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HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
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blomus HERBA Felt Storage Tray is perfect for organizing your home or office. Say goodbye to the mess and hello to a decorative way of organizing almost everything. The different sizes and colors can be playfully combined for a great presentation. The HERBA storage system, designed by Andreas Kowalewski, allows for personalized combinations to store or stow office items, beauty items or kitchen drawer miscellaneous necessities. The soft felt material with rounded edges brings warmth and calm to any area. Stack HERBA Trays and Pencil Holder to create a personalized arrangement. Made of felt. 1.4" / 3cm height means trays are also perfect for in-drawer storage

HERBA Felt Tray, Rustic Brown/Tan, XS
4 Reviews
Est. Delivery: May. 9 - May. 13 (to )
  • Color:Rustic Brown/Tan

    Fungi/Micro ChipRustic Brown/Tan
Qty: 1

  • Product Description
  • Product Specifications
  • Shipping and Returns
blomus HERBA Felt Storage Tray is perfect for organizing your home or office. Say goodbye to the mess and hello to a decorative way of organizing almost everything. The different sizes and colors can be playfully combined for a great presentation. The HERBA storage system, designed by Andreas Kowalewski, allows for personalized combinations to store or stow office items, beauty items or kitchen drawer miscellaneous necessities. The soft felt material with rounded edges brings warmth and calm to any area. Stack HERBA Trays and Pencil Holder to create a personalized arrangement. Made of felt. 1.4" / 3cm height means trays are also perfect for in-drawer storage

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