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Prefab House Companies in Sacramento

The average cost for prefab houses ranges from $190,000 to $560,000.

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Sacramento / 50 mi
115 of 40 professionals
40 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Prefab House Companies in Sacramento

Prefab House Companies in Sacramento
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 3, 2021
“Very organized, knowledgeable, and professional. The perfect combination. Val has wonderful taste, and most importantly, gets things done. Couldn't ask for more.”
Tommasini Design Group
Prefab House Companies in Sacramento
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsSeptember 16, 2013
“I went into this project not really knowing what I wanted. I watched a lot of HGTV and had many conflicting ideas. The Tommasini Design Group was able to listen to my needs and wants and come up with a design that was more than I could have imaginged. I would highly recommend this business.”
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