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Real Estate Agents in Benbrook

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Benbrook / 50 mi
115 of 1,847 professionals
1,847 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Real Estate Agents in Benbrook

Real Estate Man DFW
Real Estate Agents in Benbrook
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 19, 2014
“SRG is made up of hard-working dedicated professionals. I have enjoyed working with the brokers and the entire staff. I would return again some day if I had the opportunity!”
Lardner Group
Real Estate Agents in Benbrook
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJuly 29, 2017
“Polished. Fine. Refined. Exquisite. Exceptional. With those words, you would think I was describing a piece of jewelry! However, I'm not. I'm describing my experience with the Lardner Group. Colin is educated. He is educated in the market, and pays attention to market trends, market prices, and the market movements. To hire a pro, I recommend the Lardner Group. If you want an amateur, simply choose anyone else.”
Nitin Gupta, Realtor®, CRS, GRI
Real Estate Agents in Benbrook
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 6, 2020
“Nitin has been extremely helpful through out the buying process and his knowledge of the market, process and overall ordeal of buying a home has been the real difference maker for us. Recommend him highly, especially if you are a first time buyer and need some guidance through out.”
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