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House Painters & Painting Companies in Berwick

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Berwick / 50 mi
115 of 89 professionals
89 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters & Painting Companies in Berwick

Stevin Zeske Painting
House Painters & Painting Companies in Berwick
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsDecember 5, 2020
“Steve has a happy demeanor and did an excellent job painting the exterior of our house. I would definitely call upon him again.”
360 Painting of Northeast PA
House Painters & Painting Companies in Berwick
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 23, 2016
“I could not have asked for a better crew! These guys were great, not just with the painting job, but also with my family and my dogs:) They are incredibly respectful and really nice guys; who seem more like an extension of my family rather than some people I hired. They went above and beyond what they were asked and/or paid to do. They made sure the job was done right, without shortcuts. They will be hired back every time I have a job to do!”
Barrall Painting
House Painters & Painting Companies in Berwick
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJuly 31, 2017
“Barrall Painting did an excellent job painting the exterior of our home! Nate was professional, reliable and completely transformed the look of our home by painting our aluminum siding, trim and shutters. We've received many compliments on the look of our home, and some people have even asked if we replaced the siding - it looks like new. I would highly recommend Barrall Painting.”
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