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My DH Just (Literally) Saved My Life!

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Thank goodness my sweet husband takes watching out for me seriously! Recently he found a suspicious mole on my back. It was small (less than 1/4") and right below where my bra strap crosses my back. It was flat, never hurt or itched, I had no idea it was even there! But, when DH was again checking my back for me, he saw that it was starting to have irregular edges and had 2 or 3 darker dots on it.

I had it taken off and biopsied right away, and it came back as a MALIGNANT MELANOMA !

If he hadn't insisted on checking me where I can't see myself, like my back, it would have been a long time growing before I'd found it myself. And, by that time it most likely would have metastasized and then killed me! But, the biopsy thankfully showed that all the margins were clean and it hadn't metastasized. I am beyond lucky ! And very, very grateful to my husband.

So why am I posting this here? Not for sympathy, because the lesion is gone and has not spread. I'm OK . . . now! I'm posting this here because it is so, so important that we all routinely get checked for possible skin cancers. Educate yourself, if you haven't already, as to what things you should watch out for. And do NOT put off getting anything suspicious checked by a doctor immediately. Especially if it shows signs of being a possible malignant melanoma like mine was. And have a family member or friend check your back for you. I'm posting a photo of a malignant melanoma that is not mine, but is very similar in how mine looked. Irregular edges and darker spots on it.

This has shaken me to my core, but I am ok. And, yes, because of this one, I now have to be followed by a dermatologist for the rest of my life, just in case another pops up. My hope is that it gets your attention to check yourself routinely, as well. Bad things do happen to good people, like us all. We all need to be proactive when it comes to our health!

Comments (31)

  • Springroz
    5 years ago

    OH, Lynn, I am so thankful!! I am constantly having my DH check my back!

    LynnNM thanked Springroz
  • Joaniepoanie
    5 years ago

    It never occurred to me to have my husband check where I can't see and vice versa. Thank Lynn......and SO glad you caught yours and you are OK!

    LynnNM thanked Joaniepoanie
  • Rita / Bring Back Sophie 4 Real
    5 years ago

    I am so grateful your sweet husband caught that growth, Lynn! You are a gem for reminding us to be educated and vigilante.

  • jojoco
    5 years ago

    Oh, so glad your husband found it!

    LynnNM thanked jojoco
  • tartanmeup
    5 years ago

    So so glad for you. Very lucky indeed. Thank you smart perceptive hubby!

    It's recommended we have annual whole body skin checks (between toes, scalp, ears...) but who does that? If you have a SO, enlist their help. Not a bad idea to take pictures of moles to see possible progression. Easy to forget how something looked six months ago. Thanks for sharing, Lynn.

    LynnNM thanked tartanmeup
  • eld6161
    5 years ago

    Oh my Lynn, what a scare. So grateful that you are okay.

    Excellent idea to have someone check where you can't see.

    I used to go to the dermatologist regularly but at one point she felt I did not need to see her.

    LynnNM thanked eld6161
  • lascatx
    5 years ago

    Glad it was discovered early and by someone who knew what to look for.

    LynnNM thanked lascatx
  • User
    5 years ago

    So so true! I’ve had 3 episodes in the last 2 years and immediately schedule a 6-month full body scan at the end of each check up. Good for you, Lynn!

    LynnNM thanked User
  • Annie Deighnaugh
    5 years ago

    Thank you for the reminder that everyone should go for regular body scans by a dermo. It isn't painful, zero side effects, except the knowledge that you are not showing signs of cancer.

    LynnNM thanked Annie Deighnaugh
  • rubyclaire
    5 years ago

    So glad you have an attentive DH and took action right away! It is a great reminder to have our regular whole body skin checks. I do this annually and as Annie says, it is not painful and there are no bad side effects. Other than having someone peaking around your naked body.

    LynnNM thanked rubyclaire
  • robo (z6a)
    5 years ago

    Great reminder! And so glad you are ok!

    LynnNM thanked robo (z6a)
  • DLM2000-GW
    5 years ago

    Lynn that is frightening but the best possible outcome. So glad your DH spotted it.

    LynnNM thanked DLM2000-GW
  • OutsidePlaying
    5 years ago

    Thank your DH for all of us! Great reminder.

    I go next week to my dermatologist. She, or her PA, always check me over thoroughly, but I check myself routinely and have my DH check my back too. My Dad had some precancerous melanomas removed when he was in his 60’s-70’s, I can’t recall. He was in the Navy in the early 40’s and we all know no one took care of their skin back in the day. He fished outside for years too. I have dark skin like he did but still worry it will happen to me.

    LynnNM thanked OutsidePlaying
  • czarinalex
    5 years ago

    Lynn, you are fortunate to find it early!

    My DH is prone to basal cell carcinomas. He has had several removed from his face. The last time he was at the derm. she noticed a small spot on his arm. My DH has had that spot his entire life. It was stage 2 malignant melanoma. Skin graft and overnight hospital surgery. Followed up with a PET scan. Thankfully, they got it all and it had not spread to lymph tissue. It CANNOT be stressed enough how important regular dermatologist skin checkups are.

    LynnNM thanked czarinalex
  • happy2b…gw
    5 years ago

    How fortunate, Lynn.

    LynnNM thanked happy2b…gw
  • Bonnie
    5 years ago

    Glad to hear Lynn. What a scare! A good reminder for us all.

    LynnNM thanked Bonnie
  • User
    5 years ago

    So happy to hear it was found early! And thank you for the reminder.

    LynnNM thanked User
  • cyn427 (z. 7, N. VA)
    5 years ago

    Yay for your husband! Thanks for giving us all a kick in the pants-we get so complacent. I will have DH look at my back in the morning! Thank you!!!

    LynnNM thanked cyn427 (z. 7, N. VA)
  • nutsaboutplants
    5 years ago

    So glad he was observant and that it’s taken care of! Thanks for the reminder to check regularly, with the help of our SOs if necessary.

    LynnNM thanked nutsaboutplants
  • neetsiepie
    5 years ago

    Very glad it was able to be removed cleanly. I knew a woman who's husband passed away at 34 years old due to malignant melanoma. It was on the bottom of his foot! Who looks at the bottom of their feet?!?

    Thank you for this reminder. I will schedule a derm appointment. I have several moles, none are suspicious but I am fully aware that my misspent youth coated in baby oil while baking on the beaches in Santa Monica can easily catch up to me.

    LynnNM thanked neetsiepie
  • sableincal
    5 years ago

    So happy for you, Lynn, that your DH discovered this, and that now you are fine! And I appreciate your reminder that we need to be tuned in to changes in our skin and that a good dermatologist is important for our health care. My dermatologist is a good friend; I see him regularly; several years ago he found and removed a squamous cell carcinoma on my collar bone that was just a tiny pink bump.

    Here we are in California and he rails against the sun and "the beach"; he is all for sun bloc and sun glasses and more time indoors. He's right!

    LynnNM thanked sableincal
  • gsciencechick
    5 years ago

    Oh, wow, Lynn, so scary!

    I do go for annual checks to the dermatologist for at least the past 5 years. I am fortunate I only have SK's (seborrheic keratoses) and occasional skin tags. I need to get DH to go since he has sandy blond hair and blue eyes.

    LynnNM thanked gsciencechick
  • tartanmeup
    5 years ago

    Yes, gsciencechick, he needs to go. And if he's ever suffered a blistering sunburn, his risk is even higher.

    In the last few years, I've gotten pretty familiar with UPF clothing and can vouch for the peace of mind it offers. It's expensive but easier than futzing with sunscreen.

    LynnNM thanked tartanmeup
  • eandhl2
    5 years ago

    Glad you are ok, kudos to your DH!!

    LynnNM thanked eandhl2
  • gsciencechick
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Yes, I have some UPF clothes I bought from REI. They're awesome. Hmm, maybe should buy him some as a Christmas gift since he is so hard to buy for since he has a December birthday, too. He is so skin sensitive even sunscreens are tough for him to wear although it seems the Neutrogena is OK.

    LynnNM thanked gsciencechick
  • tartanmeup
    5 years ago

    Great gift idea! As for sunscreens, sensitive skin often fares better with mineral ones (with zinc oxide and titanium oxide) than "chemical" ones (e.g. avobenzone).

    LynnNM thanked tartanmeup
  • mtnrdredux_gw
    5 years ago

    My goodness, so glad to hear you are ok. Thanks for the PSA.

    LynnNM thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • DYH
    5 years ago

    I'm so glad your husband found it! Even better, it was completely removed. Close call!

    I went to my annual dermatologist skin check a few weeks ago. I had a basal cell carcinoma on my right nostril back in 2014. MOHs surgery got it all, but it was frightening as I waited each round of removal until they got clear margins. Mine was itchy, but completely skin colored, so it wasn't noticeable to the dermatologist. I asked about it -- all the other "scary" looking places were benign, but that one "innocent" mole was cancer.

    LynnNM thanked DYH
  • pudgeder
    5 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your experience!

    LynnNM thanked pudgeder
  • Arapaho-Rd
    5 years ago

    So glad everything turned out ok. Those regular trips to the derm are worth it.

    LynnNM thanked Arapaho-Rd