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Hey Rita

13 years ago

I finally bought Westbourne's Oranges for Christmas. I never would have bought it without your pictures. I also got the last two fans of So Blue Without Teresa. These were from Mary Jane. Then I was able to get Mom's Cinnamon Rolls form a secondary seller. I am staying off the auction now, bored or not. by the time I have planted everything I have ordered, I will be out of room.

I ordered a new bench for the butterfly garden today. I started googling "butterfly benches" and it took me to a site where the bench was an excellent price, so, I bought it.

Today, I finished preparing the bed for the first of the roses and some of the daylilies. I am ready to add amendments to the soil of the rest of the rose bed.

I am looking forward to having a new little rose garden. It will be opposite the new iris bed. I will post pictures sometime soon. There is a lot of work to do yet, but all of the weeds have been dug out, so the really horrendously aggravating part is done.

DH found one of the big gray fish lying dead on the bottom of the pond today. That is not good, and it has been at least six years since we lost a fish to anything but fish stupidity. One koi jumped out of the pond when it was about 8 inches long. This fish today weighed just over three pounds. I have got to get that pond finished, since the existing one is too small for all those fish.


Comments (2)

  • 13 years ago

    I think you will love ORANGES FOR CHRISTMAS. I know I do. CINNAMON ROLLS is really nice too. My SO BLUE WITHOUT TERESA hasn't bloomed but the picture looked gorgeous.

    As far as you staying off the Lily Auction, just wait until the cold weather comes around and your stuck inside bored with nothing to do. It will be really hard to stay off the Lily Auction then. We will see if we can both stay off, ha! I tossed a bunch of daylilies last week but I am still out of room :-((

    I am sure your rew rose garden will be really pretty. Are you putting your new bench in that area?

    Its hard to have a big enough pond no matter how big you make it. But from the size of your fish, they really do need a much bigger home.

    How big is the pond now? And how big are you going to enlarge it to? Or haven't you decided? I would make mine 3 times the size it is now if I could but of course its not possible.

  • 13 years ago

    After I plant all of the daylilies I have ordered, I really do need to stay off of the auction. I have gotten rid of quite a few daylilies, and I have several more that are marked to go.

    I won a lily Phil Korth had on the auction, but it was one of Karol's, not his.

    The pond will be about four times the size it is now. The current pond will actually be about triple the size it is, and it will connect to a channel that is about seven feet long and three feet deep to another pond a little bigger (and definitely deeper) that the current pond. The heat has been the hold up. You can only stand to be out for a little while in the heat. I will probably work on it a little while tomorrow.

    Hopefully the rose garden will turn out well. I have roses coming from Heirloom, Vintage, and one, Reine des Violettes, from Antique Rose Emporium. It at least is a two gallon size. A couple of the Vintage ones are one gallon, but all of the others are bands.

    I am looking forward to planting these roses. My others have done quite well this summer. Year before last, I planted two Wild Blue Yonder roses and I was originally not happpy with them. This year I love them. They are a pretty color, and the scent is sensational.

    And speaking of scents, I was in the garden yesterday, and suddenly smelled a fantastic fragrance. It was the rose Lady Like. There were about ten blooms on it, and it carried to the path and drew me to it. I cut a couple for the desk vase. The fragrance is as important as the color and shape to me, so I am very happy with the roses.

    The bench is intended for the butterfly garden, but it will be for both since the projected site is very close to the rose garden. Google "butterfly bench" and you will probably see it. It comes in several colors, is metal, and the butterfly part is the back of it. Of course it will be the same green as everything else in my garden.
