not because I feel like it's stealing exactly, but rather I don't really want someone reaching in and eating one and then putting the bunch back for me to purchase later after one has been eaten. But I have been known to open a plastic container of blueberries and touch one to see if they're still firm or if they're so soft that they will go bad the next day or pick up an avocado to see if it's ripe, so perhaps that is just the same? Since COVID however, I am trying very hard not to touch anything but the actual item I am planning to purchase, whether it's produce or yogurt or anything. I just feel like I shouldn't be touching anything unless it's going into my cart to purchase to be considerate of others.

    I completely agree with the challenge of being understood with a mask on. Seems like every time I stop somewhere for takeout or to pick up prescriptions, I have to repeat my name numerous times because no one can hear me.

  • OutsidePlaying
    3 years ago

    I almost always run into someone I know when I’m out somewhere, even in the grocery store. DH and I stopped to buy a card last weekend for a couple we are close with for their 50th anniversary. We were meeting them at a restaurant to celebrate. On our way to the checkout, we passed someone in a mask who looked at me, I thought he looked a little familiar but we walked on. Then I heard him call my name. It was someone I worked with for many years on a test range who is getting ready to retire and was temporarily back in our city working for another year. We took off our masks and chatted for another 10 minutes, exchanged phone numbers again and went on our way. We would have recognized each other right away had not been for us all being masked.

    And I agree with you, Feathers.

  • DLM2000-GW
    Original Author
    3 years ago

    Sueb so glad I'm not alone!

  • Olychick
    3 years ago

    I, too, can't wear a mask too long or it impedes my oxygen. I always wear them when I shop (it's required here) but get in and out asap. Besides that, the biggest problem I've had is with earrings. My first foray out with a mask, I wore my black pearl studs. They are fairly good size and I have oversize gold backs on them to keep them safe. When I got in the car and pulled off the mask, the ear elastic hooked on the front of the earring and pulled it straight out of my ear and the back popped off to heaven knows where. Luckily, I was in the car, but knew if I couldn't find both pieces before exiting, either could fall off of my clothing onto my gravel driveway and I might never see them again. So I poked and prodded until I located both pieces and now don't wear earrings when I go out.

    The other problem is that I don't usually wear earrings at home and only pop them in when going someplace. That's been a lot of days without earrings and my earlobes are starting to reclaim the holes in my ears. I have to try to remember to wear them once in a while so the don't close.

  • lisaam
    3 years ago

    My job description in my business has changed. I used to manage our catering functions but now I'm a full-time baker. Catering events are making a very minor return after calling off the map.

    Working in a kitchen in a mssk with chocolate and buttercream is hot and sticky. I just made a contoured mask rather than the rectangle kind and that improves visibility especially when looking down. And I found scraps of some really pretty fabric that I got in Thailand so it makes me feel a little happy.

  • terezosa / terriks
    3 years ago

    I went to Joann fabrics yesterday for the first time since early March - all Simplicity patterns were on sale for $1.99, and I've had my eye on one. All of the employees were masked, but only about 30% of the customers were. I was a little surprised because I thought that people who sew would be up to their ears in homemade masks. 😊 I wore a dress that I had made with matching mask.

  • Oakley
    3 years ago

    I think I'm the lone dissenter, but you do know the virus is still here and getting worse in a lot of states?

    Wearing a mask makes me sweat, it messes with my oxygen (asthma) and the worst is it causes me to constantly touch my face because of an imaginary itch here and there.

    Lynn, I don't wear rubber gloves but I do wear plastic disposable cooking gloves. They're a great reminder for me not to touch my face. I still don't understand why more people don't use them. I still wear them when I walk down to get the mail.

    Sorry, I'm in a bad mood and missing my family's hugs and kisses.

  • Olychick
    3 years ago

    Oakley, missing hugs is hard!

    I don't understand your "lone dissenter" comment. I think everyone or most here are wearing masks! What are you dissenting about?

  • mainenell
    3 years ago

    I get the plastic bags for veggies open by rubbing them briskly between my hands. I’ve never had a problem with getting them to open doing that.

  • Zalco/bring back Sophie!
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    This is so funny since just today I could myself singing along with the music at the grocery store. My lips were moving and I was vocalizing behind my mask! I was pretty appalled at myself. My singing voice is not fit for public consumption.

  • terezosa / terriks
    3 years ago

    I've been doing pickup orders at the grocery store. I did try going in the store once, but people wouldn't keep their distance, and those plastic produce bags! Not worth the stress, and my grocery store is waiving their fee on pickup orders so...

  • blfenton
    3 years ago

    I don't taste the grapes but I will give them a little pinch and if they're soft I don't buy them. But not anymore - no more squeezing the grapes. Very few people are wearing masks at the grocery store but we don't go near one another - everyone gives everyone a lot of space.

    I am claustrophobic and have been practicing wearing one at home. I don't go places where they are required but I'm getting better at wearing them.

  • aok27502
    3 years ago

    I also mumble out loud, but I may have done that before.😏

    Last week I was entering the post office to check my box, and a woman was ahead of me. She opened both doors for me (with her hands ... ick. You can push with a hip or elbow.) Anyway, I muttered a thank you and turned the corner. Apparently I muttered too quietly through my mask, because I heard "YOU'RE WELCOME!!" in an irritated voice. I let it go. What I really wanted to say was "you'd understand if YOU were wearing YOUR mask. And by the way, don't touch the door handle."

  • bpath
    3 years ago

    Zalco, me too! Under my mask, I'm feeling freer to hum along, maybe even sing sotto voce, in the store and at my storage facility. Lots of places play "the music of my life" lol, all that 60s and 70s and early 80s rock and soft rock.

  • carolb_w_fl_coastal_9b
    3 years ago

    I do not go into the stores at all - just do curbside pickup, so my produce is what the shoppers pick for me and I just deal with it. I mainly buy organic, which tends to be better quality, so that helps somewhat. 99.9% of the time, it's been no worse than what I would have gotten in person.

    I never want to taste test anything at a store. I wash all produce before putting it my mouth; besides pesticides and bugs, somebody could have handled it with dirty fingers or sneezed on it!

    About the only time I wear a mask (& gloves) for any length of time is when I go into work - even though I go after closing and on weekends when nobody else is in the building. Some may think that is overdoing it, but our rec center was closed this past week after 2 kids tested positive, asymptomatic. It was only the second week of camp and nobody there has been wearing a mask! Ours was the second rec center that had to shut. Another had to close the first week that summer camp started, after one of the staff tested positive.

    I've always talked to myself anyway, sometimes out loud, sometimes under my breath.

    I wear glasses and the fogging can be a nuisance sometimes, depending on the mask style.

    What I notice the most is hearing my own breathing, and smelling my own breath after I've been wearing the mask for more than an hour or so.

    And it's annoying the way some will slip down when I'm doing a lot of talking, because I really, really do not want to touch the front!

    The ones that cover up & stay on the best, IMPE, are no-sew bandana/handkerchief ones, because they are so large. I put a couple of small safety pins in them to keep them together and be more form fitting.

    Before now, I would wear an N95 dust mask when spray painting or using my chipper/shredder, so it's not unfamiliar to me. Those have such tight elastic, though, that they can become painful after an hour or so.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    3 years ago

    I find the fit of the mask very important. Mine fits very comfortably so I don't touch it. Once it was still drying and I had to go out so I used DH's mask and I kept touching it as it's bigger and doesn't fit me well.

    I always keep a sani wipe with me on the cart handle when I usually stays damp the whole time or if not, I can refresh with the purell squirter they have by the door. I wipe my fingers after I touch anything and it's a way to dampen them to deal with the plastic produce bags. Then I wipe my hands really well once I get to the car to keep the car as virus free as possible.

  • Oakley
    3 years ago

    Oly, I'm shocked at how many people are going grocery shopping, out to dinner, bars, just everywhere. Yes, masks do help but the reason Covid was getting better is because we were staying home and using no contact drive through pick-up for groceries, meds, etc.

    Yesterday in OK, Covid cases rose by 222. This morning it rose overnight to 225. That's a lot considering many are in rural areas.

    The USA has/had over 2 million cases while no other country has even had a million.

    I think America jumped the gun in getting out of the house too soon.

  • DLM2000-GW
    Original Author
    3 years ago

    Oh I don't disagree with you Oakley - I think we did jump the gun in many places. It's possible but I doubt I'm the only one here who never did the no contact drive through or home delivery for groceries. I've been going to the store every two weeks or longer since the beginning of March - masked, hand washing etc. I have not used gloves and prefer to take my hand washing station with me to the store - always carry soap, water and a towel in my car and can wash right in the parking lot before I even touch my steering wheel. I far prefer that over sanitizer but we all do what feels appropriate for us.

    I have no intention of sitting in a restaurant anytime soon but have no problem social distancing on my porch with a friend and a glass of lemonade - a very recent addition to my activity. Other than that I've been home and not seeing anyone but DH. Some people here do have to go to work either from the beginning or as their workplace has started up again. From what I read of the people who post here, caution has been the rule. No one seems to be behaving foolishly.

  • artemis_ma
    3 years ago

    Hmmm, living alone I find myself talking aloud to myself, mask or no mask...

    I only find it uncomfortable when I'm having to wear it when it is hot and humid out. Then again I spent years working in a facility where we often wore N-95s to do our work - the dust masks I have now (which I'd bought last fall for chicken coop cleanout purposes) are a lot more comfortable than those, and they do tuck under the chin more so than the hand made cloth ones.

    I do notice that licking fingers to open those plastic produce bags is no longer possible - I spend what feels like ten minutes trying to open each and every one. Anything I'd eat raw (and unpeeled) needs to go into something like that.

    No one is handing out free samples these days, so that helps...

    Some positives: I can stick my tongue out at obnoxious fellow customers, and they'll never know. (I really haven't had to do that, but the option is available!) I'm sure I could think of more...

    I try not to handle things unless I plan to put them in my cart, but sometimes I do need to put things back. I do like reading ingredient lists - but I've pretty much stuck with tried and true items. I did find myself putting back a bottle of wine when I looked at the sticker (on its backside) that read $25.

    TBH, I haven't been to a real supermarket since March 16th. I did go a smaller market, not quite supermarket sized, but sort of geared to the healthier-eating crowd. I bring a paper towel to handle railings and doors, and I take advantage of Senior Hour.

    Normally I go to a small Mom and Pop in a small town nearby, but when I run out of things or brands I really want - or something beyond their limited produce - I need to gear myself up to go to that not-quite-a-supermarket. I will be heading there this Monday, as a matter of fact.

  • pudgeder
    3 years ago

    When I go out, I have been religiously wearing my mask. For the most part, I use grocery pick up, so that's not a big issue. We started into a local restaurant last week that has great Cajun food. A lot of people inside and there was NO social distancing. We left. Now we're sticking with curbside pick up if not home cooked.

    Masks aren't "required" here (in Oklahoma) but they are "suggested." Some places I guess can require them, like "no shoes, no shirt, no mask no service."

    However, what I have noticed is, the workers have masks, but may of them aren't wearing them properly! The mask doesn't do any good if the nose & mouth aren't covered up! Takes all I can to keep my mouth shut. Although, I guess I could say something quietly... under my mask.

  • nutsaboutplants
    3 years ago

    The mask pulls my top earlobes forward slightly, which then causes my glasses to slide. The struggle to keep my glasses AND my mask In place is real. I try to hold them in place with my hands which doesn’t work when you have a cart to push and produce to pick.

  • mtnrdredux_gw
    3 years ago

    I find the comfiest masks are the disposable light blue surgical ones. I don't care for some of the very large masks, I think they make people look like they have a huge bird beak. Some look like a bra cup. I like the pleated rectangular ones, as you can kind of customize them fit to the contours of your face.

    I just ordered a custom mask. It's a light blue chambray and in hot pink embroidery it says "vote."

  • bpath
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Nuts, I find that when I put on my mask, if I loop it over my ear and pull it back just a t@d more to go AROUND/UNDER the glasses, it seems to hold my glasses in place. It took me a couple of tries, but now I can do it easily.

  • carolb_w_fl_coastal_9b
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Haha - my sunglasses are large and round. With my fabric masks on, I think I look like a muppet. Barely any of my face shows. I often wear a baseball cap too, covering my hair.

    The disposable medical masks are the ones that slip so when I have to talk. My fabric ones don't do that.

    Old Navy has some nice solid colored fabric masks.

  • nutsaboutplants
    3 years ago

    bpath, great idea! Wish I had thought of it.

  • Fun2BHere
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Our hair salons opened so I went in for a cut and color today. I was appalled. No six foot distancing, most of the stylists were wearing their masks below their nose and some were not wearing a mask at all. Some customers were wearing masks, some were not. I had to ask for the stylist chair and shampoo chair to be disinfected. I'm glad I only go every 8 weeks.

  • DLM2000-GW
    Original Author
    3 years ago

    Oh @mtn I'd love a Vote mask! Will you share your source?

  • mtnrdredux_gw
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    There are a few out there. I am getting this but on a light blue background

    Etsy has several:

    I liked this one but is an example of the bird-beak style I don't care for.

    DLM2000-GW thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • Annie Deighnaugh
    3 years ago

    I have a hat from a volunteer project years ago that says "Safety Leader". I find it very empowering to nicely ask people to cover their noses when I'm in the store. It's amazing how a little thing like a hat can make people listen to you. Don't know if the "vote" message will be as impactful, but we can hope.

  • Gooster
    3 years ago

    This thread reminded me how difficult it is to open those darn produce bags, even by rubbing them. The biodegradable green bags are even worse, as they are too flexible for the rub method. I usually carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer so I can address my hands as needed.

    I went to a salon yesterday, and they wiped down the station, equipment, etc and sprayed between clients. People were texted in one at a time, and all the stations were spaced apart. It gave a lot more confidence to hear that the 140 people exposed to symptomatic stylists in Missouri did not have a single case yet, and all were in masks. A friend posted that her salon provides a masks and even tapes down the seams for the duration of the appointment (so the loops can be dropped).

  • Feathers11
    3 years ago

    That's good to read, Gooster, especially after Fun2BHere's experience.

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