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Lighting Companies & Designers in Deer Park

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Deer Park / 50 mi
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926 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in Deer Park

Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Lighting Companies & Designers in Deer Park
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 29, 2012
“We are building our new home which is 8000 sq ft. We bought all our light fixtures, all the plumbing fixtures and kitchen appliances from Ferguson in Memphis TN. They are very professional and thorough in their business dealing. If there was any change of order or price, they dealt with it professionally. The prices were great as well! At first we were under the impression that Ferguson was an expensive store , but it completely changed once they price matched everything. Overall we would give them an A+.”
Houston Affordable Designs
Lighting Companies & Designers in Deer Park
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJuly 26, 2017
“Liz decorated our master and it is simply gorgeous! She was on time and on budget, while taking into consideration our special provisions (baby & pet friendly). It was great to have an outside objective opinion, and she makes everything so easy by ordering, returning, and arranging all of the appointments & pick ups. The room is everything I had hoped it would be!”
The Design Firm
Lighting Companies & Designers in Deer Park
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 3, 2012
“Kara and my design team at The Design Firm were excellent. I appreciated all the hard work put in by everyone and I was very impressed by the extent they took to take care of our liking. Even when a few things did not work out, replacing the accessories was no problem. I am so so happy with the end result (especially the large painting). I highly recommend them and I look forward to working with them again!”
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