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Home & House Stagers in Calgary

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Calgary / 50 mi
115 of 102 professionals
102 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Home & House Stagers in Calgary

DEKORA Home Staging & Design
Home & House Stagers in Calgary
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 20, 2014
“The team at Dekora are true professionals. They respect their client's opinions, work wonders on a budget and on tight deadlines. The final results are always impressive. I highly recommend their services.”
Furniture Connection
Home & House Stagers in Calgary
Average rating: 4 out of 5 starsAugust 28, 2015
“I used Furniture Connection to stage an infill house in Calgary, Alberta. The staff was extremely helpful and were able to clearly explain the process of their rental furniture to me - which was great as I do not have much experience staging homes and I had just moved to the city. Although they were very busy, they were able to accommodate several last minute meetings and drop-ins where I was able to make and adjust my selections. The only reason I did not rate 5/5 is because their stock was running quite low due to high demand in the summer. I would like to see more contemporary/modern bedroom furniture options and artwork. Overall excellent company! Photo by Nimji Real Estate Advisors Design & Layout by Hartung Design”
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